HI TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU RESIDENTS OF TWOMINGLELAND..AND A HAPPY FRIDAY TO ALL ! So far...I enjoy the site, even though its still alittle slow in its pages. Some profiles and ads are somewhat discouraging, least in TRUE locations as stated..yet not enough to defer looking and responding. HAVE sent out feelers...and gotten nice replies in exchange .There seems to be an alarming number of females..that somehow don't really precieve life, in honesty. We as men..have to jump through hoops of all sizes and shapes, to go to extremes, to prove we're not some half crazed, super stalking pervert, or other creep in life. In real life..theres not many MEN, that own cars, property, maintain bank accounts, checking and savings, hold valid credit and debit cards, have drivers license, registrations, tags, residences, passports, utilities, phones..ect...and when we meet a woman, right off the bat..we have to text only..wait to get phone numbers..addresses..or any other personally identifiable information, because of this or that, and you have to be so careful of men.. **HEY**..HOLD ON A MINUTE HERE..EILENE WARNOS WAS A MAN STALKER, MASS MURDERER..NOT TO MENTION, EVERY CITY, IN EVERY STATE, HAS WOMENS PRISIONS, FILLED WITH SOME OF THE WORST, LOW LIFES, AND SCUMS OF THE EARTH. LOSE THEIR KIDS TO DCF, ARE DRUG ADDICS,HOOKERS,PROSTITUTES, SCAMMERS...OH HI MARTHA STEWART..AND ON AND ON. DID YOU AS A WOMAN...JUST AS EQUAL TO A MAN..REALIZE, THAT TO HAVE ALL THE AFOREMENTIONED NECESSITIES OF HAVING, AND BEING A MAN..SOME OF US EXMILITARY, VETERANS..FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE..ALL UNDER SCRUNITINY OF CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL, POLICE LICENSE PLATE CAPTURES ON VIDEO, CSMERAS ON EVERY ROAD, STREET, HIGHWAY, INTERSTATE, STOPLIGHTS, LICENSE CHECKPOINTS, DUI CHECKPOINTS, INFORMATION SHARING OF ALL AGENCIES..AND THE FBI,CIA, HOMELAND SECURITY..AND 100's OF OTHERS, UNBEKNOWNCED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC...** WAKE UP WOMEN **men need to check out women also..and remember your parents saying " get off that phone, you been on it for hours"..thats even before cellphones..Stop and think..we CAN call eachother..we CAN meet in public places, we can stop some of this agressive and toxic thinking..START looking for drug dealers, gangs, ISIS CELLS..AND PEOPLEVFLYING PLANES TOWARDS TALL BUILDINGS.NO WONDER SOCIETY HAS MADE EVERYONE SO UNEASY, AND ON THE DEFENSIVE.GO PLACES IN GROUPS OF TWOS..THREES..LET 6 PEOPLE ALL HANG OUT TOGETHER AS A GROUP..UNTIL YOU FEEL SAFE AND SECURE AGAIN..LIGHTEN UP..BE GIVING..CARING..COMPASSONITE..LOVING..HELPING..BE HUMAN AGAIN..MALE OR FEMALE..IF YA DONT BELIEVE IN GOD..I FEEL SORRY FOR YA..I DIED 3 TIMES..MET HIM..SPOKE TO ME
Welcome. |
Edited by
Fri 02/27/15 09:27 AM
Spacing helps differentiate paragraphs and grouping of subject and topic sentences. Is there a summary sentence in there?
This is what I got out of that: You are trying to run for Mayor of Mingle. Welcome to the forums. |
take it easy Snails.........
we don't wanna get any of ARE regular psychos all hopped welcome to mingle2..... |
Welcome... |