Jesusmyall's photo
Sun 03/15/15 10:42 AM

Loneliness is a very difficult thing to handle. And if not handled well, could become a terrible opportunity for the devil to fight a person's faith and Christian walk..

I want to share some of the things I do to overcome loneliness:
1. I try to keep very busy so that I do not leave an idle mind that keeps thinking about the difficulties of being alone or keeps searching for a way to fill the gap.

So I get involved in Christian service.

2. When I have nothing to do, I dwell on the word - Do Bible reading and if Bible reading gets difficult, I do audio Bible hearing! I have a full audio Bible downloaded into my mobile handset.

3. I engage in prayer- personal prayer and also corporate prayer meetings. I attend prayer night vigils with other Christians. My experience is that the more Bible reading I do, the more I am stimulated to pray. I have found the weapon of prayer very useful for tackling life's battles.

4. I engage in fellowship with other Christians, including online fellowship like the one I have now started doinng at the Mingle2 Christian Singles community.

5. I help out when possible and when I have the time. I reach out to others as much as lies within my power.

With all these, I have found out that I have very little or no time left to moan over being single or alone.

Above all, I tell my thoughts to JESUS. HE likes a conversation with you and me.

God bless you.

no photo
Tue 03/17/15 06:11 AM
Edited by handy53 on Tue 03/17/15 06:13 AM
Loneliness "yes" can be sop ainfully unfair. This is actually how I feel when I say"I'm fine" I wish I had someone to say "I'm not fine" and make me feel better!

Then comes to mind a bible verse.

You are my refuge and my shield, I have put my hope in your word. Away from me you evil doers, that I may keep the commandments of my god.

God not want us to be lonely it hurts him more than us. So for me,yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery, and today "is" a gift from god, so I try to enjoy each day as it comes,and hope that the mystery of tomorrow will be, god saying,here is your smile back, his will be done.

Your words are inspiring and comforting,thank you.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 04:04 PM
very good things to think about and be active with, remember David alone thinking on another man's wife... good advice for all to be active and reach out also for supportive friends in public places and not dwell on what we do not have but what we have. Helping and loving others less fortunate helps us not to be alone too.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 04:05 PM
Praying helps and reading my KJV bible, also cuddling with my kitty cats makes me not feel alone.

no photo
Thu 03/19/15 04:03 PM
Prayer is a constant state of mind for me personally,it has to be in my personal case. Cuddling with my memories,and the thought of one day I meet my lord god and thanking him for my life,I wont question,because I know he will cuddle me eternally without question.

no photo
Thu 03/19/15 04:05 PM
Prayer is a constant state of mind for me personally,it has to be in my personal case. Cuddling with my memories,and the thought of one day I meet my lord god and thanking him for my life,I wont question,because I know he will cuddle me eternally without question.

Ps27114's photo
Thu 03/19/15 05:01 PM
Good suggestions for a problem we all deal with some time. I also like to sing praises. Works best when I am alone because my voice is not that good, but God wants to hear a joyful noise so I know He is happy when I praise Him. Then I am not alone.

no photo
Fri 03/20/15 02:37 PM
Its good to sing,its the voice of pure hearts our lord hears over the voices of the ones who sing his praise with false hearts. One is never alone,though not visible,he sees and hears all. Isn't faith and belief a great companion!

TheFly1's photo
Thu 07/30/15 01:28 PM
Writing is a great way to refocus as well. Write prayers, songs, experiences, poems,and dreams down. Pray over all of these things. Christ will conven and will speak with You.

TheFly1's photo
Thu 07/30/15 01:29 PM
Writing is a great way to refocus as well. Write prayers, songs, experiences, poems,and dreams down. Pray over all of these things. Christ will conven and will speak with You.

sonxaba's photo
Wed 08/05/15 05:41 AM
wow, thank you for the encouragement. its an issue i battle with sometimes. will implement these suggestions