Which cupcake and why?
The pink one speaks to me. Strawberries. Mmmm Although the red one looks delicious, too. Sweet Cherry Wine. |
Hmmm, I may have to get Needsum12luv, my sexy pool boy, to bake a different batch...
I'm leanin' toward the one on the bottom right. Sort of resembles the 'Yin-Yang' symbol a bit and I'm abso-positively a li'l of both. I might not even eat the thing - just shellac it, name it Jeff and put it on the nightstand. If nothin' else, it'll be a great 'what the hell is that doin' here?' conversation starter.
The red one looks more like red velvet than cherry
Ill go with peanut butter and chocolate whichever one that is.. |
I gotta go with the one with the piece of chocolate stuck in it.
mmmmmmmmm chaaaaaacooooollllllaaaaaatttttt. |
I want a bite of each, lol
ALL of 'em! Because they're all sweet like all you ladies!
The bottom right seems to have the most chocolate. I can't go wrong with chocolate.
The bottom right seems to have the most chocolate. I can't go wrong with chocolate. This works. I love to share. If nothin' else, we can lick icing off one another's lips 'til she gets tired of me teasing. |
Easy. The red velvet with cream cheese frosting....
You kidding me I would fight my kids for the good ones and then eat them til I felt sick
bottom left and top right look the same
i leave all of them for you all : ) thanks for the offer though |
Which cupcake and why?
The yellow one in the center. For that one is lemon and the citric acid destroys the poison and pee I put in all the rest! Mwuahahahaha! |
Which cupcake and why? The pink one speaks to me. Strawberries. Mmmm Although the red one looks delicious, too. Sweet Cherry Wine. Ha ..I want the green reminds me of a once lucky Clown. |
I'm borrowing the following cupcake image from you, Suz.
I also like the way you think. Sample them all!! Urmmm, the cupcakes, that is...
Which cupcake and why?
The yellow one in the center. For that one is lemon and the citric acid destroys the poison and pee I put in all the rest! Mwuahahahaha! You're insane. |
Middle far left.
Because I don't know what it is and I do like to plunge into the unknown occasionally. |
Which cupcake and why? The pink one speaks to me. Strawberries. Mmmm Although the red one looks delicious, too. Sweet Cherry Wine. Ha ..I want the green reminds me of a once lucky Clown. very top right, because its got lots of topping, so I can rub and lick it off a hot man, ha ha |