Topic: Is it really hard to get a woman whoz SUBMISSIVE nd OBEDIENT
Okoro David 's photo
Tue 02/24/15 01:21 AM
have noticed women find it hard to submitt to their husband in all and be obedient to them.
Met a lady here in M2 and txted her...she visit my profile and quickly replied "if you looking for somebody who will be submissive and obedient to you? Then im not for you. Im independent and choose not to submitt or obey anybody..not to you, not to my parent or to anybody".
Thats crazy..i wonder the kind of family such a person will build up.
I dnt still get it why do most women choose not to be submissive?

elle_rose's photo
Tue 02/24/15 01:32 AM
definition of obey - to comply with or follow the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions

In a relationship, i don't think its all submissiveness and being obedient.
It's a two way process and nobody is above each other. Not one is always in command and the other is always obeying. It is both parties work in progress.

Okoro David 's photo
Tue 02/24/15 03:22 AM
you right. Togetherness and theme is ok.
But the bible says "wives submitt to your husbands in all things"
to submitt in all i think theirz no exceptions

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/24/15 03:47 AM

definition of obey - to comply with or follow the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions

In a relationship, i don't think its all submissiveness and being obedient.
It's a two way process and nobody is above each other. Not one is always in command and the other is always obeying. It is both parties work in progress.

Please don't take this wrong at all, I'm not one of the kind of males that orders the woman around or anything of that such. But it is true God has told us for the woman to be basically completely submissive to the husband. But what people don't pay attention to is, the man is suppose to act accordingly. That doesn't mean he can sit on his butt all day and order her around like a slave. The man is to love his wife as Jesus loved the church and gave himself for it.

Ephesians 5:25

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it

But unfortunately, men work against themselves in this world on an average it seems. If a woman is willing to be "submissive" men will tend to just order her around to do this or that ect. Which then makes women feel "used" which then on a cultural level keeps women from being submissive and kind of defeats God's entire goal for us.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/24/15 04:35 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Tue 02/24/15 04:37 AM

you right. Togetherness and theme is ok.
But the bible says "wives submitt to your husbands in all things"
to submitt in all i think theirz no exceptions

---- what the bible states. We're not living in the dark ages anymore and your outlook on life is idiotic at best.

You happen to know of a better source to get our instructions from God on how he wishes for us to behave?

Yes I do. My parents and how I was brought up to respect everyone.
I'm not interested in your religious clap trap.

Who's talking specifically about "religion"? We were talking about what God has or hasn't said about said topic.

Clap trap? Ain't no trap of any sorts goin on here lol, trap of what?

And sorry if I'm reading to deep into this, but in what you responded to and what you responded with is you obey your parents over God? And how is that instruction from God if and when it comes from your parents?

no photo
Tue 02/24/15 04:45 AM

Ok may be a misunderstanding but the OP basically stated that women should do as they are told. I have a daughter who I would die for and there's no way any man will ever treat her this way.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/24/15 04:48 AM

Ok may be a misunderstanding but the OP basically stated that women should do as they are told. I have a daughter who I would die for and there's no way any man will ever treat her this way.

They are basically to do as they are told. But again that's why man is told to act accordingly.

Ephesians 5:25

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it

The women being submissive doesn't give the man the right to just order her around like she's a slave. He has the responsiblity of acting propper.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/24/15 04:57 AM

you right. Togetherness and theme is ok.
But the bible says "wives submitt to your husbands in all things"
to submitt in all i think theirz no exceptions

You happen to know of a better source to get our instructions from God on how he wishes for us to behave?

Ok may be a misunderstanding but the OP basically stated that women should do as they are told. I have a daughter who I would die for and there's no way any man will ever treat her this way.

They are basically to do as they are told. But again that's why man is told to act accordingly.

Ephesians 5:25

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it

The women being submissive doesn't give the man the right to just order her around like she's a slave. He has the responsiblity of acting propper.

Ephesians 5:22-24

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

It's not a one sided street though.

Ephesians 5:28-29

28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

Jesusmyall's photo
Tue 03/10/15 05:39 PM
The debate about submissiveness within the context of marriage is always interesting.

As a woman, when my life was less submitted to the LORD, I used to think it was so unfair and saw the instruction to women to submit as a license to men to maltreat their wives, in a growing terrible world.

But I have realized that God does not ask for my opinion as to whether or not I should live in obedience to HIS word and HIS instructions. HIS standard is simply that I should obey HIM - period! So, for the woman, the obedience is unto God, whether the husband deserves it or not. And it does not matter even if that 'husband' in the woman's own eyes is un-deserving of obedience or submissiveness. It is God's instruction! That instruction must be obeyed!

And for men who have battles securing submissiveness from their wives - hear me out please. A woman who is truly loved by her husband hardly has problems submitting to or obeying that husband! In law, we say that for every general rule, there is an exception. So there may be exceptional cases but in general, show me that woman who is loved and respected by her husband and I will tell you, that woman would submit to that husband and hate to disobey him.

Men...please realize that your responsibility here is much greater than that of the woman. It is to love your wife as Christ loved the Church and gave His life for the Church. That is the standard of love that God requires of a husband. The husband must love his wife enough to be prepared to lay down his life for her.

I see men stressing submissiveness all the time and leaving out to talk about the husband's duties.

God will help both men and women to live right for HIM at all times and within the context of marriage. Amen!

msharmony's photo
Tue 03/10/15 05:43 PM

have noticed women find it hard to submitt to their husband in all and be obedient to them.
Met a lady here in M2 and txted her...she visit my profile and quickly replied "if you looking for somebody who will be submissive and obedient to you? Then im not for you. Im independent and choose not to submitt or obey anybody..not to you, not to my parent or to anybody".
Thats crazy..i wonder the kind of family such a person will build up.
I dnt still get it why do most women choose not to be submissive?

it is my experience that people do not respond well to requests that are focused on what they have to give with little mention of what they will receive

if a man simply wants someone to 'submit and obey' without any indication of what their character is, it would be foolish for a woman to agree

and in our culture' obedience ' brings images of a thoughtless dog,,,,

howeve, when it comes to 'submit',, there are many women willing to do so with the RIGHT partner, but not just any man who asks,,

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/10/15 06:10 PM

have noticed women find it hard to submitt to their husband in all and be obedient to them.
Met a lady here in M2 and txted her...she visit my profile and quickly replied "if you looking for somebody who will be submissive and obedient to you? Then im not for you. Im independent and choose not to submitt or obey anybody..not to you, not to my parent or to anybody".
Thats crazy..i wonder the kind of family such a person will build up.
I dnt still get it why do most women choose not to be submissive?

it is my experience that people do not respond well to requests that are focused on what they have to give with little mention of what they will receive

if a man simply wants someone to 'submit and obey' without any indication of what their character is, it would be foolish for a woman to agree

and in our culture' obedience ' brings images of a thoughtless dog,,,,

howeve, when it comes to 'submit',, there are many women willing to do so with the RIGHT partner, but not just any man who asks,,

And it's also not fair to ask the woman to submit to the man when the man doesn't submit to God.

It's a fail proof method if followed correctly by both partners. Man is obedient and submissive to God, then the woman is obedient and submissive to the man.

But what it boils down to is if the man is obedient and submissive to God, for if he isn't he will take advantage of the woman being submissive which generally actually happens.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 03/10/15 09:09 PM
Why do I get the feeling that the OP has an obsession with power and control?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/10/15 09:40 PM

Why do I get the feeling that the OP has an obsession with power and control?

Dunno m8. But when I the discussion beeomes more of the Christian faith rather then any other it's moved to the Christian faith for the general religion faith is kinda self defeating. As it becomes any other specific faith, it's removed.

Okoro David 's photo
Wed 03/11/15 05:57 AM

Why do I get the feeling that the OP has an obsession with power and control?

sorry dear, you got it wrong.
I wrote not bcouse of me but becouse of what i wittnessed and what is happening in different homes.
(remember here we are talking about Christianity)

Okoro David 's photo
Wed 03/11/15 05:58 AM

The debate about submissiveness within the context of marriage is always interesting.

As a woman, when my life was less submitted to the LORD, I used to think it was so unfair and saw the instruction to women to submit as a license to men to maltreat their wives, in a growing terrible world.

But I have realized that God does not ask for my opinion as to whether or not I should live in obedience to HIS word and HIS instructions. HIS standard is simply that I should obey HIM - period! So, for the woman, the obedience is unto God, whether the husband deserves it or not. And it does not matter even if that 'husband' in the woman's own eyes is un-deserving of obedience or submissiveness. It is God's instruction! That instruction must be obeyed!

And for men who have battles securing submissiveness from their wives - hear me out please. A woman who is truly loved by her husband hardly has problems submitting to or obeying that husband! In law, we say that for every general rule, there is an exception. So there may be exceptional cases but in general, show me that woman who is loved and respected by her husband and I will tell you, that woman would submit to that husband and hate to disobey him.

Men...please realize that your responsibility here is much greater than that of the woman. It is to love your wife as Christ loved the Church and gave His life for the Church. That is the standard of love that God requires of a husband. The husband must love his wife enough to be prepared to lay down his life for her.

I see men stressing submissiveness all the time and leaving out to talk about the husband's duties.

God will help both men and women to live right for HIM at all times and within the context of marriage. Amen!

you have said it all dear..God bless you

Jesusmyall's photo
Fri 03/13/15 08:30 AM
Yeah...msharmony, you are right about those images. I engaged in both national and international human rights advocacy/activism for many, many years and I understand perfectly what you mean, when you use the word, 'images' in the context of this discussion.

But you know what I have always told women waiting for marriage? I have always counseled them, "DO NOT marry any man that you know you cannot submit to or obey". The truth is that if a woman marries a man, God's word is expressly clear and it says to the woman to submit to her husband. This is not negotiable!

I have seen women get so desperate about waiting and being tagged 'chronic spinsters', that they jump to the alter with the next man that comes around, and say "I do".

That's it! The vow is made at that point and by God's word, it is not just "I do", but also, "till death do us part". The Bible says a man is bound to his wife for as long as she lives (same vice versa).The man also becomes the head, once the vow is exchanged - whether in church or in the registry.

A lot of women (out of desperation) push off God's instruction "NOT to get unequally yoked". Then they enter a lifelong battle. I have seen some women who got unequally yoked but after the marriage resolved to live in obedience to God, which often meant disobeying their husbands; they have also had to pay high prices that make an already difficult Christian race even much more difficult. A friend of mine received instruction from her husband not to go near the church or the Christian brethren - also that he did not want to see any church person in his house. So, she would sneak to church when he wasn't around. And when he found out, hell would be let loose...on and on...

Really, when God gives us any instruction, it is the best for us. The only condition under which a woman should marry a man against her will is if she is certain that she heard God clearly that she should marry the man. But I am convinced that in such a situation, God would also plant the right affection that would not make it hard for the woman to submit; such that the marriage is no longer necessarily against her will.

We must bear in mind also that God does not go against HIS word. Therefore if a woman claims to have heard from God that she should marry a man that does not share faith in JESUS CHRIST, she probably needs to dig deeper before hopping in.

God help all of us. Amen.