Topic: chivalry and its concepts
no photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:30 PM
isn't fantasy great?:wink:

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:31 PM
if it happens i'll let you know ;)

heatherrae's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:33 PM
i, being fully aware of my elvish blood although difficult convincing others of my ancestrygrumble can definitely testify to the fact of elves being of a bisexual nature.

he he.

no photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:34 PM
say it isn't sonoway

heatherrae's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:34 PM

John1992's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:35 PM
Very interestig I got some new insight from "listening". I don't have much to add that will really add to this post myself As I've known the basics but, unfortunately haven't taken the time to research in depth yet. And Emerald you sent me running to the dictionary.

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:38 PM
elfin poetry...

I met a lady in the wood.
No mortal maid, I knew, was she;
She was no thing of flesh and blood,
No child of human ancestry.

Her beauty held my eyes in thrall.
I spoke to her sweet words, soft-toned.
She answered me no word at all,
But only looked at me and moaned.

I spoke to her about Exchange,
Of Sterling and its recent rise.
The subject was beyond her range;
She stared at me with haunting eyes.

I touched upon the price of Rye
And its effect upon the Pound.
She walked beside me silently,
Like one that treads on charméd ground.

She witched me with her elfin grace.
I spoke of Wages and the Dole
And briefly sketched for her the case
For International Control.

She gazed upon me as I talked;
Some elfin thing she seemed to be.
I knew her, by the way she walked,
A creature of the Faëry.

Through green and leafy glades we went,
Knee-deep among the dewy ferns;
I touched upon the Law of Rent
And of Diminishing Returns.

And, as we wandered through the wood
Mid oaks and elm-tree boles rotund,
Explained to her as best I could
The workings of a Sinking Fund.

I said that Rubber was depressed
By recent rumours from Malay.
She only moaned and beat her breast
And cried aloud, 'Alack-a-day!'

I said my brokers had foreseen
A rise in Oil, and asked her view
As to the trend of Margarine,
She only answered 'Willaloo!'

I took her to a green-lit glade
Where tall trees twined their branches high
And a moss-muted streamlet made
Unmeditating melody;

And there I paused awhile; and there
I offered her my heart and hand,
And bade her take me in her care
To dwell with her in Fairyland.

I said I was a Whale-oil King,
With gold and goods and gear in plenty.
She said she was a Mrs. Byng
And had a family of twenty.

She turned and left me where I stood.
While round her elfin pipes were fluting
She walked away into the wood,
And I walked home to Lower Tooting.

patrick barrington

no photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:39 PM
sad sad :cry: :cry: sad sad

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:39 PM

Who wants it anyway? Mindless obsession to a romantic notion that someone else thought of, and thought it so long ago? No way. He11 with that idea.

My woman gets treated like one of the guys. In the way I treat my brother. Goofy jokes, gentle wrestling, and the ability to just "say things as they are". She's in the fold on all the intimate details and secrets.

My woman must work. She's got a fine mind, a strong work ethic, she can make a difference. She makes my world a better place, why not share that a little with everyone else too?

I dont beleive in professing a "chaste fidelity of heart, mind and body", and most definately dont claim an "endless love". No. Instead, we live it. Every night she comes home to be in my bed she's LIVING the fidelity. Every night that she sleeps by my side is a choice to love me that is renewed every night. I'll take commoner evidence over poetic promises any day.

So there... Chivalry is dead.

But, Where is my Guenevere? Long live Chivalry!

heatherrae's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:39 PM
living, i officially :heart: you.

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:41 PM
mike: thank you so much for your desires :)

as long as you presume ownership where you should respect substance, you'll find that you're going to be seeing a lot of these little white screens, and they're little white boxes.

love is a gift, not a subjugation.

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:43 PM
heather: no you don't love me .... you just love the idea of me :P

emeraldisle's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:45 PM
I don't believe I said that trust must be earned. But clearly, one does learn to "not trust" by first having trust broken. On that point, I agree. Because many more people will abuse trust that's been given than will cherish it, unfortunately, we all learn to distrust. (Could I tell you a story!)
I have always been someone who prefers to give trust, rescinding it only after it has been abused. That has gotten me hurt over and over again. I am finally a creature who has been taught to be wary upfront. Its a shame.

heatherrae's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:48 PM
living you have shown yourself a decent intelligent being who genuinely cares how other people feel and think, that is all i need to give my friendship love away, i give love quite freely unless someone proves they are unworthy of it. i do not bother loving the "idea" or "concept" of anything, i am genuinely full of love.

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:52 PM
the day of the neandrathal is long but past and through.
what i'm speaking of isn't at all in anyway shape or form a concept of fancy poetry. It is right action and right heart and deed.

I have lived my entire life as such. I do not sit there with the guys and say, "oh man did you see her <insert body part here> and amazingly enough I'm not gay either! wow huh?

I actually tell off my friends who do that because she is someones sister, daughter, and mother, and or will be someday.

when i have a daughter, i won't take kindly to any man speaking to her in that manner. anymore than i would accept that lewdness of subjectivity towards a partner.

it is ignorrant and common. So if you refer to that as advice in relationship to common?

be aware of what you have just told every woman on this site. That you objectify women. by your own mouth you have said so.

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:53 PM
heather: a perfectly good quip all blown to hell :( damn i hate when that happens....
i just thought it was funny :P should've used more emoticons huh?

heatherrae's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:56 PM
someone who actually knows how to return my banter, there are only a couple of those on here i'm impressed.

ashleya's photo
Fri 10/05/07 09:01 PM
i get it now cutie!!you can call now!!:wink: :heart:

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 09:04 PM
yeah? watch this :P

on the fly no hands :D

for now the die is cast to elevate the core,
of what it is that justifies a man,
while in the dialogue shown toward the root
of all that must sow true,
to raise the bar for all the finer form.

it is my cause in this to bring just more,
and rid the parasite of common as a ban,
for all that's worth a better tune to suit,
is given here this day anew,
and firm a standard by this topic born.

and so my purpose is fulfilled without pretense,
we'll see how much this dialogue will advance.

jm 12:03:37 AM 06-Oct-2007 EST

(oh yeah.. i rock :D)

heatherrae's photo
Fri 10/05/07 09:05 PM
damn dude.