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Topic: Want to know what people think of you?
Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 12:34 AM
Want to know what people think of you?

LOL No, I do not want. I want to know what God thinks of me. :)

cody5785's photo
Mon 06/08/15 12:42 AM
i want to know something anout u versaviawaving

Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 12:49 AM
Edited by Versavia on Mon 06/08/15 01:16 AM
Thank you.
What can I tell you: Unfortunately all Buddhists will get to the prison called hell and after their Judgement Day to the LAKE OF FIRE. God said that.

Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 01:10 AM
Want to know what people think of you?

ASK ME. lol

2469nascar's photo
Mon 06/08/15 01:21 AM

Want to know what people think of you?

ASK ME. lol
ok ill bite,,Iam a cathloc,,iam i gona burn in hell to?

Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 01:45 AM
Edited by Versavia on Mon 06/08/15 01:49 AM
Yes, my dear brother. Idolworshipers do NOT inherit the Kingdom of God too. Our God Jesus said that in the last chapters of the Bible:
Revelation 22:

14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city (the NEW JERUSALEM). 15 Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying. 16"I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I (JESUS) am the root and the descendant of David,...


If you pray to a dead lady MARY or any dead "saints" then repent, confess these sins to God in a prayer and ABANDON these sins to be a FREE person. Because God is going to start the Judgement from the Church of God...

Prayer is a CONVERSATION/a mobile phone to call ONLY the living GOD ..not any dead people...LOL

There is NO madness is our God and His Christianity...Madness is only in our "crazy" churches...

Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 01:59 AM
Edited by Versavia on Mon 06/08/15 02:00 AM
The Ten Commandments

1 And God spoke all these words, saying:

2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 You shall have no other gods before Me.

4 You shall not make for yourself a carved image -any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
Exodus 20

No carved shall not bow down to them ....No icons...No idolworship of people...Do not bow down your head and heart before DEAD people who do NOT hear you...they are DEAD and ONLY the LIVING God is omniscient..He HEARS..His name is "God hears". Only He is able to receive/perceive your "calls"/prayers...

no photo
Mon 06/08/15 02:12 AM
so your a Protestant Jew?

Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 02:55 AM

Greetings to you too.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 06/08/15 07:26 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Mon 06/08/15 07:27 AM
Ok so do you want to know what people think of you or not? Or is this just and attempt to bash anyone who doesn't follow your religious views of your God and pass it off as his instructions?

I have a few years exposure to the great religions of the world and this does not sound like true Islam or Judaism.

It sounds like radicalized anger about things you really don't know much about except to take out of context quotes and manipulate yourself into a position to be judge and jury of people you don't even know. Defying the tenants of your proclaimed faith that say it is God's right to judge NOT yours.

In my thinking a poor, excuse me a very poor, way to introduce anyone either to you or your faith.

Faiths that what I have seen stress tolerance, wisdom, and nurturing faith by teaching, not reinventing them into weapons, but by true study and practice of the tenants over years of living a life that does not spew damnation and hatred but love and good example.

Have a blessed day.

Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 07:42 AM
The Holy Bible commands us to judge those who are in the Church and even to expel sexual immoral people from the Church as a sign to them that the judgement is approaching them and they should repent...

Christians should NOT tolerate sins but expose them.
This is the true Christianity taught us by God of the Holy Bible. He commands us to do that and we do that. Soon we will judge even the fallen angels/rebels...
And God will start the judgement from the Church of God....

..but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name. For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? AND IF IT IS WITH DIFFICULTY THAT THE RIGHTEOUS IS SAVED, WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE GODLESS MAN AND THE SINNER?
1 Peter 4

regularfeller's photo
Mon 06/08/15 07:43 AM

Thank you.
What can I tell you: Unfortunately all Buddhists will get to the prison called hell and after their Judgement Day to the LAKE OF FIRE. God said that.

ohwell Do I smell smoke and brimstone?

I just met my new neighbor...pitchfork

:laughing: No creator would create a being to torture unless that creator were a psychopath.

The god you speak of was explicit in stating "he" was the god of the Jews - and nobody else. If you can believe everything you read.

Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 07:49 AM
Edited by Versavia on Mon 06/08/15 07:50 AM
No, wrong.

God chose one nation on our planet..Jews...separated them from pagan nations to reveal them His nature...that Jews would spread the knowledge about Him on our planet...This is quite reasonable and He said that OPENLY in the Holy Scripture.

If His justice kills murderers of His people, then it is love for these people that kills them...This is love. Love is like a double edged sword (JUSTICE): it protects, KILLING....

The nature of the God of Israel is LOVE and Justice. Remember that.

regularfeller's photo
Mon 06/08/15 08:10 AM

No, wrong.

God chose one nation on our planet..Jews...separated them from pagan nations to reveal them His nature...that Jews would spread the knowledge about Him on our planet...This is quite reasonable and He said that OPENLY in the Holy Scripture.

If His justice kills murderers of His people, then it is love for these people that kills them...This is love. Love is like a double edged sword (JUSTICE): it protects, KILLING....

The nature of the God of Israel is LOVE and Justice. Remember that.

And forbade associations between the Israelites and any other ethnic groups...but no are using the construct of mingling old and new testament ideals to prop up a point that isn't on firm footing.

Lend an ear and hear this isn't the "eternal afterlife" people are afraid of, it is the dying itself that makes them nervous.

We aren't illiterate, ignorant, and superstitious people anymore. You can't frighten people with "fairy tale" ogres lurking in the dark to gain their obedience and money.

*If YOUR god is the god of all, who would "His people" need protected from?

*Why would you reference any particular nation as "His people?

*Why wouldn't YOUR god "reveal" itself to ALL nations of it's creation [Even though ALL PEOPLE are supposed to have descended from the OJ's (Original Jews) Adam and Eve]??

Versavia's photo
Mon 06/08/15 08:13 AM
Edited by Versavia on Mon 06/08/15 08:14 AM
Send it to Muslims..They appreciate the words of God more than Christians. Muslims, join us. :)

regularfeller's photo
Mon 06/08/15 08:21 AM
ANSWER the questions!


SitkaRains's photo
Mon 06/08/15 08:27 AM
And OP I don't care what you think of me...

I firmly believe in the adage of
What you think of me is none of my business...

But I will welcome you to Mingle...

regularfeller's photo
Mon 06/08/15 09:02 AM

AWWw no way.. hugs my friend..
I guess I should have more than one cup of coffee before I post laugh
flowerforyou flowerforyou

blushing shucks, hugs n flowers for a lil ol pitchfork advocate?

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 06/08/15 11:04 AM
Maybe Mingleland will edit their own herd. If someone has to keep posting the same old stuff in all of the forums they will by majority get blocked and have no audience for their rhetoric. Internal exile does work.

That is why some people keep reinventing their profiles and site hopping. Ever notice trolls travel in packs?

soufiehere's photo
Mon 06/08/15 08:15 PM
Edited for off-topic.

Site Moderator

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