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Topic: is age a matter for a relationship?
date_sam's photo
Tue 07/07/15 02:03 AM
Dont know why i allways get attracted to ladies older than me. Is it wrong?

blah..blah..'s photo
Tue 07/07/15 03:05 AM
i guess it's each to their own on this,

some people have a preference to be with people younger or older than themselves, others prefer people around the same age.

so there is no right or wrong in my opinion, as long as you aren't breaking any laws then , no age isn't a problem in my eyes.

Kaustuv1's photo
Tue 07/07/15 03:10 AM
Dont know why i allways get attracted to ladies older than me. Is it wrong?

In my opinion, nothing is 'wrong' unless & until 'you' force/compel the 'elderly lady' to do something 'against her will'.. In other words, if 'she' feels the same way, as you feel for her, then I don't think either one of 'you' should ever bother about what 'this world' (and 'society') would think of 'you'!:smile:

no photo
Tue 07/07/15 03:51 AM
no. I dated a man twenty years older than me. Even if your PARENTS have a problem with it, tell them that you like who you like, and if they won't accept it, they should get out of the way.

date_sam's photo
Tue 07/07/15 04:09 AM
I hope everybody understood

Kaustuv1's photo
Tue 07/07/15 04:15 AM
I hope everybody understood

If you meant to say that you 'hope' that 'each one of us who has posted in this particular thread', has understood (your point (the OP), I mean), then I'd vouchsafe (for 'others' and 'I') YES, we 'understood'..:smile:

However, the more significant point that seems to get highlighted at this juncture, is: Have You Understood 'us'?:smile:

no photo
Tue 07/07/15 06:06 AM

Dont know why i allways get attracted to ladies older than me. Is it wrong?
No! Nothing wrong with it.glasses

BangyL's photo
Tue 07/07/15 08:43 AM
nothing at all

no photo
Tue 07/07/15 09:44 AM
Dont know why i allways get attracted to ladies older than me.

Here then, let me help you understand why.

Depending on the person, the reasons are:
- Older women are seen as easier to get and require less competing.
You go to a bar, or school, or whatever you see one young pretty for every dozen or more guys, or you see a young girl she's surrounded by friends. When you see an older woman? She's generally alone doing whatever she's doing. Shopping, driving, working, running errands. The association is she has less men sniffing around.
Or you see them with their kids. Doting, showing care and concern and a relationship.

- Older women fulfill a desire for mom. Oedipal. Especially if raised by a single mom.

- Older women are seen as guaranteed to fail in the long term (due to the age difference), so ideal for short term (especially sex).

- Older women are seen as more responsible, and potentially willing to accept responsibility for their partner and the relationship, a support system that will do most of the work in a relationship. Kind of like a mentor/mentee if anything goes wrong it's her fault...because she's old enough to know better and to know how.

- Older women are seen as less attractive but less risky. If a woman the same age rejects the guy, that's heartbreaking. If an older woman rejects the guy well then it's not his fault, it's age. If she rejects him than oh well, she's just some old lady.
Kind of like the ugly/fat chick. If a hot chick rejects him, then he's not hot, it's because he's ugly boo hoo. If an ugly/fat chick rejects him, it's the ugly chicks problem because he's not as ugly as her. It's her mistake, not his shortcomings.

- Older women approaching the menopausal age become far more adventurous and outspoken sexually. The window to have anymore babies is closing so sometimes there's a sense of desperation reflected in how they dress, attitudes, how they behave, flirt, and it can be entirely subconscious.

- Insecurity or association. Some people have simply been around older people most of their life and are used to a certain age of person, or age difference being around. Some are "momma's boys" and their most fulfilling relationship was with their mom, or aunts, or grandma, or older sisters, that's all they're used to. Some just grew up in towns that didn't have a young population.

- Some combination of the preceding.

Is it wrong?

Purely natural to human instinct.
Get the highest perceived return for the least amount of perceived effort or perceived risk.

date_sam's photo
Tue 07/07/15 12:04 PM

Dont know why i allways get attracted to ladies older than me. Is it wrong?
No! Nothing wrong with it.glasses
tnx red

no photo
Tue 07/07/15 12:10 PM
Ciretom, you got that the other way around. Older women have zero interest or desire to date younger men and babysit them. Therefore, older women are the TOUGHEST and HARDEST to get. Get a serious clue.

Annierooroo's photo
Tue 07/07/15 12:17 PM

Ciretom, you got that the other way around. Older women have zero interest or desire to date younger men and babyxsit them. Therefore, older women are the TOUGHEST and HARDEST to get. Get a serious clue.

I am with Iam. Not interested in young men. I had three don't want another.

no photo
Tue 07/07/15 12:20 PM
Desperation? Older women have a sense of desperation? For what? To babysit younger men? No, thank you. No one is that desperate.

BangyL's photo
Tue 07/07/15 02:23 PM
Edited by BangyL on Tue 07/07/15 02:25 PM
I never had interest in older women, but since i joined the forum am begining to love them. they have a good sense of humour, reasoning, maturity, and they also care about what matters(the size). saw that on another thread

BangyL's photo
Tue 07/07/15 02:28 PM
Pls how can i change the age bracket on my profile

no photo
Tue 07/07/15 02:52 PM
Edited by debbie1980 on Tue 07/07/15 02:53 PM

Ciretom, you got that the other way around. Older women have zero interest or desire to date younger men and babyxsit them. Therefore, older women are the TOUGHEST and HARDEST to get. Get a serious clue.

I am with Iam. Not interested in young men. I had three don't want another.

if you had three, doesn't that prove ciretom's point?

no photo
Tue 07/07/15 05:02 PM

Ciretom, you got that the other way around. Older women have zero interest or desire to date younger men and babysit them. Therefore, older women are the TOUGHEST and HARDEST to get. Get a serious clue.

I wouldn't say that. I wouldn't say that older women have ZERO interest in younger men. But I will say, 99 times out of 100 if an older woman does take some interest in a younger man, it's for one reason. And one only, Sex. Some older women have a very high sex drive. And they think a younger man can keep up better. And in some cases that may be true. When you see a 40 something woman with a 20 or 30 something man, You can almost bet the attraction is nothing but physical. Some cases, maybe not. But most, yes.

Goofball73's photo
Tue 07/07/15 05:29 PM

Dont know why i allways get attracted to ladies older than me. Is it wrong?

Just don't date my mother or grandmother. grumble laugh

MariahsFantasy's photo
Tue 07/07/15 05:37 PM

Dont know why i allways get attracted to ladies older than me. Is it wrong?

Just don't date my mother or grandmother. grumble laugh

OKcupid disagrees witcha. :tongue:

Goofball73's photo
Tue 07/07/15 05:41 PM

Dont know why i allways get attracted to ladies older than me. Is it wrong?

Just don't date my mother or grandmother. grumble laugh

OKcupid disagrees witcha. :tongue:

Thought that was POF? :tongue:

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