Topic: The stutterer
BigTeddyBear4u's photo
Sat 10/13/07 06:41 PM
These two guys meet after not having seen each other for many, many years.

First guy asks the second guy, "How have things been going?"
The second guy speaking very slowly, tells the first guy,

The first guy says in amazement, "Hey, you've lost your stutter!"

The reply comes,

"Y..e..s, .I....w..e..n..t.....t..o.....a.....d..o..c..t.o..r......a..n..d. . he...... t..o..l..d..... m..e.... t..h..a..t..... i..f..... I...... s..p..e...a..k..... s..l..o..w.l..y...... I .... w..o..u..l..d..... n..o..t.... s..t..u...t..t..e..r."

The friend congratulates him and then asks about how he was almost married.

"W..e..l..l,..... m..y..... f..i..a..n..c..e..e....a..n..d........ I...... w..e... r..e..... s..i.t..t..i..n..g.... o..n.....h..e..r....... p..o..r..c..h... a..n...d.... t..h..e... d..o..g... w..a..s.. s...c..r..a..t..c..h..i..n....g...... h..i..s....b..a..c..k....s.o..... I..... t..o..l..d.... h.e..r...... t...h..a.t......w...h..e..n..... w..e.....a..r..e.... m..a..r..r..i..e.d,........ s..h..e...... c..a .n...... d..o..... t..h..a..t..... f..o..r..... m..e...... a..n..d.....
t..h..e..n.... s.h..e.... t..h..r..e..w....... t..h..e..... r..i..n..g..... i..n..... m..y..... f ..a..c..e"

Why should she throw the ring in your face for that?" asks the friend.

"W..e..l..l, .I.....s..p..e..a..k.....s..o.....s..l..o..w.l..y,.....t..h..a..t... .b. .y.....t..h ..e...... t..i...m...e..... s.h..e..... l..o..o..k..e..d .a..t . t..h..e ... .d..o..g,..... h..e . w..a..s.......l..i..c..k..i..n..g .h..i..s ..... b..a..l..l..s."

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Sat 10/13/07 06:53 PM
Women always seem to see/hear/think the wrong things. Or do we just do/say things at the wrong times?

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Sat 10/13/07 07:00 PM
Start a new thread outside of this joke and I think you may be enlightened Hephaetus....or downright hell bent on becoming gay after some women trash your arse LOL

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Either way could be fun.....LOL
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh