Topic: Just a little song i wrote
WylesOnTheEdge's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:18 PM
Open your heart
Lay it bare for me
Release the prisoner inside
Take my hand erase the fear
Let the walls come crumbling down

The walls are high
painfully built
piece by hurtful piece
The cement is true
Strengthened by your tears

The heart inside
Lays hidden from sight
Outside is the illusion
Cast from a tortured soul
A facade for all to see

Lady in the dark
Can you truly love
Can you really feel
Or is it all untruths
To placate the masses

Can you see the light
Reaching from without
Offering warmth and love
Promises of shelter
from the cold and dark

Hasten to run away
Escape and never trust
Not caring or feeling
never turning to see
the tears of the broken heart

Can she ever love
let the walls come crumbling down

Can she see the hand
let the walls come crumbling down

Waiting to pull her out
And let the walls come crumbling down

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:22 PM
Nice sentiment, but possibly too foreign for some to believe.

WylesOnTheEdge's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:23 PM

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:29 PM
Try to see it from the viewpoint of the woman who put up those walls and why. If she's not trusted in a long time, attempting to trust will have a very foreign feel to her.

WylesOnTheEdge's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:33 PM
you have a point.never looked at it that way

wouldee's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:36 PM
I get it're on the money!!! Stops the goldiggin" doesn't it? I wish women could see with their hearts the hidden things we know and don't tell Bliss ahead!!! CUDOS