Topic: Baby Take me in yOur Loving Arm.
no photo
Mon 01/26/15 09:47 PM
HI... 'm New in this community...

m3k4y's photo
Mon 01/26/15 09:48 PM
waving welcome

no photo
Mon 01/26/15 09:50 PM
Thanks you...

dreamerana's photo
Mon 01/26/15 09:55 PM
Edited by dreamerana on Mon 01/26/15 09:59 PM
good luck.

join the forums. it takes time and patience to let people know the real person

soufiehere's photo
Mon 01/26/15 10:46 PM
Edited for off-topic.
The Welcome forum is ONLY for that.

Site Moderator

Welcome :-)

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 01/26/15 10:54 PM
Good luck and have's a place full of good people and all in good humor..smile2

mikey5360's photo
Mon 01/26/15 11:44 PM
Welcome...but why are you using the pic of a Spanish male model instead of your own?????