Topic: High risked love
jazzinc's photo
Sun 06/14/15 05:01 AM
Dating and romantic relationships with job colleagues at workplace can be a bad experience and a not recommended adventure.

There are thousands of colorful stories

your comments??


Billiejoulloa's photo
Sun 06/14/15 05:18 AM
True work is work not a meeting place

no photo
Sun 06/14/15 07:57 PM
Dating and romantic relationships with job colleagues at workplace can be a bad experience and a not recommended adventure.

IMO that's sad more than anything.

Where did you meet your first crush, date, serious relationship, love?

If you're like most people, school.
Your first job.
Show up, do the work, get a promotion to the next grade, behave yourself, graduate and "real" life.

For the first, what, almost 20 years of your life you were forced to attend a place that was coed, your entire social life (and possibly life) pretty much revolved around the relationships developed there.

But then, all of a sudden, what was just accepted and okay for the first 20 or so years of your life, your entire normalized paradigm, is verboten.

Name anywhere else where it's "you know all that stuff you were doing, it was healthy for you, generally supported and encouraged, that you learned a lot from? Yeah...don't do that anymore."

If you dare treat it like you've been treating your life the last 20 years you can get fired, sued, sent to sensitivity training, fined, sent to jail.

Work "should" be a good place to meet people and potential mates.

It's where many to most people end up spending a significant portion of the rest of their life.

That just seems sad and messed up to me.

There are thousands of colorful stories

I quit a job to ask a coworker out.
We dated once, then she stopped calling me back.
She was banging a guy in another department.

your comments??

Smoke em if you got em, date where you can find it, be aware of the consequences to what you do.

no photo
Sun 06/14/15 08:05 PM
Dating and romantic relationships with job
colleagues at workplace can be a bad
experience and a not recommended adventure.
Sure makes the office Christmas parties fun though.....

no photo
Sun 06/14/15 08:08 PM

True work is work not a meeting place

I work for a park system and I meet lots of people everyday. Do I hit of them? NO! Because I am a professional, and that could probably get me fired.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 06/14/15 10:20 PM
Never mix business with pleasure.....unless she charges fair rates. :thumbsup:

Rooster35's photo
Mon 06/15/15 12:29 AM
Dating someone at work: a very bad idea in my opinion. Never have and never will. Especially considering that should any repercussions occur, the man is usually the one blamed.

Duttoneer's photo
Mon 06/15/15 01:04 AM
Dating your boss is probably a very bad idea, as is dating a subordinate if you are the boss, but dating a coworker providing you are both single should not be a problem in my opinion. I have seen relationships begin in the workplace that have resulted in a happy marriage. Sadly, I have also seen relationships form that should not have done, resulting in divorce.

jacktrades's photo
Mon 06/15/15 01:18 AM
I met my ex at work,I was a manager and she worked for me but after we got together she quit because work and a relationship don't mix.

Jhazzie's photo
Thu 06/18/15 09:10 AM
That's true. Especially if you're in a wrong relationship or the guy is committed. Most of the time, he wont talk to you when everyone is there or if they know that the guy is already committed. But if both of you are single, i guess relationship with colleague/in the office is fine.