Topic: Wheel chair Basket ball
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Sat 03/28/15 02:56 AM
This is a Hard of a Hard Sport,the reason it Hard one it because You Are in the wheel chair Your Hands Must work Hard Just Because you have to Push the wheel chair a lot and Control the ball at the some time

DonnyRover's photo
Sat 03/28/15 04:10 AM
I watched wheelchair rugby during the para Olympics 2012. Its just surprising that no one dies.They are tough blokes!

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Sat 03/28/15 01:25 PM
Yes good on them but I don't want to watch it.

Argo's photo
Sat 03/28/15 02:25 PM
i admire their grit, determination and refusal to let the
circumstances of their life dampen their spirit.......bravo, to them all...

MadDog1974's photo
Sat 03/28/15 02:35 PM
People who don't let minor little details like paralysis keep them from playing basketball, or other sports, prove that there is truth in the saying that the only disability is a negative attitude.

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Sat 03/28/15 10:49 PM

I watched wheelchair rugby during the para Olympics 2012. Its just surprising that no one dies.They are tough blokes!

I have saw a few in the N.Y.C marathons over the years. I don't know how they do it.. I really don't. I would pass out just crossing the Verrazano's Narrow bridge.

Just very very special athletes... incredible determination

DonnyRover's photo
Wed 04/08/15 04:00 AM
Its like any thing in life, you either let things get to you, or you get on with it. I take my hat off to any para sports men or women,theY show a lot of abled bodied people the way to go!