Topic: Who voting for Bernie Sanders?
Mochacream83's photo
Wed 08/12/15 06:38 PM
Who suppose and going to vote for Bernard Sanders for president of 2016?

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 08/12/15 06:47 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Wed 08/12/15 06:47 PM
This discussion thread is going to need popcorn.


no photo
Wed 08/12/15 07:07 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Wed 08/12/15 07:15 PM

Who suppose and going to vote for Bernard Sanders for president of 2016?

Not me.... I am making a to do list.

New shovel
Plastic tarp
Cattle prod
Duck tape

Every minority & woman you know.

Google Map:
His neighborhood


rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

shoreboy31's photo
Wed 08/12/15 07:43 PM
Dr. Ben Carson 2016!

Lpdon's photo
Wed 08/12/15 10:50 PM
The only way I would vote for a Democrat this election is if Rand Paul somehow got the nomination and Senator Webb got the Democratic nomination (neither scenario will happen).

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 08/13/15 12:52 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 08/13/15 12:53 AM

This discussion thread is going to need popcorn.



Bernie Sanders?

Ain't got enough of the extreme Left ruining the USofA?

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 03:29 AM

Who suppose and going to vote for Bernard Sanders for president of 2016?

She's making a list & checking it twice.

Going to find out who's naughty or nice.


IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 08/13/15 04:19 AM
I'm holding off on voting until it's actually time to vote, myself.

After all, we're still in the "silly season" of campaigning. That's when all the candidates are busy saying the most extreme things they can, in a bid to garner initial attention to themselves. They wont start saying anything pertinent to how they ACTUALLY intend to run things if they get in, for a long while yet.

Plus, even after they do start making solemn promises to us, most of what ALL of them say will be functionally meaningless.

I really wish we had an automated analysis machine that would take every political pronouncement and check to see if the office holder actually has the Constitutional power to do what they say they are going to do. Most of the time, we'd get a little missive attached to every political speech, saying "Oh by the way, the President CAN'T do any of this stuff, so take it as entertainment only."

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 05:24 AM


Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 08/13/15 06:08 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 08/13/15 06:10 AM
Who's gonna vote for Bernie Sanders?

Probably the same illegals, dead people, and idiots who gave us Obozo. Probably more than once again as well

Hitlery is out. Even her own party doesn't trust her.

Both parties are a joke spewing the same rhetoric and lies the major networks are so fond of repeating over and over between commercials.

Hopefully the 43% registered as Independents will actually vote and give us something other than the same old song and dance that has put us in the gutter, bankrupted us, and destroyed our nation, rights and Constitution the last 50 years!

Whoever they (TPTB) decide "our choice" should be will hopefully get the ax by people actually voting their conscience and not who the media tells them it should be

Sadly our electorial system is so corrupt, broken, and adulterated by illegal voters, fraud, and PAC money from corporations and unions that nothing will ever change..... and the media will sell it to us in a pretty box with a bow as "the peoples choice".

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 06:50 AM
Bernie Sanders:

"" The nation’s only
socialist member of Congress

Campaign finance: Limit
corporate and interest-
group spending in
Sanders proposes a
Constitutional amendment
that would effectively
reverse the Supreme
Court’s Citizen United
ruling and ban corporations
and nonprofits from
unlimited campaign
expenditures. The
independent senator would
also require disclosure of
any organizations spending
$10,000 or more on an election-related
Climate change: Charge companies for carbon
Considered to be a “climate change hawk ,”
Sanders argues that shifting global
temperatures are a significant threat and
caused by human activity. He has sponsored a
bill which would charge companies for their
carbon emissions and use some of the money
raised to boost renewable energy technology.
Education: Two years free tuition at state
colleges. Reform student loans.
Sanders would provide $18 billion to state
governments to allow them to cut tuition at
state colleges by 55 percent . And he would
allow anyone paying off a student loan currently
to refinance at a lower rate.
Federal Reserve and banks: Break up big
banks. Open up the Fed.
Sanders would divide large banks into smaller
entities and charge a new fee for high-risk
investment practices, including credit default
swaps. In addition, he believes the Federal
Reserve is an opaque organization which gives
too much support to large corporations. His
pushed for a 2011 audit of the Fed and he
would use the Fed to force banks into loaning
more money to small businesses. Finally, he
would ban financial industry executives from
serving on the 12 regional boards of directors.
Guns: A mixed approach. No federal handgun
waiting period. Some protection for gun
manufacturers. Ban assault weapons.
In the House of Representatives, Sanders voted
against the pro-gun-control Brady Bill, writing
that he believes states, not the federal
government, can handle waiting periods for
handguns. Soon after, he voted yes for the
1994 Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act that included an assault
weapons ban. He has voted to ban some
lawsuits against gun manufacturers and for the
Manchin-Toomey legislation expanding federal
background checks .
Health care: Change to single-payer
government-provided health care
Sanders voted for the Affordable Care Act , but
believes that the new health care law did not
go far enough. Instead, he espouses a single-
payer system in which the federal and state
governments would provide health care to all
Americans. Participating states would be
required to set up their own single-payer
system and a national oversight board would
establish an overall budget.
Immigration: Offer path to citizenship. Waive
some deportations now.
Sanders generally agrees with President Obama
that most of the undocumented immigrants in
the country now should be given a path to
citizenship. He voted for the senate
immigration bill in 2013, which would have
increased border security and issued a
provisional immigrant status to millions of
undocumented residents once some significant
security metrics had been met. In addition,
Sanders has supported President Obama’s use
of executive orders to waive deportation for
some groups of immigrants, including those
who were brought to the United States as
Taxes: Raise some taxes on the wealthy. Cut
taxes for middle class.
The current ranking minority member on the
Senate Budget Committee, Sanders would
nearly double taxes on capital gains and
dividends for the wealthiest two percent of
Americans. In addition, this year Sanders asked
President Obama to use executive action to
close six tax deductions benefitting
corporations and hedge funds. The Vermont
senator would use some of the revenue gained
from higher taxes on the rich to lower taxes for
middle and lower class Americans.
Iraq, Islamic State and Afghanistan: Opposed
the Iraq war. Calls for troop withdrawal as soon
as possible.
A longtime anti-war activist, Sanders voted
against the Iraq war resolution in 2002. He has
regularly called for the U.S. to withdraw troops
from Afghanistan and Iraq as soon as possible.
Regarding the Islamic State, Sanders has said
the U.S. should not lead the fight. In general,
he believes the U.S. should focus less on
international conflict and more on the domestic
needs of the middle class.
Iran and Israel: Supports current talks with
Iran. Critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Sanders backs President Obama’s negotiations
with Iran and sharply criticized Republican
senators who signed a letter warning Iran
against a potential deal. In a statement, the
Jewish senator pushed back against the idea of
tougher sanctions and was critical of
Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Sanders was
the first senator to announce he would not
attend the speech.""

Um....No....hell no

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 07:26 AM

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 08:23 AM
Who suppose and going to vote for Bernard Sanders for president of 2016?

I keep hoping no one votes and all the people that run for president are just given participation trophies; then locked into the white house without a phone or internet access where they can all just sit around and discuss with each other who has the biggest trophy for 4-8 years.

The only thing I'm voting for is a Japanese sex robot overlord that runs the country via mobile app.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 08/13/15 08:28 AM

someone ought to tell him what the 2nd is all about!

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 03:57 PM
The Dims are just floating Comrad Bernie out there until they can kick Hillery to the curb. Their real candidate will be "silver tongued" Joe Biden.

mikeybgood1's photo
Thu 08/13/15 05:34 PM
Up here in Canada Bernie seems to be operating in a vacum. I watch ABC News, CNN News, occasionally FOX and even in a pinch CBS (ack). I have yet to see any in-depth reporting on Bernie regarding the speeches he's given, or coverage of these big 25,000+ person rallies, etc.

I keep on hearing poll numbers for Bernie are going up, and how he's starting to get endorsements, but I can't recall seeing a reporter doing a stand up piece saying something to the effect of "Huge crowds gathered today to hear Bernie Sanders talk about how badly Washington works...", blah blah yadda yadda and then cut to video of 30 seconds of video with the Bern man bringing the gathered masses to their feet with some rousing barnburner speech.

Am I simply not seeing the big network coverage he gets 3-5 mins of each night, or is Bernie a sensation simply because Hillary isn't being one?


InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/13/15 05:37 PM
Sanders has the support of poor white libs. The rich white libs will never ever let this clown get nominated.. Trust me on that one.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/13/15 05:47 PM
its way too early for me

I like to listen to the candidates and do a bit of background on their claims, positions

I cant decide off media spin,,,,,,,

but I will vote for who I think is best