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Topic: healing stories
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Thu 08/06/15 12:37 AM
Last month, my grandma was at the ICU. She was rushed to the hospital because she was having high grade fever, could not swallow her food and was almost unarousable. My grandma is 86, has CHF(congestive heart failure), severe Alzheimer's, UTI(urinary tract infection), pneumonia, had 2x knee surgeries. When I heard about the news from my mom, I told her to prepare herself for the worst. I had to rush home to the province to see my grandma. I took a bus ride home.

When I was almost near my town the bus conductor was having MI(myocardial infarction). I rushed to help, however at the back of my mind why did this have to happen when I was rushing to go my grandma, whom anytime might run out of breath. Helping other people while I cannot help my own grandmother -- it was a selfish thought, I know, but I said a prayer did my BLS (basic life support). The man lost his peripheral pulses, but after my 3rd compression, he shouted and groaned. His pulses came back strong. He was brought to a nearby hospital.

When finally I reached my grandmother, I held hand, told her I love her and prayed. I was told she was improving. Fever is gone and vital signs were ok. My dad and I were there talking to her when her eyes opened. She had not opened them for 2 days!
Everybody was prepared for the worst, a priest was even called to do the anointing. But grandma recovered, sent home on tube feeding. Today, she can sit on her wheelchair , no longer on tube feeding, can sing a happy birthday/merry Christmas. The only songs she can remember. Still she could not remember anyone but at least she can share a smile to everyone, and that’s enough for us.

God is great. Everything is well planned with Him. Sometimes we wonder why things have to happen, but then He has a great plan.

We may be people of science but really, faith is very important. Miracles do happen.

---Transcribed testimony of a 3rd year medical resident

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Thu 08/06/15 06:22 PM
Edited by Pansytilly on Thu 08/06/15 06:36 PM
Psalm 40:5New International Version (NIV)

5 Many, Lord my God,
are the wonders you have done,
the things you planned for us.
None can compare with you;
were I to speak and tell of your deeds,
they would be too many to declare.

The Chilean miners' miracles: How faith helped them survive

By Sarah Butler, CNN

(CNN)When Chile's San Jose mine collapsed on August 5, 2010, people around the world were fixated on the fate of the 33 miners trapped 2,300 feet underground.

The miners would end up spending 69 days below the Earth's surface before rescuers brought them all to safety. As everyone celebrated the rescue of the 33 miners, many pointed to a higher power -- a 34th miner -- who they say was with them all along.

In the aftermath of the rescue, those involved have recounted seemingly inexplicable miracles during their time underground and credited God with protecting them. God, many of them say, was the 34th miner.

A comforting presence

Jorge Galleguillos, a miner from Copiapo, Chile, recalled making the sign of the cross in front of an image of the Virgin Mary that had been placed near the entrance to the mine. The miners asked her for protection every shift before descending into the lower levels of the mine.

The day of the collapse, like any other day, Galleguillos paid his respects to the Virgin Mary and headed into the mine.

During this particular shift, Galleguillos said he heard warning cracks but continued working. He recalled seeing something like a "white species ... a butterfly" falling diagonally in the mine "like a paper."

It was likely a bit of white quartz, but in local culture, a white animal is a sign that God is present.

As the mine began to rumble and dust filled the air, Galleguillos said he envisioned his 6-day-old grandson in his arms and his mother standing in front of him.

"I am not going to see my mother again. I'm not going to meet my grandson," he thought.

Galleguillos said he is not particularly religious. Still, even as it seemed the worst was ahead, he said he felt God's presence.

In the five years since the mine collapse, Galleguillos said he is more thankful than ever.

"There aren't words to continue thanking God enough," he told CNN's Rosa Flores in a recent interview.

A rationing of resources

Alex Vega, a second-generation miner, had been suffering from a gastric ulcer for a couple of months when the miners became trapped.

As always, he had his pills in his backpack. Three of them. He divided them into four parts each so he could take a piece each day.

The fact that there was very little food only made his symptoms worse, and at this point, they had no idea when or if they would be rescued.

The miners ate one can of tuna per day, splitting each can between the 33 of them.

"You have to have faith," Galleguillos said. "You can never lose your faith. Faith is nourishment ... Faith is life."

Faith, even without hope

Shift foreman Luis Urzua was the first person to be heard once verbal contact was made with the miners. His first words were, "We are well and hoping that you will rescue us."

Urzua said he doesn't believe in luck, but he does believe in faith -- even when it seems like there is no hope.

"The devil couldn't do anything because God was present," he said.

Urzua recounted a time in the mine when one of his colleagues became ill. The prayers of the other miners, Urzua said, healed him.

"We made a prayer, we prayed in front of him," he said. "The next day, he was better. ... He was doing better than all of us."

That power of prayer stayed with the miners throughout their time underground.

"When we prayed, we didn't pray to get rescued; we prayed for the people outside not to abandon us," he said.

It was another answered prayer.

Rescue resumes inexplicably

After weeks of drilling, the rescuers were getting closer to the miners. Then, the drill halted, just feet from reaching the miners. There was no forward or backward motion.

"It's like, did we come this far and go through all this? And this damn thing is stuck here," said Richard Soppe, a manager with Center Rock Inc.

Then, without any effort from the rescuers, there was a pop, and it started moving again.

Brandon Fisher, owner of Center Rock, led a team of drilling experts to help free the miners.

"I remember there was a loud bang on the backside of the control panel," Fisher said. "Everyone just kind of stopped at one point in time and looked around."

"We still don't know what that noise was," he said.

Ariel Ticona, a miner and expectant father at the time, said that when he heard the drill bit break through, he knew "that was by the hand of God that the miracle was done."

While trapped, Ticona became a father to a baby girl, Esperanza, which means hope.

Jonathan Franklin, author of "33 Men: Inside the Miraculous Survival and Dramatic Rescue of the Chilean Miners," said Esperanza's birth was a miracle because she gave hope to the miners. She gave their dream of rescue a face.

Rescuing the miners

After much preparation and prayer, the final leg of the rescue began.

Florencio Avalos was the first miner to emerge. He was pulled to the surface in a 22-inch wide capsule.

Celebrations broke out, but the rescuers and miners faced the reality that 32 more miners needed the same miracle to live.

One after the other, they were rescued.

Vega said he hugged and kissed his wife like he was never going to let her go.

Ticona met his new daughter Esperanza in the hospital.

Urzua said God saved all 33 miners for a reason, but he's been asking himself why since the rescue.

"Today, everywhere we turn, there is misery, hunger, terrible natural events," Urzua said, speculating about God's motive to rescue them. "We have to care for our environment, care for our children, so that they have a better life, we give them the best."

After the rescuers returned home, they studied the science of the rescue.

"These tools should not have been able to bend and go around some of these curves. I mean, there's no question in my mind that the faith of God, and the faith of the world praying for these guys to get rescued was a huge factor," Fisher said. "Science, know-how, and will were applied, but at the end of the day, the big guy had everything to do with this rescue being successful. I believe that wholeheartedly."

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 07:03 PM
Dear Pansytilly,

While I have empathy for Your Grandmother in the hospital, it might be presumptuous to assume we can decide someone's fate by praying it away.

We should never assume we are somehow exempt from death.

Rather than jointly asking for health or a return to a measure of physical strength, perhaps asking for a God's will and a prepared disposition for whatever must come next would be more beneficial.

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 07:43 PM
Edited by Pansytilly on Thu 08/06/15 07:52 PM

Dear Pansytilly,

While I have empathy for Your Grandmother in the hospital, it might be presumptuous to assume we can decide someone's fate by praying it away.

We should never assume we are somehow exempt from death.

Rather than jointly asking for health or a return to a measure of physical strength, perhaps asking for a God's will and a prepared disposition for whatever must come next would be more beneficial.

True prayer is never about cheating death, nor is it about playing with fate. It isn't about what we want of our own accord. You know that as well as i...

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 07:44 PM

I work in Icu and have seen a lot of praying .. But prayers cannot save lives .. Praying may give comfort to families who believe but they do not affect the medical outcome .. Death does not bargain or listen to prayers.... nor does belief in intervention from a saviour or deity ...in my opinion it is a form of denial.

I can understand why you would think that.

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 11:11 PM
Not to imply prayer is not useful, but all too often requests aren't necessarily in line with God's plans.

Remember, God isn't supposed to be at our beck-and-call, but rather, the other-way-around.

no photo
Thu 08/06/15 11:18 PM

Not to imply prayer is not useful, but all too often requests aren't necessarily in line with God's plans.

Remember, God isn't supposed to be at our beck-and-call, but rather, the other-way-around.

That is very true.

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 10:40 PM
interesting perspective...


How to Heal from the Pain You Carry

Whitney Hopler

In this fallen world, everyone experiences some kind of pain. A wide variety of painful experiences – such as rejection, shattered dreams, betrayal, abuse, illness, job loss, and the deaths of loved ones – can cling to your soul, leaving hurt feelings there. If your pain remains unresolved, it will disrupt your mental, emotional, and spiritual health as you carry it around with you every day.

It’s vital to face your pain and resolve it, so you can let go of that burden and enjoy a healthy life. The only effective way to do that is by taking your pain to God and inviting him to heal you.

1. Let go of any inner vows you may have made.

Inner vows are promises about the future that you make to yourself about pain you've suffered in the past. For example, you might vow: "No one will ever break my heart like that again" or "I'll never let myself be poor." While it may seem like inner vows will help you, they'll actually hurt you, because they encourage you to try to control certain areas of your life rather than trusting God with them, they lead you to act in irrational and even absurd ways, and they can start to guide your life when it should be the Holy Spirit who guides you.

Surrender your inner vows – and every part of your life – to God, inviting him to change your hard heart to one that's full of His love as he guides you through the healing process.

2. Stop trying to deal with your pain in unhealthy ways.

You can't truly heal from pain by medicating (using some type of pleasure, such as food or sex, to make yourself feel better temporarily), motivating (turning to ambition and busyness to try to distract yourself from pain), or meditating (focusing constantly on your pain to try to justify it). Instead, confess your pain in prayer to God and welcome the healing that only he can give you.

3. Listen to the messages that your pain communicates.

The pain you feel always communicates some kind of message – either good or bad. God may be speaking to you through your pain to direct your attention to something in your life that needs to change and to help you learn and grow. But Satan may also use your pain to speak to you, in an attempt to draw you away from God. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom you need to discern the difference.

Keep in mind that God's voice gives you loving comfort and guidance designed to help you heal, while Satan's voice leads to feelings of fear, doubt, confusion, and shame designed to make you despair. Listen carefully for God's message in your pain, and reject Satan's messages.

4. Embrace the truth that you're not a burden, but a blessing.

Don't let the pain you've gone through cause you to devalue yourself. If you feel as if you're a burden to God or other people, pray for the Holy Spirit to send you a fresh dose of confidence and remember your core identity as one of God's beloved children. Know that your wounded soul is never damaged beyond God's ability to heal. Accept the complete and unconditional love that God offers you and welcome God's healing work in your life. Whenever thoughts of insecurity or shame enter your mind, remind yourself that, from God's perspective, you're a blessing to him and others.

5. Replace deceptive thoughts with biblical truth.

Your mind is a battleground between the good and evil sides of the spiritual realm. When you allow your mind to dwell on your pain, you become vulnerable to thoughts from evil sources that tempt you to sin. But when you regularly read and think about God's Word, the Bible, its truths will sink into your soul and help you recognize and pay attention to good thoughts that lead to a healthy life. When you notice a negative, unhealthy thought in your mind: expose it as a lie, expel it from your mind, and fill that space in your mind with a biblical truth.

6. Come out of hiding.

Don't try to keep your pain a secret. Realize that God knows all about it, and loves you anyway. Be honest and vulnerable with God, expressing your deepest feelings about your painful experiences and confessing sinful ways that you've responded to that pain. Confess your pain and sins to a few other people you can trust, asking them to pray for you, encourage you, and hold you accountable throughout your healing process.

7. Enter into a healing partnership with God.

Realize that God doesn't intend for you to passively receive healing; he wants you to actively work with him during the healing process. Cooperate with God to change unhealthy lifestyle habits that have caused you to be in bondage to pain. Keep in mind that God wants to do more than simply relieve you of pain; he wants to redeem your pain to accomplish good purposes in your life, such as helping others who are also going through pain.

8. Let your brokenness lead you to a closer relationship with God.

Don't be afraid to face the brokenness that pain has brought into your life. Through brokenness, you must admit that you can't make it on your own through life, and you can see how much you need God. As you struggle through pain, you can discover God, and realize that God can console you in any amount of sorrow, help you overcome any failure, and erase any type of fear from your life.

Trust God to heal your brokenness by restoring you to wholeness – and in the process, draw you closer to him.

9. Break the cycle of pain in your relationships so you can leave a healthy legacy.

Do whatever God leads you to do to change unhealthy attitudes and behaviors that you've adopted due to pain in your life. If you do the work necessary to change, you can break a cycle of pain that otherwise would hurt your children and others who come after you. So take personal responsibility for your choices rather than blaming others, rely on God to help you as you do the work necessary to change, forgive the people who have hurt you, forgive yourself for your mistakes, and accept God's forgiveness. Aim to leave a legacy of blessing for your loved ones.

Clubb's photo
Fri 08/14/15 08:46 PM
Matthew 16:24

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.



Water(no coke)
Yoga (to streach bones and muscles)
YouTube: "Pranic Healing" to clean aura around the whole body
Good Attitude: smile
Bad thoughts and/or temptation in mind and/or brain
Sori no magic bullet here...me I just stay focus no thought out
loud...everyone different...Goodluck ALL :)

theseacoast's photo
Wed 08/19/15 05:44 PM

interesting perspective...


How to Heal from the Pain You Carry

Whitney Hopler

In this fallen world, everyone experiences some kind of pain. A wide variety of painful experiences – such as rejection, shattered dreams, betrayal, abuse, illness, job loss, and the deaths of loved ones – can cling to your soul, leaving hurt feelings there. If your pain remains unresolved, it will disrupt your mental, emotional, and spiritual health as you carry it around with you every day.

It’s vital to face your pain and resolve it, so you can let go of that burden and enjoy a healthy life. The only effective way to do that is by taking your pain to God and inviting him to heal you.

1. Let go of any inner vows you may have made.

Inner vows are promises about the future that you make to yourself about pain you've suffered in the past. For example, you might vow: "No one will ever break my heart like that again" or "I'll never let myself be poor." While it may seem like inner vows will help you, they'll actually hurt you, because they encourage you to try to control certain areas of your life rather than trusting God with them, they lead you to act in irrational and even absurd ways, and they can start to guide your life when it should be the Holy Spirit who guides you.

Surrender your inner vows – and every part of your life – to God, inviting him to change your hard heart to one that's full of His love as he guides you through the healing process.

2. Stop trying to deal with your pain in unhealthy ways.

You can't truly heal from pain by medicating (using some type of pleasure, such as food or sex, to make yourself feel better temporarily), motivating (turning to ambition and busyness to try to distract yourself from pain), or meditating (focusing constantly on your pain to try to justify it). Instead, confess your pain in prayer to God and welcome the healing that only he can give you.

3. Listen to the messages that your pain communicates.

The pain you feel always communicates some kind of message – either good or bad. God may be speaking to you through your pain to direct your attention to something in your life that needs to change and to help you learn and grow. But Satan may also use your pain to speak to you, in an attempt to draw you away from God. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom you need to discern the difference.

Keep in mind that God's voice gives you loving comfort and guidance designed to help you heal, while Satan's voice leads to feelings of fear, doubt, confusion, and shame designed to make you despair. Listen carefully for God's message in your pain, and reject Satan's messages.

4. Embrace the truth that you're not a burden, but a blessing.

Don't let the pain you've gone through cause you to devalue yourself. If you feel as if you're a burden to God or other people, pray for the Holy Spirit to send you a fresh dose of confidence and remember your core identity as one of God's beloved children. Know that your wounded soul is never damaged beyond God's ability to heal. Accept the complete and unconditional love that God offers you and welcome God's healing work in your life. Whenever thoughts of insecurity or shame enter your mind, remind yourself that, from God's perspective, you're a blessing to him and others.

5. Replace deceptive thoughts with biblical truth.

Your mind is a battleground between the good and evil sides of the spiritual realm. When you allow your mind to dwell on your pain, you become vulnerable to thoughts from evil sources that tempt you to sin. But when you regularly read and think about God's Word, the Bible, its truths will sink into your soul and help you recognize and pay attention to good thoughts that lead to a healthy life. When you notice a negative, unhealthy thought in your mind: expose it as a lie, expel it from your mind, and fill that space in your mind with a biblical truth.

6. Come out of hiding.

Don't try to keep your pain a secret. Realize that God knows all about it, and loves you anyway. Be honest and vulnerable with God, expressing your deepest feelings about your painful experiences and confessing sinful ways that you've responded to that pain. Confess your pain and sins to a few other people you can trust, asking them to pray for you, encourage you, and hold you accountable throughout your healing process.

7. Enter into a healing partnership with God.

Realize that God doesn't intend for you to passively receive healing; he wants you to actively work with him during the healing process. Cooperate with God to change unhealthy lifestyle habits that have caused you to be in bondage to pain. Keep in mind that God wants to do more than simply relieve you of pain; he wants to redeem your pain to accomplish good purposes in your life, such as helping others who are also going through pain.

8. Let your brokenness lead you to a closer relationship with God.

Don't be afraid to face the brokenness that pain has brought into your life. Through brokenness, you must admit that you can't make it on your own through life, and you can see how much you need God. As you struggle through pain, you can discover God, and realize that God can console you in any amount of sorrow, help you overcome any failure, and erase any type of fear from your life.

Trust God to heal your brokenness by restoring you to wholeness – and in the process, draw you closer to him.

9. Break the cycle of pain in your relationships so you can leave a healthy legacy.

Do whatever God leads you to do to change unhealthy attitudes and behaviors that you've adopted due to pain in your life. If you do the work necessary to change, you can break a cycle of pain that otherwise would hurt your children and others who come after you. So take personal responsibility for your choices rather than blaming others, rely on God to help you as you do the work necessary to change, forgive the people who have hurt you, forgive yourself for your mistakes, and accept God's forgiveness. Aim to leave a legacy of blessing for your loved ones.

Nothing in my life was so powerful and giving strength as these things while I lived them. And now I want to come back home.

theseacoast's photo
Wed 08/19/15 05:46 PM
I didn�t experience big miracles in the meaning saving life, but at least two healing experience I did have. And many others non - healing :smile:

no photo
Sat 08/22/15 02:36 AM
music, prayer, healing and God...excerpts...



A classic example of how music influences a person's health can be found in the Bible. Three thousand years ago, a young musician named David was able, through music, to counter the dismal episodes of melancholia which beset King Saul. These moods were so intense, that they completely debilitated the King. The only effective remedy was music. It is noteworthy that in this ancient account, the patient participated in his own plan of treatment and issued the order for a highly skilled musician to be found to relieve his terrible plight (I Samuel 16:14-23).



"Combining music and religion, attributing one to the other, struck me as hokey — a view that I would expect coming from a member of the brotherhood, but not from many other people."

"As it turns out, the awe we experience for both music and spirituality comes from the same place. Neuroscientists are beginning to understand more about the connection. When the brain is faced with complex patterns, as it is in music and religion, it engages in the same way it would with a fellow human being."

"Belief in the spiritual world heightens that internal sense of awe. To believe requires an acknowledgment of non-human forces — angels, devils, ghosts, gods, spirits — and a belief that they can impact the world without a human body. "Awe is part of religion, because people attribute that kind of a giant, impressive deistic mind to the space around them and feel a great deal of awe for that being. That’s straight-up social emotion.""

no photo
Sat 09/05/15 08:19 PM
Edited by Pansytilly on Sat 09/05/15 08:24 PM
Healing stories abound in the forums

To all those who have experienced it....be proud of it.

Never forget thankfulness that God may continue to bless you and watch over you.

Keep up the good fight, everyone. We can all be winners. flowers flowers flowers

no photo
Tue 09/22/15 07:43 AM

Psalm 136:1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.His love endures forever. 2 Give thanks to the God of gods.His love endures forever.3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords:His love endures forever.

James 5:15 - And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Isaiah 29:14 Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."

Mark 8: 17And when Jesus knew it, he said to them, Why reason you, because you have no bread? perceive you not yet, neither understand? have you your heart yet hardened? 18Having eyes, see you not? and having ears, hear you not? and do you not remember?

Isaiah 6:9 "Go!" he responded. "Tell this people: "'Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.'

Acts 16: 31They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”32And they spoke the word of the Lord to him together with all who were in his house. Paris shuttle transportation

Matthew 11:28Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke on you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


I've met some people who actively reject the idea of God in the face of science and logic. Evidence, they say is still trumps faith. But what is faith if not an obviously evident belief in God?

Sometimes we don't see the workings of an invisible God because we remain short-sighted and short-changed by what we visibly see. We desire something tangible in life. Some material assurance to hold on to. An explanation for everything.

Love knows no bounds when given in good faith and with good intent. Prayer is often overlooked as simply a request for God's intervention in what we want, instead of a sign of humility and acceptance of what He has already provided.

Below are some translated stories/blogs/testimonies i found that speaks of evidence of a God that hears and answers. I hope you have something to share as well. flowerforyou

My wife received an e mail for a non believing friend of her the other day, He was on the liver transplant list, and was told that he would not be alive long enough to receive it. He should have been dead by now, but he wrote my wife thanking her for her prayers, He went to the Doctor the other day and received a clean bill of health, he was totally healed, and had not received the transplant. God is still doing miracles. he does them every day,

I was healed of polio when i was 3.
my eyes were healed in 1979.
just to name a few.

no photo
Wed 09/23/15 05:41 AM

Psalm 136:1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.His love endures forever. 2 Give thanks to the God of gods.His love endures forever.3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords:His love endures forever.

James 5:15 - And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Isaiah 29:14 Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."

Mark 8: 17And when Jesus knew it, he said to them, Why reason you, because you have no bread? perceive you not yet, neither understand? have you your heart yet hardened? 18Having eyes, see you not? and having ears, hear you not? and do you not remember?

Isaiah 6:9 "Go!" he responded. "Tell this people: "'Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.'

Acts 16: 31They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”32And they spoke the word of the Lord to him together with all who were in his house. Paris shuttle transportation

Matthew 11:28Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke on you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


I've met some people who actively reject the idea of God in the face of science and logic. Evidence, they say is still trumps faith. But what is faith if not an obviously evident belief in God?

Sometimes we don't see the workings of an invisible God because we remain short-sighted and short-changed by what we visibly see. We desire something tangible in life. Some material assurance to hold on to. An explanation for everything.

Love knows no bounds when given in good faith and with good intent. Prayer is often overlooked as simply a request for God's intervention in what we want, instead of a sign of humility and acceptance of what He has already provided.

Below are some translated stories/blogs/testimonies i found that speaks of evidence of a God that hears and answers. I hope you have something to share as well. flowerforyou

My wife received an e mail for a non believing friend of her the other day, He was on the liver transplant list, and was told that he would not be alive long enough to receive it. He should have been dead by now, but he wrote my wife thanking her for her prayers, He went to the Doctor the other day and received a clean bill of health, he was totally healed, and had not received the transplant. God is still doing miracles. he does them every day,

I was healed of polio when i was 3.
my eyes were healed in 1979.
just to name a few.

Thank you.

I needed to read what you wrote. And i read it just as soon as you posted it.
You post was instrumental in answering my prayer and i felt peace.
God bless you.

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 09/23/15 06:09 AM
Goodness, where to start?
In a chuch in my town which one of my friends attend. the pastor is also a missionary.
Just this year she bought back a video of a young man coming back to life after death. He had commited suicide by hanging.
Many hours after he was found dead he was bought to the prayer meeting by his distraught family.
After hours of prayer, not only prayer for him, he came back to life.
And it is on video.
People do not know the power of prayer. Nor will they generally believe unless they see it for themselves. I get that.
I have had healing in my life, I have seen it in fellow christians lives.
But the goodness of God does not stop with those who believe. He even heals and protects those we pray for.
Wonderful thread Panstilly flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 10/02/15 03:51 AM
A Baby at Death's Door: The Miracle Story of Ethan Stacy
By Ken Hulme

By the time Ethan's parents took the long painful walk through the cemetery to see the place where they would bury their son, Ethan Stacy was within days of death.

Ethan was already under the care of a hospice nurse. His body was rapidly shutting down.

According to Dr. Melissa Rhodes, Ethan had AML, an aggressive type of leukemia. She serves in the oncology unit at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville, Tenn., where she was one of Ethan's physicians.

Ethan with AML

"Children who are actually born with leukemia don't usually do very well," Dr. Rhodes says. "The best that we could offer was to put Ethan through difficult chemotherapy and still not know that he would make it through."

In fact, chemotherapy is so toxic for newborns that doctors gave Ethan's parents the option not to treat their son. After two weeks in the hospital, Chad and Mandy made the painful decision to take their son home.

"The chemo could kill him," Chad says. "There are all kinds of risks."

"We came home and I remember lying in bed and praying," Mandy says. "We said, 'God, give us an answer'. We both woke up the next morning and both said, 'Nope, we're not going to put him through it'."

Most doctors at Vanderbilt supported that decision. "We figured if Ethan truly had the kind of leukemia that we felt he had, then even with full treatment he may not do well," says Dr. Rhodes. "For that reason we felt it was right to honor the family's decision."

After only a few days at home, Ethan's baby acne, which is common in newborns, had become infected. So they went back to the hospital. That's when the tumors began to show up.

"We noticed a lump in his calf," says Mandy. "We paged the doctor, and they told us that it could be a blood clot or a build up of the leukemia cells, which is called chloroma."

Tumors started popping up in other places such as Ethan's feet, hands, and his forearm.

"Leukemia itself means cancer of the blood; it's a blood disease," explains Dr. Rhodes. "But in this particular kind of leukemia it can also go out into the tissues. That's what we believe was happening with Ethan. He actually had leukemia in his skin, in his hands, his feet, and his legs, as well as in his liver and spleen which is more common. So he was showing that he had a very advanced disease at that point."

Ethan was now about three weeks old, and his condition really started to decline. He stopped eating and began to experience sleep apnea.

"[The nurse] told me that he might develop what's called sepsis, which would be a total body infection, and that he would go peacefully or he might hemorrhage," Mandy recalls. "I would see blood in his diaper or maybe coming out of his ears. I was so scared to open up his diaper to even change it."

When the hospice nurse arrived, Chad and Mandy knew they were near the end but Chad, Mandy and their friends continued to pray. believing God for the impossible.

"I remember rocking him and singing, 'Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. I want to see you'," Mandy says. "I knew that if I just focused my mind on Christ that's the only way that I could make it through."

The night that Ethan faced his greatest medical crisis, something happened. "Mandy late that night started feeding, and he started taking his bottle a little bit at a time," Chad says.

The next day, Ethan was a little stronger… But was he having one final rebound before death?

Mandy says, "I remember sitting at the kitchen table and saying, 'I believe God’s healing him. I can see God working.' Then he just gradually started getting better. And over the next week, we were back up to six ounces of formula every three hours."

Over the next two weeks, Ethan improved! And when Mandy took him back to Vanderbilt to check his blood counts? "His platelets level was like 415,000 -- in normal range, where it had been 39,000 at his lowest point."

This stumped Dr. Rhodes and her colleagues. "Ethan had gotten about as sick as a baby could possibly get and then spontaneously got better. So we wanted to look. We did the bone marrow test, which showed no evidence of leukemia. The tumors gradually went down over a period of probably a week or so. It was just remarkable to witness it."

Chad and Mandy knew they had witnessed a miracle when they repeated the bone marrow biopsy in July with the same results.

Ethan Stacy todayToday, Ethan Stacy is a strapping two-year-old, who loves playing with his dad and big sister Kaylee. It goes without saying that the Stacys are thankful.

"The prayers of my friends and church members meant everything to me," Chad says.

Mandy agrees. "It’s just awesome that we have a God like that. I just can't get over the miracles. I can't wait to see what God has in store for him because I know it’s going to be big."

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Tue 03/01/16 10:42 AM
Hola guepa

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Tue 03/01/16 10:57 AM

Not to imply prayer is not useful, but all too often requests aren't necessarily in line with God's plans.

Remember, God isn't supposed to be at our beck-and-call, but rather, the other-way-around.

I think you understand the big picture. He is the creator, we are the created. It is up to us to search out his will and follow his will.

Mathew 6:10
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven

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Sat 03/12/16 12:53 AM

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