Topic: rate my profile
nzane's photo
Wed 06/10/15 02:14 AM
let me know where I need to I am really new to this on line stuff...thank you...

FunconVenntional's photo
Wed 06/10/15 07:24 AM
The bio is brief but I think it's a really nice start. Gives a good feeling of who you are. The last sentence is confusing because you never mentioned living in Florida, only Texas. Add a little more about what your doing now. I'm glad you avoided plagiarizing the Boy Scout oath, I always hate that.
However, the picture needs work. Your a good looking man and appear to be fit, don't mess it up with creepy pictures.
Slightly reclined with headset on says- 'I'm looking to sex chat!' Whether it's true or not, this is not something want to know- at least not up front.
Remember, it costs nothing but time to shoot 50 pics of yourself with your phone... or web cam. Show this is important to you by making the effort to get a good one.
If you chose the reclining shot for the 'facelift effect' take the pic outside with something interesting behind you. You can still hold the camera above with your head tipped back but at least it will look like you were trying to include the backgroundwinking
If you need a mirror to get a shot and there isn't one in your house (outside of the bathroom or bedroom) go to the mall, or Ikea is good.
There are also free phone apps that have camera timers.
Common picture pitfalls to avoid:
selfie-in-car (says pervert and deceptive)
bathroom selfies ...that goes triple for public restrooms (never never never)
And always check your background- you don't want to advertise untidiness... or sexual deviance surprised
You have good material to work with, make the most of it!