Topic: France - The religion of peace is at it again
bashajones's photo
Thu 01/08/15 08:56 PM

These monsters are not true Muslims. They're evil extremist animals. Its a shame good God fearing and loving people are stereotyped and associated with terrorist.

if you say so... they should quit playing around and just wipe them all out now...

As much as I understand your anger and frustration this is not the answer.
After all most victims of these fanatics are in fact Muslims.
I'm not sure what we can do to stop it besides education but I do know what we can't do and wiping them out is not right.

Education will stop it? Like sex education stops teen pregnancies? And drug education wins us the war on drugs?....Brilliant.


no photo
Thu 01/08/15 08:59 PM

These monsters are not true Muslims. They're evil extremist animals. Its a shame good God fearing and loving people are stereotyped and associated with terrorist.

if you say so... they should quit playing around and just wipe them all out now...

As much as I understand your anger and frustration this is not the answer.
After all most victims of these fanatics are in fact Muslims.
I'm not sure what we can do to stop it besides education but I do know what we can't do and wiping them out is not right.

Education will stop it? Like sex education stops teen pregnancies? And drug education wins us the war on drugs?....Brilliant.


And your solution would be

Lpdon's photo
Fri 01/09/15 02:45 AM

These monsters are not true Muslims. They're evil extremist animals. Its a shame good God fearing and loving people are stereotyped and associated with terrorist.

if you say so... they should quit playing around and just wipe them all out now...

As much as I understand your anger and frustration this is not the answer.
After all most victims of these fanatics are in fact Muslims.
I'm not sure what we can do to stop it besides education but I do know what we can't do and wiping them out is not right.

How many victims on 9/11 were Muslims? Or the 2005 British bombings or how many in this attack?

Lpdon's photo
Fri 01/09/15 02:47 AM

These monsters are not true Muslims. They're evil extremist animals. Its a shame good God fearing and loving people are stereotyped and associated with terrorist.

if you say so... they should quit playing around and just wipe them all out now...

As much as I understand your anger and frustration this is not the answer.
After all most victims of these fanatics are in fact Muslims.
I'm not sure what we can do to stop it besides education but I do know what we can't do and wiping them out is not right.

Education will stop it? Like sex education stops teen pregnancies? And drug education wins us the war on drugs?....Brilliant.


And your solution would be

Going after it head on. Not backing down to terrorists or refusing to admit they exist like the Fuhrer of the United States does. Maybe a strike against Mecca would be a good start.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 01/09/15 03:15 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 01/09/15 03:16 AM

REVEALED: The Sickening Reason the Paris Police Retreated From the Muslim Terrorists

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.That phrase has become somewhat of a cliche, but recent events in France demonstrate that it is also very true. Several facts from the mass murder at the Charlie Hebdo magazine building in Paris should cause people to reconsider the topic of gun control.

On January 7, a mob of radical Islamic terrorists stormed the magazine headquarters. The attackers yelled Allahu Akbar while they used AK-47 type weapons to slaughter 12 people.

France has strict gun control, and none of the civilians at the location were armed. What is even more shocking, however, is that the first French police officers to respond to the crisis had to turn around and retreat,because even though they are cops, they were not carrying any weapons.

Three policemen had arrived on bikes but had to leave because the men were armed, obviously, stated witness Benoit Bringer, as reported in the Daily Caller.

Think about that. Heavily-armed terrorists arrived to commit mass murder over cartoons of Mohammad, and the first responders were three policemen on bikes with no weapons and no way to stop the chaos.

It appears that those three bicycle cops were lucky to escape alive. Other police officers were shown no mercy when they were outnumbered by the Muslim terrorists.mad

no photo
Fri 01/09/15 03:26 AM

REVEALED: The Sickening Reason the Paris Police Retreated From the Muslim Terrorists

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.That phrase has become somewhat of a cliche, but recent events in France demonstrate that it is also very true. Several facts from the mass murder at the Charlie Hebdo magazine building in Paris should cause people to reconsider the topic of gun control.

On January 7, a mob of radical Islamic terrorists stormed the magazine headquarters. The attackers yelled Allahu Akbar while they used AK-47 type weapons to slaughter 12 people.

France has strict gun control, and none of the civilians at the location were armed. What is even more shocking, however, is that the first French police officers to respond to the crisis had to turn around and retreat,because even though they are cops, they were not carrying any weapons.

Three policemen had arrived on bikes but had to leave because the men were armed, obviously, stated witness Benoit Bringer, as reported in the Daily Caller.

Think about that. Heavily-armed terrorists arrived to commit mass murder over cartoons of Mohammad, and the first responders were three policemen on bikes with no weapons and no way to stop the chaos.

It appears that those three bicycle cops were lucky to escape alive. Other police officers were shown no mercy when they were outnumbered by the Muslim terrorists.mad

This is an "educational" article that might actually make some people stop and think....One can hope so anyway....

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 01/09/15 03:28 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 01/09/15 03:29 AM

REVEALED: The Sickening Reason the Paris Police Retreated From the Muslim Terrorists

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.That phrase has become somewhat of a cliche, but recent events in France demonstrate that it is also very true. Several facts from the mass murder at the Charlie Hebdo magazine building in Paris should cause people to reconsider the topic of gun control.

On January 7, a mob of radical Islamic terrorists stormed the magazine headquarters. The attackers yelled Allahu Akbar while they used AK-47 type weapons to slaughter 12 people.

France has strict gun control, and none of the civilians at the location were armed. What is even more shocking, however, is that the first French police officers to respond to the crisis had to turn around and retreat,because even though they are cops, they were not carrying any weapons.

Three policemen had arrived on bikes but had to leave because the men were armed, obviously, stated witness Benoit Bringer, as reported in the Daily Caller.

Think about that. Heavily-armed terrorists arrived to commit mass murder over cartoons of Mohammad, and the first responders were three policemen on bikes with no weapons and no way to stop the chaos.

It appears that those three bicycle cops were lucky to escape alive. Other police officers were shown no mercy when they were outnumbered by the Muslim terrorists.mad

This is an "educational" article that might actually make some people stop and think....One can hope so anyway....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: waving
But the ones that ought to,Politicians,probably won't!frustrated

no photo
Fri 01/09/15 03:47 AM

REVEALED: The Sickening Reason the Paris Police Retreated From the Muslim Terrorists

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.That phrase has become somewhat of a cliche, but recent events in France demonstrate that it is also very true. Several facts from the mass murder at the Charlie Hebdo magazine building in Paris should cause people to reconsider the topic of gun control.

On January 7, a mob of radical Islamic terrorists stormed the magazine headquarters. The attackers yelled Allahu Akbar while they used AK-47 type weapons to slaughter 12 people.

France has strict gun control, and none of the civilians at the location were armed. What is even more shocking, however, is that the first French police officers to respond to the crisis had to turn around and retreat,because even though they are cops, they were not carrying any weapons.

Three policemen had arrived on bikes but had to leave because the men were armed, obviously, stated witness Benoit Bringer, as reported in the Daily Caller.

Think about that. Heavily-armed terrorists arrived to commit mass murder over cartoons of Mohammad, and the first responders were three policemen on bikes with no weapons and no way to stop the chaos.

It appears that those three bicycle cops were lucky to escape alive. Other police officers were shown no mercy when they were outnumbered by the Muslim terrorists.mad

This is an "educational" article that might actually make some people stop and think....One can hope so anyway....
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: waving
But the ones that ought to,Politicians,probably won't!frustrated

waving flowerforyou

mightymoe's photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:01 AM
man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

no photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:05 AM

man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

Hey!!!...Who you calling a liberal Moe!???!!!grumble ...Y'all????:angry:

mightymoe's photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:09 AM

man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

Hey!!!...Who you calling a liberal Moe!???!!!grumble ...Y'all????:angry:, i said "liberal attitude" and "sound like liberals"... you may not be a lib, lol...

no photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:13 AM

man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

Hey!!!...Who you calling a liberal Moe!???!!!grumble ...Y'all????:angry:, i said "liberal attitude" and "sound like liberals"... you may not be a lib, lol...


mightymoe's photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:19 AM
Edited by mightymoe on Fri 01/09/15 07:20 AM

man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

Hey!!!...Who you calling a liberal Moe!???!!!grumble ...Y'all????:angry:, i said "liberal attitude" and "sound like liberals"... you may not be a lib, lol...


i'm "none of the above"...i can't associate myself with any of them...frustrated

no photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:26 AM

man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

Hey!!!...Who you calling a liberal Moe!???!!!grumble ...Y'all????:angry:, i said "liberal attitude" and "sound like liberals"... you may not be a lib, lol...


i'm "none of the above"...i can't associate myself with any of them...frustrated

What do you call this?:tongue:

mightymoe's photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:28 AM

man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

Hey!!!...Who you calling a liberal Moe!???!!!grumble ...Y'all????:angry:, i said "liberal attitude" and "sound like liberals"... you may not be a lib, lol...


i'm "none of the above"...i can't associate myself with any of them...frustrated

What do you call this?:tongue:


no photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:31 AM

man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

Hey!!!...Who you calling a liberal Moe!???!!!grumble ...Y'all????:angry:, i said "liberal attitude" and "sound like liberals"... you may not be a lib, lol...


i'm "none of the above"...i can't associate myself with any of them...frustrated

What do you call this?:tongue:


Shaking the bushes...:wink:

mightymoe's photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:32 AM

man, yall sound like liberals... education?? really? lets bake them a pie, too, maybe a little wine as well... just keep thinking that when they come to slash your throat because your not a muslim... education doesn't work with fanatics, they believe what they were already taught, that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong... did that soldier in England get a chance to teach them anything before they chopped of his head in the street? the two lady workers in Oklahoma? it's not getting better, we are going to see more and more of this, especially with this liberal attitude like "education"...

Hey!!!...Who you calling a liberal Moe!???!!!grumble ...Y'all????:angry:, i said "liberal attitude" and "sound like liberals"... you may not be a lib, lol...


i'm "none of the above"...i can't associate myself with any of them...frustrated

What do you call this?:tongue:


Shaking the bushes...:wink:

i water them when i leave the pub, sometimes...

no photo
Fri 01/09/15 07:57 AM

REVEALED: The Sickening Reason the Paris Police Retreated From the Muslim Terrorists

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.That phrase has become somewhat of a cliche, but recent events in France demonstrate that it is also very true. Several facts from the mass murder at the Charlie Hebdo magazine building in Paris should cause people to reconsider the topic of gun control.

On January 7, a mob of radical Islamic terrorists stormed the magazine headquarters. The attackers yelled Allahu Akbar while they used AK-47 type weapons to slaughter 12 people.

France has strict gun control, and none of the civilians at the location were armed. What is even more shocking, however, is that the first French police officers to respond to the crisis had to turn around and retreat,because even though they are cops, they were not carrying any weapons.

Three policemen had arrived on bikes but had to leave because the men were armed, obviously, stated witness Benoit Bringer, as reported in the Daily Caller.

Think about that. Heavily-armed terrorists arrived to commit mass murder over cartoons of Mohammad, and the first responders were three policemen on bikes with no weapons and no way to stop the chaos.

It appears that those three bicycle cops were lucky to escape alive. Other police officers were shown no mercy when they were outnumbered by the Muslim terrorists.mad

This is an "educational" article that might actually make some people stop and think....One can hope so anyway....

Hi Leigh! You're beautiful as

no photo
Fri 01/09/15 08:19 AM

REVEALED: The Sickening Reason the Paris Police Retreated From the Muslim Terrorists

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.That phrase has become somewhat of a cliche, but recent events in France demonstrate that it is also very true. Several facts from the mass murder at the Charlie Hebdo magazine building in Paris should cause people to reconsider the topic of gun control.

On January 7, a mob of radical Islamic terrorists stormed the magazine headquarters. The attackers yelled Allahu Akbar while they used AK-47 type weapons to slaughter 12 people.

France has strict gun control, and none of the civilians at the location were armed. What is even more shocking, however, is that the first French police officers to respond to the crisis had to turn around and retreat,because even though they are cops, they were not carrying any weapons.

Three policemen had arrived on bikes but had to leave because the men were armed, obviously, stated witness Benoit Bringer, as reported in the Daily Caller.

Think about that. Heavily-armed terrorists arrived to commit mass murder over cartoons of Mohammad, and the first responders were three policemen on bikes with no weapons and no way to stop the chaos.

It appears that those three bicycle cops were lucky to escape alive. Other police officers were shown no mercy when they were outnumbered by the Muslim terrorists.mad

This is an "educational" article that might actually make some people stop and think....One can hope so anyway....

Hi Leigh! You're beautiful as

happy Hiiiii Alle!waving ...Yeah baby, you are too!smitten flowers

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 01/09/15 08:49 AM

Updates on the situation in Paris.