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Topic: You know your family is nuts when...
yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 02:37 PM
Your own mother posts on you Facebook wall

"It's time you knew the truth. Your mommy was the wicked witch of the west. We took you in after a house fell on her. Your father is the tin man."

rofl rofl rofl rofl

no1phD's photo
Sat 02/28/15 02:49 PM
oh that would explain! why you have hard pointy..ohhh.. nevermind..:banana:

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 02:50 PM
hey now! lol

no photo
Sat 02/28/15 02:52 PM
One thing I always remember about that movie is when Dorothy said ' Toto, I got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore'

Made me smile

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 02:53 PM

One thing I always remember about that movie is when Dorothy said ' Toto, I got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore'

Made me smile

I'm in Texas....never been to Kansas lol. Can't use that one

no photo
Sat 02/28/15 02:58 PM

One thing I always remember about that movie is when Dorothy said ' Toto, I got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore'

Made me smile

I'm in Texas....never been to Kansas lol. Can't use that one

It's easy to get too, just follow the yellow brick road

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 02:59 PM
I think someone painted the bricks lol

Come on....I'm not the only one with a loony Tune family

no photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:03 PM

One thing I always remember about that movie is when Dorothy said ' Toto, I got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore'

Made me smile

I'm in Texas....never been to Kansas lol. Can't use that one

I was in Kansas twice. I kept thinking....

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:05 PM
I keep thinking that and never been to the darn place laugh

My family is great but they ain't right in the head

no photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:11 PM

I think someone painted the bricks lol

Come on....I'm not the only one with a loony Tune family

Well listen to this, you've heard of the Loch Ness monster right.

Years ago, when I was like 16, there was a guy searching for the loch Ness monster. This guy just happened to have the same surname as my mothers maiden name. It was all over the news here about this guy and his search for the monster.
So my mother told me that this guy was her cousin.

I told all my friends that this guy was my mothers cousin.
Then my mother told me that she was just pulling my leg.
Well it was too late then and everyone kept asking me if he had found the monster yet.
I've still never forgiven her.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:13 PM

I think someone painted the bricks lol

Come on....I'm not the only one with a loony Tune family

Well listen to this, you've heard of the Loch Ness monster right.

Years ago, when I was like 16, there was a guy searching for the loch Ness monster. This guy just happened to have the same surname as my mothers maiden name. It was all over the news here about this guy and his search for the monster.
So my mother told me that this guy was her cousin.

I told all my friends that this guy was my mothers cousin.
Then my mother told me that she was just pulling my leg.
Well it was too late then and everyone kept asking me if he had found the monster yet.
I've still never forgiven her.

hey I convinced a guy one time that the song "Ring of Fire" was about a guy singing to a girl with an STD

Think about it


no1phD's photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:16 PM
ouch that,s I guess it's true then, the nut really doesn't fall far from the tree..:banana: flowerforyou :angel:

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:17 PM

ouch that,s I guess it's true then, the nut really doesn't fall far from the tree..:banana: flowerforyou :angel:

admit it. You won't listen to that song the same way now.

It was revenge. He deserved it lol

no photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:19 PM
We're related to Anheuser Busch, a 100 years ago or so. My Great Grandfather on my mothers side went to visit. They sent him around back to the servants entrance. glasses

no1phD's photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:22 PM

ouch that,s I guess it's true then, the nut really doesn't fall far from the tree..:banana: flowerforyou :angel: u

admit it. You won't listen to that song the same way now.

It was revenge. He deserved it lol
..ohhh..nooo... did he give you the ring of fire..
. the

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:22 PM

We're related to Anheuser Busch, a 100 years ago or so. My Great Grandfather on my mothers side went to visit. They sent him around back to the servants entrance. glasses

Heck I would go through a window for free beer lol

wait...he got beer right?

no photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:32 PM

We're related to Anheuser Busch, a 100 years ago or so. My Great Grandfather on my mothers side went to visit. They sent him around back to the servants entrance. glasses

Heck I would go through a window for free beer lol

wait...he got beer right?

lol, we'd like to assume so. drinks Don't know if they made him groom the clydesdales or not. :laughing:

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:34 PM

We're related to Anheuser Busch, a 100 years ago or so. My Great Grandfather on my mothers side went to visit. They sent him around back to the servants entrance. glasses

Heck I would go through a window for free beer lol

wait...he got beer right?

lol, we'd like to assume so. drinks Don't know if they made him groom the clydesdales or not. :laughing:

I'd scoop Clydesdale poop for free beer laugh I'm a cheap date

soufiehere's photo
Sat 02/28/15 03:54 PM
My Mother still tells anyone who will listen
that she has only 5 kids.
She has six.
It is to keep everyone wondering who does not count.
I am pretty sure it is one of the others..

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 02/28/15 06:18 PM
I know my family is nuts cause my mom and dad were for sure...before I was born my mom got real sick...basically died..but the docs jump started her back...because a lot of time passed they said she was brain dead and sent her to a "nut house"...back in those days lobotomies were very told my dad it was best for my mom...right before surgery my dad dressed up like a doctor and kidnapped my bald mom...he had bought a boat and sailed away with my mom for over a year...coming to shore only when necessary ...then when she seemed like she was ok they picked up my older brother and sister who lived with their aunt and uncle for that year and started a new life together...not quite the beginning of a whacky life...nor the end...but very mom was alittle dingy...but beautiful and a good family moved to three different states before anyone caught up to my parents...fifteen years later...(she tried to get a job...that SSN will get ya caught quick)...anyhow...they did some tests, decided she wasn't "nuts"...didn't press charges on my dad...too much time passed...but I always wonder how many people had lobotomies that really should not have...hmmmm...:wink: flowerforyou

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