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Topic: Post A Feeling
SitkaRains's photo
Wed 09/16/15 07:41 AM

For Miss Rains:)

I admire you.
I respect you.
You are an inspiration.

If I have wanted to please you,
I would have followed where you have pointed.

I do not want to say the right things,
If I wanted,
I would not have ranted,
It would not have been erased if I did not break rules.
But see, I tend to say the wrong things
that is why they are erased.

If I have wanted to say the right things,
I would have make an effort to say thank you
for helping me,encouraging me, liking me.

But even if my heart is grateful,
I want you to see me as I am.
Ill-mannered at times,
Hi-jacks threads when emotional:)
Oversensitive when other people are hurt
because of my wrongdoings:)

But even if my heart is grateful,
I want you to take time to see me as I am.
Before you decides, if I am worthy of your friendship:)

I am humbled thank you..
I do see with more than my eyes
I believe you are worthy to be my friend
What I don't believe is that I am worthy to be
so blessed.

Not one of us is perfect
Not one of us can say we are.

I do not have the blessed gift to write and
make the beautiful words and draw the picture in others minds
What I do have is a warm and loving heart to
the best of my ability.

Thank you so very much

chronicliar75's photo
Wed 09/16/15 10:54 PM

I have never mentioned my faith or suggested you read the bible. Let me make that clear now.
I adore who you are now, I enjoy your perspective on posts.

I thought when you mentioned in the forums of your faith (anchor) Ma'am,
you mean it as a solution to wither the winds- my bad:)

I thought when you mentioned in the forum and instant message "angel"
you are not losing hope, that I will be a "good girl someday"-remember I always insisted give up on me hahahaha - my bad:)

That feels so much better. No pressure.
Thank you for liking me despite being me.

More on instant message:)

chronicliar75's photo
Wed 09/16/15 11:00 PM

I am humbled thank you..
I do see with more than my eyes
I believe you are worthy to be my friend
What I don't believe is that I am worthy to be
so blessed.

Not one of us is perfect
Not one of us can say we are.

I do not have the blessed gift to write and
make the beautiful words and draw the picture in others minds
What I do have is a warm and loving heart to
the best of my ability.

Thank you so very much

Grateful:heart:as always:smile:

chronicliar75's photo
Thu 09/24/15 12:24 AM
I still do not understand.
I may never understand.

I still do not figure it out.
I may never figure it out.

Can you move on?
So I can rock on?

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 09/24/15 01:59 AM
In the crevice of the rock I will shelter,
when the storms are a gale
and the dark, chaos threatens
to suck me forth
and impale
my body
with whirlwind shards.

I will stand beneath wings of seraphim
And declare
not one utterance.

Go your way blustering, pseudo love
I know where my path leads,
In truth,
in deeds,
in words,
like honey dripping
from the sword of a poe'

chronicliar75's photo
Fri 09/25/15 02:52 AM

Must we always fight?
Must we always argue?
Can we not just respect
each others perspective
and move on?

We dont always need to agree
Sometimes, it is
more reasonable to disagree.

Can you not respect me enough
to let me fight my own way,
if I feel the need to.

Must I always be saved
and comforted
when all I want is just
to inform,correct, admire,
uplift & give my own take.

Must I always need to justify
myself, I never ask you to
prove yourself.

Must I always be responsible
of how you interpret my words?

Have I not been brave enough
to approach my mingle crush
ask him in the forum
if his songs are for me,
get promptly rejected,
took it in stride
& learn my lessons well
never ever to assume again.
Does that not even count?
that I can fight my own,
if I wish to?

May I just stay and take my own
May I just make my mistakes and
learn from them?
May I just be myself & not be
misunderstood and be misinterpreted?
May I just stumble and fall,
I promise to get up & dust myself off
take it in stride & learn from it.

I just want to express myself by
answering posts,
is it really too much to ask?
I never ask you anything,
did I?

Ladywind7's photo
Fri 09/25/15 12:58 PM
Thread killer,
unleash that boxed mind
learn one thing

It is not all about you

To post a feeling,
is about me and MY FEELINGS
and where I am at.

My participation in this thread is over

chronicliar75's photo
Fri 09/25/15 11:12 PM

Thread killer,
unleash that boxed mind
learn one thing

It is not all about you

To post a feeling,
is about me and MY FEELINGS
and where I am at.

My participation in this thread is over

:heart: :heart:
I kind of wish this poem is for me Miss Im..hahahaha
I could learn from this one big time:smile:
I truly learn on that "To Never Ever assume Ms. Im (I really dolaugh)

Uhm, by the way 2nd to the last paragraph of my latest "post a feeling is for you" bigsmile (peace..hahaha)

On serious note:

Wish you can still participate on this thread,
yours has always been prose,
soul, spirit - raw
I do not even read it as words,
but as healing touch,
an oasis away from pretensions.

I can only hope that you will have a change of heart
in the participation part:)
But even if your heart wont change,
I will understand, I will bow.

Know that I will always hope,
that it may be or may not be on this thread,
I will have the chance to languish again & again
in your own unique poetry Miss Im.

Miss you more.

no photo
Sat 09/26/15 01:59 AM

In the crevice of the rock I will shelter,
when the storms are a gale
and the dark, chaos threatens
to suck me forth
and impale
my body
with whirlwind shards.

I will stand beneath wings of seraphim
And declare
not one utterance.

Go your way blustering, pseudo love
I know where my path leads,
In truth,
in deeds,
in words,
like honey dripping
from the sword of a poe'

This will make for a brilliant piece to recite out loud. Thank you.

chronicliar75's photo
Mon 10/05/15 12:07 AM
Mountain Breeze.
Restless Heart.
I close my eyes
and Breathe.

Rivers Winding
Restless Soul.
I close my eyes
and Smiles.

Cold Beer.
Restless Spirit.
I close my eyes
and Drinks.

For the Weekend,
it quenches the
heart, the soul,
the spirit,
and the thirst.

chronicliar75's photo
Mon 10/05/15 10:39 PM

Today, I remember you,
because of a username
I came across in the Forum.

Will you allow me
to miss you?

Today, I stopped myself,
from making your name &
Birthday as my password.

Will I ever be as strong
& steadfast as you?

Today, I was able to
check your sisters pics
without checking you,
Just to see if I can.

Will I ever be as
brave as you?

Today, you reminded me
of my being an only daughter,
with a loving rebuke.

Will you ever stop
understanding me?

Today, I like someone
more than I have like
any other man.

Will you be happy for me?

Give me, few more days,
and I will be there,
the way you have always
been there for me.

Was. Is. & Will always be.

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