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Topic: OH, MY-MY, Putin's Pissed About FIFA & The USA Involvement..
Thu 05/28/15 10:19 AM
Not only is Putin pissed and kicking sand in his litter box; his using quotations from his 'Edward Snowden' as if that proves the USA and the scandal has zero validity or authority to do what they've done!

Hmmmm --- but to me and the recent Olympic dirty dealings {for payoff's for bribing committee votes for placement of the next Olympic Games} this is just another means for the FIFA committee's to pocket some ill gotten gain $$$$ from world leaders hell bent on doing things the 'good ole boy' way!


Putin Says FIFA Arrests Show U.S. Meddling Abroad, Backs Blatter Reuters Posted: 05/28/2015 6:14 am EDT
By Darya Korsunskaya and Dmitriy Rogovitskiy

MOSCOW, May 28 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin defended Russia's right to host the 2018 soccer World Cup on Thursday and accused the United States of meddling outside its jurisdiction in the arrest of top officials from world governing body FIFA.

Putin said the arrests in Switzerland on Wednesday were an "obvious attempt" to prevent FIFA head Sepp Blatter's re-election this week but that the 79-year-old had Russia's backing.

"If anything happened, it did not happen on U.S. territory and the United states has nothing to do with it," he said. "This is yet another blatant attempt (by the United States) to extend its jurisdiction to other states."

The world's most popular sport was plunged into turmoil this week when seven senior soccer officials were arrested on U.S. corruption charges to face extradition from Switzerland.

Swiss authorities also announced a criminal investigation into the awarding of the next two World Cups, including the 2018 tournament which was granted to Russia in 2010 by a committee containing two of the indicted FIFA officials.

After hosting the Winter Olympics in Sochi last year, the World Cup will be a chance for Russia to showcase itself as a global power at a time of deteriorating relations with the West over the crisis in Ukraine.

Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko told RIA news agency on Thursday there was no risk of Russia losing its right to host the 2018 tournament.

"If the investigators do not have any concrete proof to show that the Russian bid campaign violated any rules, then there is no need to resort to politics," Mutko said.

"Unfortunately, our American partners use such methods to achieve their selfish aims and illegally persecute people," he said, citing former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, both of whom have evaded prosecution in the United States for divulging secret information by hiding abroad.

"I do not rule out that in the case of FIFA, it's exactly the same," Putin said. (Reporting By Jason Bush; editing by Ralph Boulton)

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/28/15 10:51 AM

Not only is Putin pissed and kicking sand in his litter box; his using quotations from his 'Edward Snowden' as if that proves the USA and the scandal has zero validity or authority to do what they've done!

Hmmmm --- but to me and the recent Olympic dirty dealings {for payoff's for bribing committee votes for placement of the next Olympic Games} this is just another means for the FIFA committee's to pocket some ill gotten gain $$$$ from world leaders hell bent on doing things the 'good ole boy' way!


Putin Says FIFA Arrests Show U.S. Meddling Abroad, Backs Blatter Reuters Posted: 05/28/2015 6:14 am EDT
By Darya Korsunskaya and Dmitriy Rogovitskiy

MOSCOW, May 28 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin defended Russia's right to host the 2018 soccer World Cup on Thursday and accused the United States of meddling outside its jurisdiction in the arrest of top officials from world governing body FIFA.

Putin said the arrests in Switzerland on Wednesday were an "obvious attempt" to prevent FIFA head Sepp Blatter's re-election this week but that the 79-year-old had Russia's backing.

"If anything happened, it did not happen on U.S. territory and the United states has nothing to do with it," he said. "This is yet another blatant attempt (by the United States) to extend its jurisdiction to other states."

The world's most popular sport was plunged into turmoil this week when seven senior soccer officials were arrested on U.S. corruption charges to face extradition from Switzerland.

Swiss authorities also announced a criminal investigation into the awarding of the next two World Cups, including the 2018 tournament which was granted to Russia in 2010 by a committee containing two of the indicted FIFA officials.

After hosting the Winter Olympics in Sochi last year, the World Cup will be a chance for Russia to showcase itself as a global power at a time of deteriorating relations with the West over the crisis in Ukraine.

Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko told RIA news agency on Thursday there was no risk of Russia losing its right to host the 2018 tournament.

"If the investigators do not have any concrete proof to show that the Russian bid campaign violated any rules, then there is no need to resort to politics," Mutko said.

"Unfortunately, our American partners use such methods to achieve their selfish aims and illegally persecute people," he said, citing former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, both of whom have evaded prosecution in the United States for divulging secret information by hiding abroad.

"I do not rule out that in the case of FIFA, it's exactly the same," Putin said. (Reporting By Jason Bush; editing by Ralph Boulton)

the most liberal newsgroup in the world talking bad about russia to make obarry look good.... go figurewhoa

Thu 05/28/15 11:03 AM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Thu 05/28/15 11:08 AM
Sweet Jesus, Moe; could you just make a reply to the topic and forgo busting Obama's chops ??? offtopic OR...ignore the entire thread and just stroll on by! spock

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/28/15 11:08 AM

Sweet Jesus, Joe; could you just make a reply to the topic and forgo busting Obama's chops ??? offtopic OR...ignore the entire thread and just stroll on by! spock

that is my reply to the topic... HP is run by the liberal government, of course they going to make the "evil" Putin look bad... anything they can to glorify the great job the liberals are doing in office... FIFA has been doing this for years, and they decide to "attack" now, right before Russia hosts the cup?

no photo
Thu 05/28/15 11:10 AM
Heyyyy looky here.....ol Slick Willy and his foundaion is involved....

"" And just like that, another Clinton Foundation
donor is in the news.
The Clinton global charity has received
between $50,000 and $100,000 from soccer’s
governing body and has partnered with the
Fédération Internationale de Football
Association on several occasions, according
to donor listings on the foundation’s website.
Several top FIFA executives were arrested
Wednesday in Zurich and face corruption
charges stretching back two decades,
according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Involvement with the embattled body extends
beyond the foundation to Bill Clinton himself.
The former president was an honorary
chairman of the bid committee put together to
promote the United States as a possible host
nation for the 2018 or 2022 World Cup.
When the U.S. lost the 2022 bid to Qatar,
Clinton was rumored to be so upset he
shattered a mirror.
But apparently Qatar tried to make it up to
The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee,
partnering with the State of Qatar, “committed
to utilizing its research and development for
sustainable infrastructure at the 2022 FIFA
World Cup to improve food security in Qatar,
the Middle East, and other arid and water-
stressed regions throughout the world,”
according to the Clinton Foundation website.
The cost of the two-year project is not listed
on the Clinton Foundation website, but the
Qatar 2022 committee gave the foundation
between $250,000 and $500,000 in 2014 and
the State of Qatar gave between $1 million
and $5 million in previous, unspecified years.""

Shocker, aint it? laugh

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/28/15 11:13 AM

Heyyyy looky here.....ol Slick Willy and his foundaion is involved....

"" And just like that, another Clinton Foundation
donor is in the news.
The Clinton global charity has received
between $50,000 and $100,000 from soccer’s
governing body and has partnered with the
Fédération Internationale de Football
Association on several occasions, according
to donor listings on the foundation’s website.
Several top FIFA executives were arrested
Wednesday in Zurich and face corruption
charges stretching back two decades,
according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Involvement with the embattled body extends
beyond the foundation to Bill Clinton himself.
The former president was an honorary
chairman of the bid committee put together to
promote the United States as a possible host
nation for the 2018 or 2022 World Cup.
When the U.S. lost the 2022 bid to Qatar,
Clinton was rumored to be so upset he
shattered a mirror.
But apparently Qatar tried to make it up to
The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee,
partnering with the State of Qatar, “committed
to utilizing its research and development for
sustainable infrastructure at the 2022 FIFA
World Cup to improve food security in Qatar,
the Middle East, and other arid and water-
stressed regions throughout the world,”
according to the Clinton Foundation website.
The cost of the two-year project is not listed
on the Clinton Foundation website, but the
Qatar 2022 committee gave the foundation
between $250,000 and $500,000 in 2014 and
the State of Qatar gave between $1 million
and $5 million in previous, unspecified years.""

Shocker, aint it? laugh

how odd, more liberals involved...

Thu 05/28/15 11:13 AM

Sweet Jesus, Joe; could you just make a reply to the topic and forgo busting Obama's chops ??? offtopic OR...ignore the entire thread and just stroll on by! spock

that is my reply to the topic... HP is run by the liberal government, of course they going to make the "evil" Putin look bad... anything they can to glorify the great job the liberals are doing in office... FIFA has been doing this for years, and they decide to "attack" now, right before Russia hosts the cup?

OK - OK...there were a whole list of sights that I could have linked to but that was the first one at the top of the page; WTH does HP have to do with the topicwhat NOT A THING!!!

Granted the investigation stated that the bribes had gone back a few years {LOL, putting it mildly} but this is an international event...I can't imagine the time/man power/places that the investigation would have taken to get enough evidence? Of course - I'm not privy to any of those meetings and undercover type of I just read about the 'AFTER' events and court cases! Shouldn't it be STOPPED?

Thu 05/28/15 11:18 AM
Ohhhhh, that will put another hole into that HRC election boat: not good - nope...not good at all!

RebelArcher's Link >>>
The cost of the two-year project is not listed on the Clinton Foundation website, but the Qatar 2022 committee gave the foundation
between $250,000 and $500,000 in 2014 and the State of Qatar gave between $1 million and $5 million in previous, unspecified years.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/28/15 11:19 AM

Sweet Jesus, Joe; could you just make a reply to the topic and forgo busting Obama's chops ??? offtopic OR...ignore the entire thread and just stroll on by! spock

that is my reply to the topic... HP is run by the liberal government, of course they going to make the "evil" Putin look bad... anything they can to glorify the great job the liberals are doing in office... FIFA has been doing this for years, and they decide to "attack" now, right before Russia hosts the cup?

OK - OK...there were a whole list of sights that I could have linked to but that was the first one at the top of the page; WTH does HP have to do with the topicwhat NOT A THING!!!

Granted the investigation stated that the bribes had gone back a few years {LOL, putting it mildly} but this is an international event...I can't imagine the time/man power/places that the investigation would have taken to get enough evidence? Of course - I'm not privy to any of those meetings and undercover type of I just read about the 'AFTER' events and court cases! Shouldn't it be STOPPED?

they didn't try when it was in Brazil... they didn't bring up Qatar... only Russia... it didn't work when they tried to stop the Olympics, Either... i'm sorry you can't see that the liberals need enemies to keep the public in fear, and Russia is always a good prospect to keep us scared of something... as you know, fear/making us mad at something is a great way to control the masses through media inputs...

Thu 05/28/15 11:28 AM

mightymoe stated >>> they didn't try when it was in Brazil... they didn't bring up Qatar... only Russia... it didn't work when they tried to stop the Olympics, Either... i'm sorry you can't see that the liberals need enemies to keep the public in fear, and Russia is always a good prospect to keep us scared of something... as you know, fear/making us mad at something is a great way to control the masses through media inputs...

Can't get you off that 'drum beat' of LIBERAL LABELING noway

And how oddly familiar it was to my ears back when dear Ronnie was using the Smear/Fear Campaign to scare Americans about those 'Horrible Commies' and pushing for more DOD budget $$$ funding that we didn't need for special projects that we couldn't afford for military equipment that we still can't use!

Yes, Moe...I've heard that 'FEAR MONGERING TECHNIQUE' used before; both sides of the isle whenever it suits their purpose! grumble drinker

But this - this is 'timing and sequence' or you think it just something that subliminally we are doing to make PUTIN look pissy?

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/28/15 11:41 AM
Edited by mightymoe on Thu 05/28/15 11:43 AM

mightymoe stated >>> they didn't try when it was in Brazil... they didn't bring up Qatar... only Russia... it didn't work when they tried to stop the Olympics, Either... i'm sorry you can't see that the liberals need enemies to keep the public in fear, and Russia is always a good prospect to keep us scared of something... as you know, fear/making us mad at something is a great way to control the masses through media inputs...

Can't get you off that 'drum beat' of LIBERAL LABELING noway

And how oddly familiar it was to my ears back when dear Ronnie was using the Smear/Fear Campaign to scare Americans about those 'Horrible Commies' and pushing for more DOD budget $$$ funding that we didn't need for special projects that we couldn't afford for military equipment that we still can't use!

Yes, Moe...I've heard that 'FEAR MONGERING TECHNIQUE' used before; both sides of the isle whenever it suits their purpose! grumble drinker

But this - this is 'timing and sequence' or you think it just something that subliminally we are doing to make PUTIN look pissy?

what's Putin done wrong? why "make him look pissy"? he doesn't have a right to his opinion? is he wrong about something here? is there a problem with having the world cup in Russia?

you keep whining about me talking about the liberals, saying both parties do this or that... i have a newsflash for ya, BOTH PARTIES AREN'T IN CHARGE... the liberals are in charge, OBAMA makes the decisions, not bush, reagan, clinton or anyone else you want to drudge up from the past, but yet your bringing up someone that's been dead and buried for years now???... you and your diversionary tactics aren't going to work here, so quit bringing up this stupid crap from the past and start looking at whats going on RIGHT NOW...

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/28/15 12:22 PM
Vlad is getting more and more Putinoid!laugh

Thu 05/28/15 12:50 PM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Thu 05/28/15 12:51 PM

mightymoe stated >>>
what's Putin done wrong? why "make him look pissy"? he doesn't have a right to his opinion? is he wrong about something here? is there a problem with having the world cup in Russia?

you keep whining about me talking about the liberals, saying both parties do this or that... i have a newsflash for ya, BOTH PARTIES AREN'T IN CHARGE... the liberals are in charge, OBAMA makes the decisions, not bush, reagan, clinton or anyone else you want to drudge up from the past, but yet your bringing up someone that's been dead and buried for years now???... you and your diversionary tactics aren't going to work here, so quit bringing up this stupid crap from the past and start looking at whats going on RIGHT NOW...

REALLY? You'll lay this investigation off on the POTUS - does that even make any common sense to even your EARS? With all the 'hot plate' issues going on between those two {on a personal level} let alone the humanitarian matter of Edward Snowden and his blabber mouth and Putin's civil strife issues {yes, his war} shocked

You'd really think that our POTUS would think that shoving this under Putin's fingernails right now would be the best effective timing; frankly I'd think that Obama and his advisors would want to be sitting on this until they could hand this 'TIME BOMB' off to the next POTUS and depart with nothing but 'well wishes' and backward glances! It just doesn't make any common sense to - and yet you connect those dots like YOU KNOW FOR A FACT? HOW? I read that the SWISS were in charge of this investigation...what do you know that no one else does??? Who do you work for?

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/28/15 01:00 PM

mightymoe stated >>>
what's Putin done wrong? why "make him look pissy"? he doesn't have a right to his opinion? is he wrong about something here? is there a problem with having the world cup in Russia?

you keep whining about me talking about the liberals, saying both parties do this or that... i have a newsflash for ya, BOTH PARTIES AREN'T IN CHARGE... the liberals are in charge, OBAMA makes the decisions, not bush, reagan, clinton or anyone else you want to drudge up from the past, but yet your bringing up someone that's been dead and buried for years now???... you and your diversionary tactics aren't going to work here, so quit bringing up this stupid crap from the past and start looking at whats going on RIGHT NOW...

REALLY? You'll lay this investigation off on the POTUS - does that even make any common sense to even your EARS? With all the 'hot plate' issues going on between those two {on a personal level} let alone the humanitarian matter of Edward Snowden and his blabber mouth and Putin's civil strife issues {yes, his war} shocked

You'd really think that our POTUS would think that shoving this under Putin's fingernails right now would be the best effective timing; frankly I'd think that Obama and his advisors would want to be sitting on this until they could hand this 'TIME BOMB' off to the next POTUS and depart with nothing but 'well wishes' and backward glances! It just doesn't make any common sense to - and yet you connect those dots like YOU KNOW FOR A FACT? HOW?

well, your "common sense" and my "common sense" have different meanings and values... no one is actually right or wrong, they are just words that have different meanings to different people as well...

Obama and his czars could care less, in all reality, but elections down the road, and bad presidential ratings mean they do things that catch the eyes of the people to increase their ratings... yes, both parties do this, i know, but the liberals control the media right now, and have the power to sway public opinion by creating a problem then pat themselves on the back when they solve the problem they created... every country pays off the FIFA comity, but since Russia is back to being "evil" again, it's a quick way to get attention and get the stupid public on the liberal side again... nothing more than a political positioning agenda, nothing more...

urbanexchange's photo
Thu 05/28/15 01:44 PM
I noticed that whenever the presidential election season draws near, a lot of issues come out of the woodwork

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/28/15 01:51 PM

Thu 05/28/15 01:54 PM
urbanexchange stated >>>
I noticed that whenever the presidential election season draws near, a lot of issues come out of the woodwork

Oh - HELL YES! And we haven't 'EVEN' entered the hurricane season yet! LMAO :wink:

mightymoe's photo
Thu 05/28/15 01:54 PM

Switzerland has dawdled too long in cleaning up FIFA, world football’s tainted governing body. That’s the view of Swiss anti-corruption lawyer Mark Pieth and campaigning politician Roland Büchel, who both welcome the intervention by the United States.

seems to be a norm... it's good they pointed that out...

Thu 05/28/15 02:00 PM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Thu 05/28/15 02:03 PM

TY, Conrad...interesting reading to be sure!

May 27, 2015 - 20:59

FIFA President Sepp Blatter is hoping for a fifth term at the head of the scandal-ridden organization

Switzerland has dawdled too long in cleaning up FIFA, world football'��s tainted governing body. That’s the view of Swiss anti-corruption lawyer Mark Pieth and campaigning politician Roland Bachel, who both welcome the intervention by the United States.

“We asked FIFA to clean up its act several years ago, while it still had time to do so,'�� Bachel told '��It failed to do so and now it seems that the US is doing that for FIFA and for Switzerland. It is a pity because now the whole world is looking at Switzerland.'��

The parliamentarian from the conservative right Swiss People'��s Party has fought to clean up Zurich-based FIFA for years, fearing that the litany of scandals surrounding it is portraying its host country in a poor light.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 05/28/15 02:01 PM

Switzerland has dawdled too long in cleaning up FIFA, world football’s tainted governing body. That’s the view of Swiss anti-corruption lawyer Mark Pieth and campaigning politician Roland Büchel, who both welcome the intervention by the United States.

seems to be a norm... it's good they pointed that out...

A number of organisations in Switzerland, such as FIFA and the United Nations, enjoy various levels of immunity from international oversight.

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