Topic: If you fall for someone
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Mon 10/15/07 09:16 AM
I never fall hard, although I do think about them, but I usually let the guy play his hand first and see where it goes. If he isn't very interested, it will show quick. My past experiences have taught me to wait it out and if it is meant to be it is. Maybe that's why I haven't been on a date for a while though.

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Mon 10/15/07 09:30 AM
I want to go slowly. I always say that I will go slowly. But, hard to not just jump in when someone makes my heart beat so fast.

I still believe in "Love at first sight". And I still believe you can love & it not be forever.

I am trying to slow down and appreciate ALL aspects of relationships, especially the "getting to know you" phase.

bgeorge's photo
Mon 10/15/07 09:31 AM
i rush in then rush right back out bf things start to get ugly..

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 10/15/07 09:58 AM
I'm just slow.laugh :tongue:

Jess642's photo
Mon 10/15/07 04:58 PM
I have abseiling gear, first aid kits, emergency service numbers, anti depressants, and a parachute....what does that tell you????

laugh laugh laugh laugh

elevatorguy's photo
Mon 10/15/07 05:07 PM
well considering the fact that i am self supporting and i have all the kids i want, i believe i can be picky at this point. but yes i have fallen hard and fast before and i think i have learned my lesson, so it would take someone very special for me to fall that hard and fast again. now that i have said that, i have met someone on here just the other day that i just seem to really click with. its been a long time since i have had this much in common with a woman, so i guess we will see how it goes.

nurjoyce's photo
Mon 10/15/07 07:13 PM

recently--hard and fast
however, he is amazing-----

someone2hold's photo
Mon 10/15/07 07:18 PM
blushing Yep, real slow ....... :wink:

timothyhouk's photo
Mon 10/15/07 07:20 PM
In the past I would jump right in with both feet and take off ,but from some bad past experiences,I have figured out that standing back and observing might be more beneficial and save you some hurt feelings.

gatorgirl123's photo
Tue 10/16/07 06:54 AM
I believe if you keep in mind what your goal is, that will be your guide. If you are looking for a good time, go for it. If you are looking for a relationship, take your time. I think people put more thought into the type of appliances they buy (checking on Consumer Reports, etc) than into the mate they want to spend the rest of their days with. Does anyone else see something wrong with that??
I think anyone who has been single for a while has got the burning loins (understandable) but if THAT directs you timing it could really mess things up. Take the time to get to know your potential mate. Ask the funny little questions that may never come up later. Nothing too personal, but have fun getting to know him. That in itself can be so stimulating. I am a big believer in delayed gratification. When you finally get your piece of pie, WOW!!!!!

Jtevans's photo
Tue 10/16/07 07:32 AM
i tend to fall faster than i should,so i'm trying to take things slower

HillFolk's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:34 AM
Since I have gotten older I have been taking it slower. The falls hurt worse and they don't heal up as fast. I like to look before I leap these days and since I live in the country I have found it best to watch where I step.

aje26's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:38 AM
I tend to wind up with guys who fall hard for me (not being conceited..this is actually an issue for me). No matter how slow I want to take things, he wants to tell me he's in love after a few weeks. So, even if I did want to go slow, some of my ex's wouldn't let that happen. So yeah, slow is my style by by circumstance. laugh

HillFolk's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:51 AM
Well, maybe you should wear a warning lable or safety orange, Aje26.laugh

s1owhand's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:15 AM
i've experienced a few different scenarios. i tend to love people quickly and easily but it continues to build slowly after that for me. on at least one occasion i was not initially physically attracted to her when we first met but as i got to know her over a period of about 9 months, i sure did fall in love. There is chemistry - and i mean actual chemicals involved (dopamine) among others. so it is very individual as to how each person's system responds to the onrush of chemical changes which constitute the love drug cocktail.

so, everyone is right! but in my case i found a wide variety of responses over time. all GOOD yes indeed.

Peaches73036's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:44 AM
I hope not to "fall" but to "walk" into the next great love of my life..I hate getting bruises lol.

Totage's photo
Tue 10/16/07 10:03 AM
I like to take it slow when it comes to relationships, I've never fallen in love, I have cared alot about someone, and almost fell in love, but things didn't work, so we just moved on.

I don't think that love is instant. I think it takes awhile to develop, but alot of times we get caught up in our emotions, and mistake lust, attraction, etc. for love.

ford95babe's photo
Tue 10/16/07 10:09 AM
hey there i have done both but realised that the slow way is to go because it gives u enough time to truely get to know ach other

Johnjekn's photo
Tue 10/16/07 07:40 PM
regardless of what I might or might not do, I advise taking it slow.

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 10/16/07 07:48 PM
When I was young everything went fast. Now, can't tell you. The last relationdhip was with my ex and it took almost a year before we hitched. That was in 88 and since 04, I've not really had a relationship. I am not sure, guess it would depend. drinker