no photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:01 PM


"we won’t march on ourselves, nor will we even rise up to condemn ourselves for what we are doing to ourselves"



"ourselves"laugh laugh laugh laugh
Woohoo you think you successfully dodged Farrakhan's overt racism.....and you think you've taken the spotlight off your obvious mistake when you said ol Louis didnt mention race.

Too bad people can read for themselves.

Sometimes its better to say..."Oops I was wrong, I missed the 'white folks' part, my bad"....than it is to look like a kid with chocolate smeared on his face and hands, swearing that he hadnt been in the cookie jar.

But your thing and spin away.
I agree with the minister, take it or leave it.

One thing he is not is a liar. Cant say the same for you or yours.

He's just an old man with a lot of hate in his heart. He says what he thinks and is too old to give a dam. We have all kind in this world and he is one of them.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:04 PM
He has anger and he should, he is human. But I see him as having alot of love as well.

I know for some odd reason age is overlooked in these parts,,lol

but , I see him as an elder who has seen/endured alot in his life and I see his age as bringing out both more passionate anger,, but also more passionate love.

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:11 PM

He has anger and he should, he is human. But I see him as having alot of love as well.

I know for some odd reason age is overlooked in these parts,,lol

but , I see him as an elder who has seen/endured alot in his life and I see his age as bringing out both more passionate anger,, but also more passionate love.

I don't take him seriously anyway.:wink:

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:13 PM
and the beauty is, you don't have to,,,

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:27 PM

I am shocked shocked that ANY, so-called Christian :angel: church, would invite or allow him speak. It is mind blowing. think

christians are the primary ones who I expect to be inclusive

he said plenty that was powerful and inspiring,,

he spoke to relevant and timely concerns

the only flaw was his preemptive judge and jury and executioner statement,, of 'killing those who would kill us'

here, he isnt specifying a race,, he mentioned earlier as a matter of fact gangs and blacks killing blacks

but what he does seem to be promoting is what cops do , if its someone we are 'fearful' of , someone we assume may kill us, we should stalk and/or kill them for our own protection

,, thats the only part I disagree with,,IF that's what he meant, whether its promoted by Farrakhan, police, or 'patriots'

Sounds good.. but what about the black on black crime... is he going to kill the black guys too?... that could get a little touchy.

actually he touched on that too, and actually, based on his statements about what should happen when someone threatens your family, a black 'enemy' gets the same as any other,,,

Wow!!, that's great. So who would be doing the killings.. enforcing this community policing and clean up? his security guys?. The black leaders?. vigilantes?...not the cops... who?

Isn't that.. murder?

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:31 PM


"we won’t march on ourselves, nor will we even rise up to condemn ourselves for what we are doing to ourselves"



"ourselves"laugh laugh laugh laugh
Woohoo you think you successfully dodged Farrakhan's overt racism.....and you think you've taken the spotlight off your obvious mistake when you said ol Louis didnt mention race.

Too bad people can read for themselves.

Sometimes its better to say..."Oops I was wrong, I missed the 'white folks' part, my bad"....than it is to look like a kid with chocolate smeared on his face and hands, swearing that he hadnt been in the cookie jar.

But your thing and spin away.
I agree with the minister, take it or leave it.

One thing he is not is a liar. Cant say the same for you or yours.
I expect nothing less....blame problems on others instead of looking in the mirror...typical.

Ras427's photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:53 PM


"we won’t march on ourselves, nor will we even rise up to condemn ourselves for what we are doing to ourselves"



"ourselves"laugh laugh laugh laugh
Woohoo you think you successfully dodged Farrakhan's overt racism.....and you think you've taken the spotlight off your obvious mistake when you said ol Louis didnt mention race.

Too bad people can read for themselves.

Sometimes its better to say..."Oops I was wrong, I missed the 'white folks' part, my bad"....than it is to look like a kid with chocolate smeared on his face and hands, swearing that he hadnt been in the cookie jar.

But your thing and spin away.
I agree with the minister, take it or leave it.

One thing he is not is a liar. Cant say the same for you or yours.
I expect nothing less....blame problems on others instead of looking in the mirror...typical.
Wrong, he only warns Black people that they will never gain justice while living under white supremacy. He preaches that Blacks have helped build this nation but should be striving to do for themselves.

As for your "blame others" for their problems, history bares witness that those "others" have much to be blamed.

After all, Whites have displayed their many devilish acts towards Black people the entire history of America. And still are.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:57 PM

I am shocked shocked that ANY, so-called Christian :angel: church, would invite or allow him speak. It is mind blowing. think

christians are the primary ones who I expect to be inclusive

he said plenty that was powerful and inspiring,,

he spoke to relevant and timely concerns

the only flaw was his preemptive judge and jury and executioner statement,, of 'killing those who would kill us'

here, he isnt specifying a race,, he mentioned earlier as a matter of fact gangs and blacks killing blacks

but what he does seem to be promoting is what cops do , if its someone we are 'fearful' of , someone we assume may kill us, we should stalk and/or kill them for our own protection

,, thats the only part I disagree with,,IF that's what he meant, whether its promoted by Farrakhan, police, or 'patriots'

Sounds good.. but what about the black on black crime... is he going to kill the black guys too?... that could get a little touchy.

actually he touched on that too, and actually, based on his statements about what should happen when someone threatens your family, a black 'enemy' gets the same as any other,,,

Wow!!, that's great. So who would be doing the killings.. enforcing this community policing and clean up? his security guys?. The black leaders?. vigilantes?...not the cops... who?

Isn't that.. murder?

Depends on who the judge and jury are, usually winking

murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

self defense: the use of reasonable force to protect oneself or members of the family from bodily harm from the attack of an aggressor, if the defender has reason to believe he/she/they is/are in danger.

Read more:

Ras427's photo
Thu 08/06/15 04:58 PM


"we won’t march on ourselves, nor will we even rise up to condemn ourselves for what we are doing to ourselves"



"ourselves"laugh laugh laugh laugh
Woohoo you think you successfully dodged Farrakhan's overt racism.....and you think you've taken the spotlight off your obvious mistake when you said ol Louis didnt mention race.

Too bad people can read for themselves.

Sometimes its better to say..."Oops I was wrong, I missed the 'white folks' part, my bad"....than it is to look like a kid with chocolate smeared on his face and hands, swearing that he hadnt been in the cookie jar.

But your thing and spin away.
I agree with the minister, take it or leave it.

One thing he is not is a liar. Cant say the same for you or yours.

He's just an old man with a lot of hate in his heart. He says what he thinks and is too old to give a dam. We have all kind in this world and he is one of them.
He is 83 years young, speaks truth to power and is wise and nobody in America dares speak truth.

Thos who love truth, justice and equality love him dearly.

All you have is trump.

Ras427's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:00 PM


"we won’t march on ourselves, nor will we even rise up to condemn ourselves for what we are doing to ourselves"



"ourselves"laugh laugh laugh laugh
Woohoo you think you successfully dodged Farrakhan's overt racism.....and you think you've taken the spotlight off your obvious mistake when you said ol Louis didnt mention race.

Too bad people can read for themselves.

Sometimes its better to say..."Oops I was wrong, I missed the 'white folks' part, my bad"....than it is to look like a kid with chocolate smeared on his face and hands, swearing that he hadnt been in the cookie jar.

But your thing and spin away.
I agree with the minister, take it or leave it.

One thing he is not is a liar. Cant say the same for you or yours.
I expect nothing less....blame problems on others instead of looking in the mirror...typical.
Your problem is that he puts you in the mirror and you don't like what you see.

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:15 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Thu 08/06/15 05:16 PM
Your problem is that he puts you in the mirror
and you don't like what you see.
He doesnt do **** to me. But lets look at some of the crap this racist that you support has said....

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me
Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a
very great man. He rose Germany up from the

"The white man is our mortal
enemy and we cannot accept him. I will fight to
see that vicious beast go down into the lake of
fire prepared for him from the beginning, that
he never rise again to give any innocent black
man, woman or child the hell that he has
delighted in pouring on us for 400 years."

Also on whites: "They are sick and their world
has made us sick. I'm not dealing with well
people. I'm dealing with sick people who have
made us sick through their corrupt leadership."

On the Pope: "a no-good cracker".

On the Bible: "pure poison".

A man is known by those he stands with. Good luck standing with a frickin racist.
But again, I expected no less....

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:18 PM

I am shocked shocked that ANY, so-called Christian :angel: church, would invite or allow him speak. It is mind blowing. think

christians are the primary ones who I expect to be inclusive

he said plenty that was powerful and inspiring,,

he spoke to relevant and timely concerns

the only flaw was his preemptive judge and jury and executioner statement,, of 'killing those who would kill us'

here, he isnt specifying a race,, he mentioned earlier as a matter of fact gangs and blacks killing blacks

but what he does seem to be promoting is what cops do , if its someone we are 'fearful' of , someone we assume may kill us, we should stalk and/or kill them for our own protection

,, thats the only part I disagree with,,IF that's what he meant, whether its promoted by Farrakhan, police, or 'patriots'

Sounds good.. but what about the black on black crime... is he going to kill the black guys too?... that could get a little touchy.

actually he touched on that too, and actually, based on his statements about what should happen when someone threatens your family, a black 'enemy' gets the same as any other,,,

Wow!!, that's great. So who would be doing the killings.. enforcing this community policing and clean up? his security guys?. The black leaders?. vigilantes?...not the cops... who?

Isn't that.. murder?

Depends on who the judge and jury are, usually winking

murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

self defense: the use of reasonable force to protect oneself or members of the family from bodily harm from the attack of an aggressor, if the defender has reason to believe he/she/they is/are in danger.

Read more:

Oh his quote of

looking for “10,000 fearless men” to “rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them

rising up.. stalking and killing people is...Murder.. (by your own definition)

Actually premeditated murder... murder 1
Vigilante style Murder

(unless you call rising up and stalking self defense)

So, again. X's plan is to murder the black people committing crimes against... the black people?.. Is that the game plan?

2469nascar's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:24 PM
ras, after reading all your post,sounds like your saying ALL WHITE PPL are racist,thinking like that only herts your chances of getting to know some great ppl,JMHO

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:36 PM
It appears to me that Farrakhan is popular only among Muslims and pro-black racists.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:39 PM

I am shocked shocked that ANY, so-called Christian :angel: church, would invite or allow him speak. It is mind blowing. think

christians are the primary ones who I expect to be inclusive

he said plenty that was powerful and inspiring,,

he spoke to relevant and timely concerns

the only flaw was his preemptive judge and jury and executioner statement,, of 'killing those who would kill us'

here, he isnt specifying a race,, he mentioned earlier as a matter of fact gangs and blacks killing blacks

but what he does seem to be promoting is what cops do , if its someone we are 'fearful' of , someone we assume may kill us, we should stalk and/or kill them for our own protection

,, thats the only part I disagree with,,IF that's what he meant, whether its promoted by Farrakhan, police, or 'patriots'

Sounds good.. but what about the black on black crime... is he going to kill the black guys too?... that could get a little touchy.

actually he touched on that too, and actually, based on his statements about what should happen when someone threatens your family, a black 'enemy' gets the same as any other,,,

Wow!!, that's great. So who would be doing the killings.. enforcing this community policing and clean up? his security guys?. The black leaders?. vigilantes?...not the cops... who?

Isn't that.. murder?

Depends on who the judge and jury are, usually winking

murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

self defense: the use of reasonable force to protect oneself or members of the family from bodily harm from the attack of an aggressor, if the defender has reason to believe he/she/they is/are in danger.

Read more:

Oh his quote of

looking for “10,000 fearless men” to “rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them

rising up.. stalking and killing people is...Murder.. (by your own definition)

Actually premeditated murder... murder 1
Vigilante style Murder

(unless you call rising up and stalking self defense)

So, again. X's plan is to murder the black people committing crimes against... the black people?.. Is that the game plan?

the plan is to follow what others do, and to defend against those we find will try to kill us

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:41 PM

It appears to me that Farrakhan is popular only among Muslims and pro-black racists.

as popular as the republicans are amongst anti black bigots

,,,nice observation

yet republicans arent only bigots
and those who Farrakhan may be popular with arent only pro black racists

2469nascar's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:43 PM

It appears to me that Farrakhan is popular only among Muslims and pro-black racists.
yes that seems to be the case,wish we all could just work on bringing us all together and not tearing us apart.way to much hatered in the world as it is..SAD

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:51 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/06/15 05:51 PM
war is sad, yet military is one of the largest investments we have in this country

I wish everyone could live in peace, but I am also aware that everyone DOESNT

and that caution is a necessary part of life as well as preparedness, for the reality

Im speaking on deaf ears here(figuratively), but this man has spoken VOlUMES in his eighty odd years

he has not always been right, but he certainly has not always been wrong either,and he has spoken VOLUMES of knowledge that is truthful and relevant

even when the truth is not about how everyone should become one in peace,,,

sometimes we have to address what is , while working to achieve what should be

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:52 PM

It appears to me that Farrakhan is popular only among Muslims and pro-black racists.

as popular as the republicans are amongst anti black bigots

... which explains why the bigotry against Barack Obama was started by Hillary Clinton's supporters when those two first ran for POTUS. :tongue:

Anyway, I seriously doubt that anyone would be praising or defending Farrakhan if he weren't either a Muslim or black.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/06/15 05:54 PM

It appears to me that Farrakhan is popular only among Muslims and pro-black racists.

as popular as the republicans are amongst anti black bigots

... which explains why the bigotry against Barack Obama was started by Hillary Clinton's supporters when those two first ran for POTUS. :tongue:

Anyway, I seriously doubt that anyone would be praising or defending Farrakhan if he weren't either a Muslim or black.

thats ambiguous,, are you under the belief only blacks and muslims defend Farrakhan

or that Farrakhan is defended BECAUSE he is a black muslim?

either way,, ,,,,,I doubt your doubts are well founded,,,,laugh