Topic: long distance
greeneyedkid's photo
Sat 06/13/15 04:53 AM
my last relationship was a long distance relationship in which i drove 4 hours to see her and it actually worked for about 8 really not looking for a long distance relationship right now,but i am curious to know what exactly is a long distance.1hour, 2 hours, how far would you drive too meet the opposite sex?

no photo
Sat 06/13/15 05:06 AM
in my opinion any one you can't see for dinner after work is long distance

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sat 06/13/15 05:08 AM

how far would you drive too meet the opposite sex?

3.14 miles

irisheyes56's photo
Sat 06/13/15 05:41 AM
3,400 miles. Now that is a long distance which I have done and would do again if it brought me true love.

greeneyedkid's photo
Sat 06/13/15 06:11 AM
wow.idk about that.i need a woman i can spend time with and show my love to.someone i can be affectionate with

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 06/13/15 07:17 AM
I have mixed feelings about it.

I have done the waiting girlfriend/wife thing and while it is certainly preferable to not having a mate it is not easy.

I tend to agree with Eric and the ease of local companion is my first draw. I am not such a spur of the moment have to drop everything and run but it is nice if someone says Hey honey lets get together and I know it is going to happen in a hour or less.

But I am feeling the south call me home so have thought about gentlemen more in that area than I have for a long time.

The important thing is do I really care for the person. If I was able to have the quality in person time to know how I felt about someone I have always said my shoes are not nailed to the floor where I am.

Pretty much anywhere in the USA I would consider moving without too much hesitation. I liked Canada and BC a lot when I have visited but the long winters and cooler temps have less appeal than the warmer areas of the USA.

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 06/13/15 07:31 AM
How do you make a long distance relationship work when it's. Like halve a world away.
Time factor, could that be a problem?
Face to face i guess Skype helps with that
Never had one do I am curious

no1phD's photo
Sat 06/13/15 07:39 AM

ii have mixed feelings about it.

But I am feeling the south call me home so have thought about gentlemen more in that area than I have for a long time

I like the way you put things ! ^so hot lol:wink: :angel:

Goofball73's photo
Sat 06/13/15 01:00 PM
Hmmmmmm......well my theory is this....have passport....willing to travel. :wink: laugh

Rooster35's photo
Sat 06/13/15 01:24 PM
No more than two hours drive. Beyond that forget it.

TMommy's photo
Sat 06/13/15 01:40 PM
Man I am not even sure I would drive that farhuh

no photo
Sat 06/13/15 02:47 PM
Long distance would not be so bad if you both know that you are working towards being together permanently. I wouldn't do the long distance thing for years. I have driven about 1,000 miles in a relationship.

Datwasntme's photo
Sat 06/13/15 03:57 PM
long distance = more then i am willing to drive every day : )

soufiehere's photo
Sat 06/13/15 04:04 PM
Well, ya know..
You can fish from a small pond, maybe there are a few fish in it.
(This is called local dating.)
Or, you can fish from a large lake full of trophy fish.
(This is a distance relationship.)

I like that this is an international site.
Unlimited fishing.

no photo
Sat 06/13/15 04:08 PM
how far would you drive too meet the opposite sex?

Not very far.
If I couldn't find someone local and relatively close, then there's something wrong with me.
Although, I happen to live in a city with like 6 million people, rather than Kornpone Iowa population 15.

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 06/13/15 04:11 PM
After consideration yep passport ready to go.

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 06/13/15 04:21 PM

Well, ya know..
You can fish from a small pond, maybe there are a few fish in it.
(This is called local dating.)
Or, you can fish from a large lake full of trophy fish.
(This is a distance relationship.)

I like that this is an international site.
Unlimited fishing.

Me too..
Drive heck OP I fly about 3200 miles... I know some that go farther than that.

Rooster35's photo
Sun 06/14/15 04:02 AM

Man I am not even sure I would drive that farhuh

If she's worth it I would :smile:

metalwing's photo
Sun 06/14/15 04:07 AM
Usually, how a man defines "long" and a woman defines "long" are two different things.