Topic: Why do men never say what they really want
Ontario's photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:23 AM
You can tell by his ain,t no geenie...!

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:28 AM
i don't think sex on the first date is necessarily a bad thing but alot
of people have perceptions of when it happens. for it to apply in my
situation it would have to depend on what the date was like and and how
we got along and whether she was just easy. i would rather wait but of
course i don't usually turn it down either.

ellgee1976's photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:33 AM
expect the brutal hard truth from me...

im not into head games, or a one nighter

my hubs was sposed to be a one nighter, and that lasted 5 yrs :| and
then screwed me up for life in other ways...
no one-nighters for me ty

im honest, i speak my mind, and sometimes it's to a fault, but no, im
not big at all on the games

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:33 AM
I don't know what you got against me, but no your statement is true I'm
not a geenie don't believe in that

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:34 AM
Just want honest opinions thats all

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:36 AM
King, what o you consider to easy

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:36 AM
King, what o you consider to easy

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:36 AM
Ellgee I agree

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:41 AM
well I got a opinion (though it doesnt really matter lol) if I end up in
bed with a woman the first night I meet her I pretty much figure its
going no where or wont last long. hence the word "booty call". A man
or a woman can be confident and tell you what they want, that doesnt
mean they gonna want it a week, month or yr down the road.

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 11:15 AM
i don't consider a woman that has sex on the first date easy but most
easy women carry themselves differently. basically what i would consider
easy is someone who would just sex you on the first date no matter how
well it went. i like women who are open about their sexuality but when
you are on a date i don't think there should be any flirting with other
people or eyeing other people and there has to be a bit of decorum.
it is not done over the course of one date.

Ontario's photo
Mon 10/30/06 11:27 AM
I said what I ..." Really " had on my mind, freedrama...nothin against
you...why did you say that...!

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 11:35 AM
O its cool, my misreading

Ontario's photo
Mon 10/30/06 11:43 AM
No...I,m sorry if I lead you to think that...!

no photo
Wed 02/25/09 01:31 AM

no photo
Wed 02/25/09 03:49 AM
Why do people :wink: ALWAYS :tongue: use absolutes in these types of questions?

TJN's photo
Wed 02/25/09 03:54 AM
Because if we just came straight out and told you we wanted to get in your pants our faces would be to sore from getting slapped.

74Drew's photo
Wed 02/25/09 03:57 AM
because we want sex and you women horde that space between your legs likes it's buried treasure.

no photo
Wed 02/25/09 10:49 AM

because we want sex and you women horde that space between your legs likes it's buried treasure.
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 02/25/09 10:49 AM

I guess scared of rejection, ?
scared I amscared

no photo
Wed 02/25/09 10:52 AM
Poster above me same its kinda wierd they say i dont look bad but what if i dont have what SHE wants get what i mean?