Topic: Bangkok Thailand- Meteor Shower?
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Tue 09/08/15 08:39 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Tue 09/08/15 08:53 PM
Thailand Meteorite.? 8:45am, Bangkok time, September 7th.

Dash -cam captured huge fireballs falling from the sky.

Image captured from a video clip uploaded on YouTube by user Porjai Jaturongkhahun, who said the fireball was seen on Sept 7 at 8.41am, and videos from an outbound lane on Ngam Wong Wan road.

A large, bright fireball was seen streaking across the northern sky of Bangkok about 8.40am on Monday, leaving a trail of smoke, with sightings also reported in Korat and Kanchanaburi.

Excited citizens immediately began posting messages, photographs and video on social media.

VIDEOS:�Compilation of five video clips of 'meteor explosion'

In Bangkok reports came from many different localities, including the Khlong Tan intersection, Phetchaburi road, Victory Monument and Vibhavadi Ransit, Rama 9, Sukhumvit and Rama 4 roads.
Citizens in Kanchanaburi in the western part of the country also said they also saw the flaming object pass over.

The Kanchanaburi� deputy governor said there was no report of a helicopter or aircraft crashed in the province. He assumed the light was the same fireball seen over Bangkok.

There were also reports on Twitter that the fireball was seen over Nakhon Ratchasima about the same time.

Jor Sor 100 radio cited an�astronomer in reporting�that the fireball might be a meteor streaking down through the atmosphere.

An official at the Bangkok Planetarium, however, said there had been no reports of a meteorite landing. Most meteors completely burn up in the atmosphere. If one did crash to earth, it would probably be noticed, he said.

What was seen across the sky this morning could be a burning balloon, the official suggested

However, information on the website suggested the flaming object was space debris falling back to earth.

Space junk Flock 1B-11 object number 40459U was due to burn through the atmosphere on its way to earth about that time, according to the website.

Saran Poshyachina, the deputy director of the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, said the fireball could be a meteorite landing. But he also did not rule out the possibility it could be space junk.

Video clips and other evidence sent to the institute had been closely examined. It was believed the fireball was 80 to 120 kilometres above the earth, as it could be seen from many areas of Thailand.

"It was almost certainly a good-sized rock burning up in our atmosphere," Phil Plait, a former member of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Team and science popularizer, told dpa.

"It only took two seconds or so for it to go from being visible to it flaring as it disintegrated. It may have had a steep angle of entry."

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Wed 09/09/15 09:19 AM
Neat, I am thinking more likely space junk?

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Wed 09/09/15 09:35 AM

Neat, I am thinking more likely space junk?

I couldn't find anything on it other than that article. YouTube has countless videos on it.
But, I want data & I want it NOW!


Somebody better feed me information. laugh

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Wed 09/09/15 09:56 AM
So far this is what I managed to come up with which is pretty much what you all ready have.

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Wed 09/09/15 10:17 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Wed 09/09/15 10:19 AM

So far this is what I managed to come up with which is pretty much what you all ready have.


What intrigues me reports of SOUND. And there should be.
With falling from the atmosphere & impact. But, NONE. spock

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Wed 09/09/15 10:21 AM
That is weird especially with something that size. It appears to look big, I managed to find something else...

September 8, 2015

NASA: Blood Moon Not Harbinger Of Asteroid Apocalypse Doomsayers Say Will Occur On September 22-28

JohnThomas Didymus

NASA has once again assured that, contrary to fear-mongering predictions by apocalyptic doomsayers, an asteroid impact apocalypse will not occur in September, 2015, and the Blood Moon is not a harbinger of world destruction.

NASA astronomers and space scientists are watching the skies for incoming asteroids, and so far, they have not found evidence of a large space object on a collision course with Earth.

According to NASA, in an update of its Sentry Risk Table on September 8, there are currently no asteroids threatening the Earth.

NASA said that if an asteroid as large as doomsayers claim will hit the Earth during this month was actually approaching Earth, NASA scientists would have detected it.

Despite statements by NASA that a catastrophic asteroid impact event will not occur in September, doomsday theorists have continued stoking fears, saying that one of six large asteroids that will pass near Earth September 22-28 will hit the Earth.

Asteroid Impact

The Inquisitr reported last month that some doomsday theorists have identified asteroid 2012 TT5 as the near-Earth asteroid to look out for.

Asteroid 2012 TT5 will zoom past Earth on September 24 at a distance of 0.55 AU. And, although NASA has dismissed claims that the asteroid could hit the Earth, some doomsday theorists have identified the rock as the “killer rock.”

Linked to predictions of an asteroid apocalypse are claims that appearance on September 28 of the last of the ongoing Tetrad of Blood Moons will fulfill one of the heavenly signs of the end of the world predicted in New Testament gospels, the book of Acts and Revelations.

Conspiracy theory predictions of an impending asteroid impact apocalypse are based on an eclectic mix of conspiracy theories inspired by New Age beliefs and biblical eschatology.

Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, and Pastor Mark Blitz of El Shaddai Ministry in Tacoma, Washington, originated the prophetic warning that “something dramatic which will change the whole world” will occur in September in connection with the ongoing Tetrad of Blood Moons.

“What is so remarkable about this blood moon is that it specifically fulfills prophecies set out in the Bible. Even Jesus himself, in the Book of Luke, states there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars and to ‘lift up your heads for redemption draws nigh,’… and four blood moons is a very significant one – the end of this age is coming…”

Hagee repeated the prophetic warning as the April 4, 2015, Blood Moon eclipse — the third in a series of four successive total Blood Moon eclipses — approached.

The final Blood Moon eclipse of the Tetrad, on September 28, 2015, is being awaited by doomsday theorists and believers with expectations that the event will usher in the fulfillment of the end-time prophecies and the apocalypse.

The first eclipse of the Tetrad occurred on April 15, 2014, and the second on October 8, 2014.

Many doomsday believers see the coincidence of the Tetrad with the prophecies of asteroid impact catastrophe by Rev. Efrain Rodriguez, and predictions of stock market crashes based on the biblical Shemitah principle by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, as evidence that September, 2015, is a significant month in eschatological terms.

Expectations that the doomsday prophecies are about to be fulfilled were heightened by sudden plunges in stock markets around the world last month.

Many doomsday theorists looking forward to fulfillment of the prophecies of stock market collapse in September proclaimed the stock market plunge in August as signaling the predicted September global crash


no photo
Wed 09/09/15 11:11 AM
Thanks.. I will check it out.

But that title... is so amusing.
From an Astrological, Scientific (denial),Historical & many Religious perspectives.

But, I will let people connect their own dots.... or just suffer. :wink:


no photo
Wed 09/09/15 11:51 AM

Thanks.. I will check it out.

But that title... is so amusing.
From an Astrological, Scientific (denial),Historical & many Religious perspectives.

But, I will let people connect their own dots.... or just suffer. :wink:


What I find to be a neat connection is that Sept 7 there was an object falling from the sky and NASA is saying Sept8 so far nothing has been seen in the way of an asteroids.

So what was seen Sept 7?

no photo
Thu 09/10/15 04:52 AM

Thanks.. I will check it out.

But that title... is so amusing.
From an Astrological, Scientific (denial),Historical & many Religious perspectives.

But, I will let people connect their own dots.... or just suffer. :wink:


What I find to be a neat connection is that Sept 7 there was an object falling from the sky and NASA is saying Sept8 so far nothing has been seen in the way of an asteroids.

So what was seen Sept 7?

Bangkok is 9 hours ahead of me. So it could of been, the same time but different Zones.