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Topic: Women not to preach/teach?
Ladywind7's photo
Sat 09/12/15 05:24 AM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Sat 09/12/15 05:27 AM
And the Lord RAISED UP judges and they saved them [the Israelites] from the hands of those who had spoiled them. (Judges 2:16)

If God did not want women to teach men, then why did He raise up Deborah who was a judge and a brilliant war strategist?

The Judges were the Jewish leaders who arise during this time, to unify the people, get them to repent, deal with the spiritual problems of the nation, and also deal with the physical threat.

They are sometimes military leaders who know how to mobilize the nation for war against an enemy, but their real power lies in their Torah knowledge and ability to adjudicate Jewish law.

The narrative for this entire period appears in the Book of Judges, authored by the last great personality in the period of the Judges-Samuel the Prophet. The period of the Judges spans a period of 365 years from the first judge, Otniel ben Kenaz, and with the last judge, the Prophet Samuel.

DEBORAH One of the first of the Judges is a woman.(See Judges, Chapters 4-5.) She is famous for sitting under a palm tree where anyone could seek her advice, and from where she issued battle orders.

Barak, Israel's top warrior during that time, refuses to go into battle without her. Together they lead the troops against the much larger Canaanite force backed up by 900 iron chariots, of which Israel had none.

The Book of Judges describes a key battle with the Canaanites led by Sisera.

On the eve of the battle, Barak is doubtful that Israel'��s warriors could ever beat such a strong opponent but Deborah stands firm. An unexpected storm is unleashed in the heavens, and the resulting downpour turns the ground to mud; the iron chariots get stuck and the Canaanites panic.

Deborah's prophecy that 'This is the day on which the Lord will deliver [the Canaanite general] Sisera into your hands' is thus fulfilled.
Judges ruled Israel before the Kings from 1244 BCE to 879 BCE, a period of 365 years.

She was a judge and a prophet. God called her for His purposes and she obeyed Him.

Rizun's photo
Sat 09/12/15 06:40 AM
And then everybody died and god was happy

The end.
Best story ever!

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/12/15 08:09 AM

I've got to get going now... My wives say, "I have to get mooooOOOOoooving along."

(I Gotta Keep The Herd Happy)



no photo
Sat 09/12/15 10:40 AM

:laughing: Thank You, Conrad_73 !

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/12/15 10:44 AM
laugh :thumbsup:

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 09/12/15 02:21 PM
Nice move men.
When you refer to women/wives as cows and then wonder why God's choice is a women for a teacher/preacher, think again.
If God wants to get something accomplished and the men are morally incompetent, he will use a woman.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/12/15 02:30 PM
I was brought up that women teach women and children. Men are supposed to lead. But let's face it...men aren't always right and a women knows how to influence (good or bad). Remember Adam and Eve? Most that aren't Christian might not get it, I understand that, bit women have more influence than people give us credit for

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 09/12/15 02:41 PM
My personal beliefs are God has an order, men are to be the Head/leaders/teachers.
But....sometimes He will baffle us all and call a woman into ministry.

1onlyaname's photo
Sat 09/12/15 02:46 PM
in that period of time women spent most of their time with the children n work the woman cared for the vineyards. the men spent most their time studying. my thought is they didn't consider a woman qualified to speak in the church. it would insult the men who spent time to study it before preaching. so if a woman spent her time in the vineyard came home to her man studying and started preaching it be an insult. its about respect just my opinion.

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 09/12/15 03:00 PM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Sat 09/12/15 03:06 PM
If we believe that Christ is the head and we are His body here on earth, but spiritually seated in heaven....does that not make us genderless as male and female are one in Christ?
Galatians 3:28 There is now neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Paul also wrote the book of Galations.
It is interesting to observe Pauls spiritual growth in the New Testament.
At first he was a little cocky, challenging even Peter the apostle, then as he matures in his faith he refers to himself as the least of the apostles.

no photo
Sat 09/12/15 05:55 PM
smile2 When I was a kid it was my understanding that the Man is the head and the Wife is the neck that turns it.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/13/15 11:24 AM

My personal beliefs are God has an order, men are to be the Head/leaders/teachers.
But....sometimes He will baffle us all and call a woman into ministry.

I believe this too,, , it is also interesting to note that much of the letters about the church were notated by paul specifically as 'I do not allow',, not 'God does not allow'

however, I do think it is clear elsewhere Gods plan for the order of things concerning men and women,,,,so that Pauls mandates would not fall outside of Gods plan,,,or violate it in any way

no photo
Sat 09/19/15 04:59 PM

Correct me if I am mistaken, but didn't the Apostle Paul say that he didn't allow women to preach or teach?

If that were true, I'd better shut up then

no photo
Sat 09/19/15 05:03 PM
just my idea. if God didnt want woman to "preach or teach" then why did God make them mothers? and raise children?

no photo
Sat 09/19/15 05:06 PM

smile2 When I was a kid it was my understanding that the Man is the head and the Wife is the neck that turns it.

It is still that way
(In Islam that is)

no photo
Sat 02/27/16 04:13 AM
hi! we are all called to teach, if a woman is teaching she is not to do so in authoritative position, we are not to be deacons or bishops, it is in the word thanks for reading, i got to see God eye to eye <3

NOBootyHunter's photo
Sat 02/27/16 04:17 AM
"But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet, 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve,"

Duct Tape came later

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