Topic: Thank Obama For 89% Spike In Cop Killings In '14
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Tue 05/26/15 06:41 AM
Thank Obama For 89% Spike In Cop Killings In '14
War On Cops:

As two Mississippi police officers are laid to rest, the FBI says the number of cops feloniously killed in the line of duty soared 89% last year. How much can a cop-vilifying president be blamed for the trend?

Deadly shootings and assaults on cops jumped to 51 in 2014 from 27 in 2013, according to preliminary FBI data.

Milwaukee's David Clarke: "Obama started this war on police intentionally. Right in line with his community agitating."

The total includes the brutal ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20. Their black killer, Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, indicated that he sneaked up to their parked patrol car and shot them both in the head as payback for the deaths of Eric Garner in New York and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.

This year is shaping up to be as bad, if not worse, for cop killings. Five NYPD cops already are believed to have been shot by black criminals in just the past five months. Last week, 25-year-old officer Brian Moore was fatally shot in the head while in his car, allegedly by career criminal Demetrius Blackwell.

And this week, four blacks were charged with the shooting deaths of Hattiesburg, Miss., police officers Benjamin Deen and Liquori Tate. The cops were ambushed while making a traffic stop. Two of the suspects allegedly then stole their police cruiser as a getaway car.

Law enforcement officials say President Obama and his "war on police" are to blame for the tragedies. Even some African-American brass are livid over his demagoguing, as acts of racism, recent unintended deaths of black criminals who resisted arrest or attacked police.

"Obama started this war on police intentionally," said Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. "Right in line with his community agitating."

Media are also to blame. From Ferguson to Baltimore, they've parroted the false narrative put out by a race-mongering White House and Justice Department. When a white officer kills a black man, the media are quick to point out the race, never the other way around.

Obama's press popinjays have made great hay of the racial element in the Ferguson, Staten Island, N.Y., and Baltimore cases involving black suspects who died while resisting arrest.

But they completely overlook the race factor in recent shootings of police. They have written off the shooting deaths of cops by black assailants as "isolated incidents," arguing that the real threat is from white cops "targeting" black men.

Here's a fact they won't tell you: 42% of officers murdered in the line of duty over the past decade were shot by black suspects — and therein lies the real story, and real crisis. Evidence shows police face a lethal and growing threat from violent black criminals, not vice versa.

But Obama is agitating to give them, in the words of Baltimore's mayor, "the space" to break the law, which only means they'll have more opportunities to kill cops.

metalwing's photo
Tue 05/26/15 07:10 AM

You are a ****ing idiot.

I think the point is that Obama is hurting what he claims to be helping.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 05/26/15 08:00 AM

You are a ****ing idiot.

I think the point is that Obama is hurting what he claims to be helping.

how else would he institute a National Police?

no photo
Tue 05/26/15 08:55 AM

You are a ****ing idiot.

I think the point is that Obama is hurting what he claims to be helping.

how else would he institute a National Police?

DOJ Takes Over Cleveland Police; Sharpton Will Attend

Who knew so many cities run by Democrats could be racist? But Obama and Sharpton’s push to take over the local police is going gangbusters. Except they are on the side of the gangs.

First from a cheering New York Times:

Cleveland Reaches Settlement With Justice Department Over Police Conduct

By MITCH SMITH and MATT APUZZO | May 25, 2015

CLEVELAND — Cleveland has reached a settlement with the Justice Department over what federal authorities said was a pattern of unconstitutional policing and excessive use of force, people briefed on the case said Monday…

Isn’t it amazing what is unconstitutional and what isn’t these days? But when you call something unconstitutional that opens the door to a federal takeover of the local police. (Which some might say is unconstitutional.)

The settlement, which could be announced as early as Tuesday, comes days after a judge declared a Cleveland police officer not guilty of manslaughter in the fatal shooting of a car’s two unarmed occupants, both of them black…

Something what has never happened to white people who have lead the police on high speed chases and refused to cooperate with the police even after being surrounded.

The details of the settlement were not immediately clear, but in similar talks in recent years, the Justice Department has required cities to allow independent monitors to oversee changes in police departments. Settlements are typically backed by court orders and often call for improved training and revised policies for the use of force…

Translation: The DOJ will take over running these police departments. And arrests will now be based on racial quotas.

The Justice Department opened an inquiry into the Cleveland police force months after the 2012 shooting of the unarmed occupants in a car, and issued its report in December. Cleveland is among several cities, including Ferguson, Mo., New York and Baltimore, that have become focal points of a national debate over policing and race.

In fact, more than two dozen cities have now been taken over by the DOJ. (There doesn’t seem to be an official tally.) Including Oakland, Newark, Las Vegas, Seattle, Newark, Albuquerque, Ferguson and now Cleveland — and soon Baltimore. Who knew that so many cities run by Democrats could be racist?

But Obama’s push to take over the local police is going gangbusters. (Except they are on the side of the gangs.)

Dozens of protesters appeared in court here Monday on misdemeanor charges. Some still wore T-shirts with messages like “I Can’t Breathe,” a reference to Eric Garner, who died after being put in a police chokehold on Staten Island last year, and “Black Lives Matter.”

The NYT has blood on its hands for endlessly reporting this lie. Where are the protests? ‘The NYT lies, people die.’

For Cleveland, a settlement with the Justice Department averts a long and costly court fight and the appearance that city leaders are resisting change…

That’s exactly how this works. It’s the federal government shaking down local governments. The Reverend Sharpton would be proud.

Speaking of the devil, there is this joyous news via the NBC Cleveland affiliate, WKYC:

Rev. Al Sharpton to be in Cleveland next week

May 24, 2015

CLEVELAND — Civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton is expected to appear at a local church in Cleveland next week. According to Reverend Jawanza Colvin, he is scheduled to speak at Olivet Institutional Baptist Church.

Later this week, members of local churches plan to march to the Justice Center to call for comprehensive reform of the justice system. The march is scheduled to take place Tuesday at 11:30 a.m…

The reverend likes to be ‘in on the kill’ when the DOJ takes down another police department. And why not? He’s a major player behind these DOJ’s investigations.

he already is conrad

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 05/26/15 10:02 AM

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 11:10 AM
"how else would he institute a National Police?" C7

a) We already have that. It's called the "FBI".

b) I haven't reviewed the most recent crime statistics. They tend to lag by a year or two, but that's still well into the Obama administration.

But does it make more sense to blame Obama, than to blame the NRA?

There are terrible floods in Texas. Some say they're floods of Biblical proportion.
Blame that on Obama too?
Obama isn't the police chief.
He's the Commander in Chief.

And there are other factors.
NYC Mayor DeBlassio didn't like NYC's long-standing "stop-&-frisk" policy; apparently objecting on civil rights grounds.

So I gather now "New York's finest" don't do "stop-&-frisk" anymore.
And some claim NYC COPs are so upset about that, they're allowing crime to skyrocket, just to make Mayor DeBlasio look bad.

no photo
Tue 05/26/15 11:27 AM

"how else would he institute a National Police?" C7

a) We already have that. It's called the "FBI".

b) I haven't reviewed the most recent crime statistics. They tend to lag by a year or two, but that's still well into the Obama administration.

But does it make more sense to blame Obama, than to blame the NRA?

There are terrible floods in Texas. Some say they're floods of Biblical proportion.
Blame that on Obama too?
Obama isn't the police chief.
He's the Commander in Chief.

And there are other factors.
NYC Mayor DeBlassio didn't like NYC's long-standing "stop-&-frisk" policy; apparently objecting on civil rights grounds.

So I gather now "New York's finest" don't do "stop-&-frisk" anymore.
And some claim NYC COPs are so upset about that, they're allowing crime to skyrocket, just to make Mayor DeBlasio look bad.

obama is a clown, and no its not the NRA's fault that people murder police. and stop and frisk does violate civil rights under the fourth amendment. walking down the street is not probable cause to search someone.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 05/26/15 11:29 AM

"how else would he institute a National Police?" C7

a) We already have that. It's called the "FBI".

b) I haven't reviewed the most recent crime statistics. They tend to lag by a year or two, but that's still well into the Obama administration.

But does it make more sense to blame Obama, than to blame the NRA?

There are terrible floods in Texas. Some say they're floods of Biblical proportion.
Blame that on Obama too?
Obama isn't the police chief.
He's the Commander in Chief.

And there are other factors.
NYC Mayor DeBlassio didn't like NYC's long-standing "stop-&-frisk" policy; apparently objecting on civil rights grounds.

So I gather now "New York's finest" don't do "stop-&-frisk" anymore.
And some claim NYC COPs are so upset about that, they're allowing crime to skyrocket, just to make Mayor DeBlasio look bad.

probably even wish for Hoover to be back!laugh

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/26/15 11:30 AM
lets put it into perspective:

Preliminary statistics released today by the FBI show that 51 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2014. This is an increase of almost 89 percent when compared to the 27 officers killed in 2013. (Note: From 1980–2014, an average of 64 law enforcement officers have been feloniously killed per year. The 2013 total, 27, was the lowest during this 35-year period.) By region, 17 officers died as a result of criminal acts that occurred in the South, 14 officers in the West, eight officers in the Midwest, eight in the Northeast, and four in Puerto Rico.

2013 happened to be the lowest number in the past 35 years

so the increase would happen one way or another

as to the jump for this past year , dont we sympathize with the 'criminals' police kill for being criminals?

so , maybe if the cops werent being exposed for being criminal, they could see a decrease in citizens doing the same

,,,Im glad light is being shed on abuse of power in certain police departments,, and if it initially means trading lives , its the price of progress,,,,,and a great motivation to straighten up (on both sides of the 'justice' fence)

Argo's photo
Tue 05/26/15 12:57 PM

the FBI says the number of cops feloniously killed in the line of duty soared 89% last year.

Deadly shootings and assaults on cops jumped to 51 in 2014 from 27 in 2013, according to preliminary FBI data.......The total includes the brutal ambush of two New York City policemen as they sat in their squad car in New York on Dec. 20. Their black killer, Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley,

Here's a fact they won't tell you: 42% of officers murdered in the line of duty over the past decade were shot by black suspects — and therein lies the real story, and real crisis. Evidence shows police face a lethal and growing threat from violent black criminals, not vice versa.

it is said that statistics, can be twisted to enhance any point of view and this is a classic case in, i'll use your numbers to twist the view another way...

the 89% jump in 2014 amounts to 24 more officers feloniously killed in the line of duty than were in mention only the two killed by brinsley...not mentioned are the other 22 incidences and how they break down as to the race of the perps ? nor is there any mention of black officers killed in the line of duty ?

as for the 10-year 42% statistic of murdered is only logic that tells me 58% of officers murdered during those same10 years were shot by white suspects and therein lies the real story and real crisis. Evidence shows police face a lethal and growing threat from violent white criminals, not vice versa

so there ya go, your numbers & your words.....
and my logical (minus the anti-Obama rhetoric) take on your OP...

and really, only 51 officers killed for all of 2014 ? i don't know the total number of police officers who served the public during that year....but this number would lead me to believe that an officers chances of being killed on duty are about the same as getting struck by lightning...

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 05/26/15 01:29 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 05/26/15 01:48 PM

Officers die by many means that are listed as "homicides", even when killed by a motorist (No race indicator sited in such incidents usually due to their nature) who might actually run them over by not paying attention or changing lanes for a patrol officer who has initiated a traffic stop..... and there are several of those in any given year.

There are also "return fire" instances during raids or warrant services, and jealous spouses or girl/boyfriends not necessarily associated with another crime....other than a moral one.

All are homicides, but don't necessarily rise to blatant homicides "because they are cops", or are factored into the "race" statistic of the figures.

In that opinion (mine) both of your figures or statistics are basically flawed

As stated above, figures can be skewed to fit an agenda. Half truths at best depending on the media or reporting bias

Yes, our CIC is a race-baiter, no doubt on that score as noted in his latest foolish and thoughtless move by his acceptance of Al NotSoSharton, a nationally noted and proven race-baiter, as the WH liaison to race relations..... and that my friends is a definite agenda in the making!

MLK ole Sharpie IS NOT!

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:06 PM
"obama is a clown" t8

Perhaps you're referring to his Washington Correspondence Dinner performances.

Yes. Some of that is pretty entertaining. But that's so for most of the presidents that have participated.
“My next 100 days will be so successful, I will complete them in 72 days.” President Obama, at the Washington Correspondent’s dinner

By and large Obama is criticized not for being too clownish, but for being too dry, too reserved.
"and no its not the NRA's fault that people murder police." t8

a) I'm an NRA life member.
b) Our organization is responsible for advancing the political and legal agenda of private gun ownership, including concealed carry.
c) I'd be astounded if anyone could prove that no gun the NRA helped into private hands, has ever murdered a COP.
"stop and frisk does violate civil rights under the fourth amendment" t8

But that doesn't mean it didn't also help save lives.

Post hoc ergo proper hoc; after that therefore because of that; a logical fallacy known to be false, even by the ancients. The rooster's call does not cause the sun to rise.
"probably even wish for Hoover to be back!" C7

"2013 happened to be the lowest number in the past 35 years

so the increase would happen one way or another" mh

Obama set a very low baseline.
I suspect if we take the median of the Obama years, it may be lower per capita than other recent presidents.
Not sure.
Let's look.

no photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:15 PM

"obama is a clown" t8

Perhaps you're referring to his Washington Correspondence Dinner performances.

Yes. Some of that is pretty entertaining. But that's so for most of the presidents that have participated.
“My next 100 days will be so successful, I will complete them in 72 days.” President Obama, at the Washington Correspondent’s dinner

By and large Obama is criticized not for being too clownish, but for being too dry, too reserved.
"and no its not the NRA's fault that people murder police." t8

a) I'm an NRA life member.
b) Our organization is responsible for advancing the political and legal agenda of private gun ownership, including concealed carry.
c) I'd be astounded if anyone could prove that no gun the NRA helped into private hands, has ever murdered a COP.
"stop and frisk does violate civil rights under the fourth amendment" t8

But that doesn't mean it didn't also help save lives.

Post hoc ergo proper hoc; after that therefore because of that; a logical fallacy known to be false, even by the ancients. The rooster's call does not cause the sun to rise.
"probably even wish for Hoover to be back!" C7

"2013 happened to be the lowest number in the past 35 years

so the increase would happen one way or another" mh

Obama set a very low baseline.
I suspect if we take the median of the Obama years, it may be lower per capita than other recent presidents.
Not sure.
Let's look.

no obama is a clown because of his actions.
and stop and frisk is illegal under the fourth amendment, no matter if it saves lives or not, its still illegal. the rights of the majority should not be questioned to save a "few" lives. so if 1% of lives are saved because stop and frisk, all the other people should give up their fourth amendment rights to save them? i think not. and no that figure is not accurate, just a fictional representation.