Topic: Why do men never say what they really want
txazdesertgirl's photo
Fri 10/27/06 07:45 PM
maybe you're asking the wrong man?

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 07:56 PM
I agree with the ladies!

Wat up Morena

poisonflightledr's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:08 PM
THANKS EEP, but at my age it's no longer about being a player.

it's about making a life with some one snf seeing it through to the end,
and believe me...there have been times when I relly thought I was buying
the farm, soi count my blessings that i've lived this long and now is
the time to do things right.

Morena350's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:42 PM
just chilling

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:32 AM
"Poison" makes some very good points on this matter,,,
we should all tell it like it is,but some do not have th courage to do
so,as they will ask a friend to wait,but then get mad at them for
wanting to talk to another,while they are to these folks I
say,,,to your own self be TRUE...
if you find a person you click with,listen to their hearts,,,
not just th words,as I have direct feelings on this matter.
but this is just one cat's thoughts,,,food for thought....M.

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 06:39 AM
it isn't a man or a woman thing it's a people thing. i'm a man and i
always say what i really want. i don't beat around the bush or drop
hints because i think it's a waste of time for both people involved.
find a man that speaks his mind because life is too short to mess around
with someone who expects you to know what they want when they don't even
know themselves.

ROCKY_F4X2's photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:23 AM
the saying goes."the woman gets everything she wants and men don`t"why

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:55 AM
i dont find it hard to tell a woman what i want

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:26 PM
I find that even if you do and are able to say th things that you want
and or need,does she pay enough attention to you to give an HONEST
does she even want to answeror are these more topics to talk
about????gittin' deep,where's my boots?.....................M.

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 12:31 PM
... because what we really want is sex.

Ontario's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:29 PM agree with the woman...what a shocker...!

Look...Ms Drama , how do you know he,s not saying what he means... some
women and so full of...( Drama )... that men sometimes have to choose
their words carefully to avoid a Bitch

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:33 PM
lol ontario, that is one of the problems i have with people tryin to
read between the lines, when you talk to me and you try to read between
the lines you're most likely gonna find some bullshit because i say what
i mean. lol

Ontario's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:36 PM
You loss me Breezy...?

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:41 PM
that's because my thought was scattered lol. the lol was for your
comment because i agree with you. i should have seperated the rest. the
rest had to do with the topic and not what you wrote

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:55 PM
It's the person? Like king said.
It's all about what he (the guy) believe's? How he was raised and ALOT
about how his dad was? His uncle's, grandpa, brother's?
A lot of generations are lost to the belief's of past thought's?
Look at all of us?
Some of us try to raise our kids in a way of THEM never doing the bad
things that we done, in-life, or habits, or in THEM being different by
our mistake's?
But some of us should'nt be parent's? The one's who can't tell you much
about their on kids? And could care-less on WHAT their children think?
If the example was given to then young, and it was a bad example
then that boy WILL NOT have the thoughtful,kind,true, way of expression
that YOU are looking for?
But that does not make HIM a bad person?
He just might need a understanding lady to help him speak all of HIS

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:59 PM
i know some people who do alot of double talk so they don't look like an
ass if they are wrong, they always make sure that they have an out but
i've found that people like that really don't stand for nothin, they do
it for public opinion.

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/30/06 08:48 AM

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 09:54 AM
Ontario I can tell by his actions

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:00 AM
i don't have any problems asking for sex, the thing is i want to get to
know someone because i am ultimately looking for a long term
relationship and i don't mind waiting a bit. sometimes women act funny
when you have sex too early in a relationship, i'm looking for something
that will last because if i wanted to be single and just love em and
lose em i would.

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 10:22 AM
King, if you went out with a women and the first date ended sexually
what will your opinion be of that women