Topic: Internet etiquette an real life | |
For the single people and the ones that are content in their relationships. Do you beleive the way people act online reflects how they will be in real life? I do to a point, yet some are shy and can open up, I think in time with that person would reveal the online actions should merge as one.
Obviousy there are many players online that will project whatever they think you want to hear. For the most part, would find the behavior of trolling, or following individuals around from site to site or post to post just to cause trouble, as a negative personality flaw? It's funny, but when optimistic cheerful people are posting. I can feel it, I've met them in real life and they are amazing people to be to be around. That tells me the Trolls, the trouble makers online would be the same downer in real life. Maybe that's why they stay single and bitter so long. |
Im single and have been single for a long time, bitter no, but I have been hurt by players.
When I am hurt I do one of two things, I either shut myself off away from the world, or I become as silly as can be. There is enough meanness in this world, so I try to avoid it, and try not to cause it, though Im sure that I do without meaning to. If I realize what I did then I apologize. But basically overall I am the same online as offline. Serious at times, goofy at times, can't hide the real you from ones you talk to daily online, unless your a good actor/actress |
I can agree with what you stated to start this topic. Yes. I see why some people have problems dating and it is quite easy to see that on here. The biggest problem I see is insecurity. I see people flirting with anyone and appear to take whatever they can get, in a sense of this false attraction. Most people live far away from each other which to me, seems kind of pointless to travel so far to toy with temporary feelings.
I can go on for hours about all this and each individual type of person who finds themselves on here. Not that there is a problem with that. As I do realize that as you grow older, it is much harder to find someone. This day and age, all is done online. I mean just the other day I was on another website (which I shall no mention on here as I feel it is against the rules), and I seen gangsters online! Gangsters! Since when did your neighborhood menaces use the darn internet? LOL Anyhow, I got a big kick out of that. And yeah.......... Random I am.... True to the name. LOL |
I don't know, I think I'm pretty much the same online as in "real" life, I don't know any other way to be. I guess, though, that I'm probably more outgoing online than I would be, say, in a bar or something. I'm fairly shy and quiet until I get to know someone but it's easier to put that aside online. But, I've met people who have gone both ways, those who are nothing like they are online and those that are exactly who they said they were.
I would like to believe that people are basically the same on line as they are in person, but my experience dictates otherwise. I have actually only found one (out of nine) who was even remotely similar to the people they claimed to be in profiles, e-mail IM, phone conversations, etc. A little disconcerting.
Yeah that was good Random, it would have to boil down to insecureties. That's the only way I could describe that behavior. Now, if you get involved with someone with these insecurities, are you taking a chance? To me if the person isn't mentally stable, I'd stear clear.
Yeah Lex I've been there many times. They appeared to be nice but in real life, no way.What about the ones that come off as bitter online, do you really think they could be nice in real life? To me that's a major red Flag flying
Yes vocalist, I agree. You want to share your life with someone, not build your life with someone. See, the American dream (because that is the only way I could put it), would say you want to need someone. That you have to have a lot of money and get the biggest house to show your love. But that is all media play and we all know is rubbish. To share your life means that you are stable in some sense. You know who you are and what you are about and ready to share that with someone. Not be with someone unclear about who you are, gambling away your fragile heart. If you can get hurt, then don't take a chance. Not until you know you are willing to accept lessons to be learned, or a chance at victory.
It is never wise to gamble when you don't have money to lose. |
Voc -- I was talking to one girl -- this back in the old days, when these sites were new, during the Eisenhower Administration -- who seemed like a dream come true. Until I met her in person, and she told me her biggest thrill in life was to start fires in hotel rooms! She actually wanted me to go with her and some of her friends to do this....
No thanks! I mean, sure, you're probably not going to put it in your profile: "By the way, I'm an arsonist!" On the other hand, I wonder if she actually thought no one would NOTICE....?? Later on, she got a job at a mall and was stealing stuff out of the store where she worked, and TRADING it to a guy from another store in the same mall....for stuff from his store. Last I heard, she was doing door-to-door perfume sales; she actually showed up at a store where I was working a few years back....needless to say, I didn't buy anything from her.... |
Been single for ever since the breakup with the nigerian
![]() ![]() Broke my wittle heart ![]() OK- All joking aside- What you see is what you get... I am pretty much the same in person- as I am here! I am a bit more out going here though... I am happy with whom I am... ![]() There is alot of fakeness going on in the cyber world, yet there is alot of good people too. ![]() |
Hell, I wouldn't want to meet anyone that seems to be bitter online. Red flag is right! thevocalist asked, do you beleive the way people act online reflects how they will be in real life? Stick around the forum and you will see that most of the time people on here show there real personality. Give anyone enough time and I don't mean like couple weeks, and you can bring out the best in them whether there bitter or not.
To prove my point. All you know how easy it is to make one comment on this forum that someone don't like and a few people will take the comment to extream and not no the meaning behind it. To easy to judge before the person can explain themselves. So there for, there personality shows alot of the time after being on here for a while. So, being on the net. Does it show in real life. Yes! |
mannors are mannors
I used to go to a chat room constantly on AOL, we had get togethers and parties in real life. I would have to say that the ones who were total azzs online were not always the same in person. One of the biggest morons in the room turned out to be the sweetest guy in person. It was like he turned into this monster once he signed on. I guess the red flags work sometimes, and other times they don't.
Yeah shadow I've seen it alot. To bad the bitter ones can't do some looking in the mirror before jumping in threads and judging others. I just don't see how that behavior can be any different in real life.
So Vocalist, do you have a phd, in internet dating?
There's a whole lot of interpretation, and not a lot of you showing through... Fascinating....I know there is humour in there I've seen it.. Do you ever just chill out? Or do you see yourself as the dating guru? Curiouser and curiouser.... |
| pretty much the same in real life...except I'm REAL...FLESH AND BLOOD...
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I am the only way I know how to be ... in any given moment ... at times contemplative, serious, shy, outgoing, silly, compassionate, inner child run amok .. I am all of it and just the same in real life ... wheeee
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Jess I'm usually a nut. A class clown. I've been on everyside of the internet dating, I've had my heart broke, I've made plenty of mistakes. I've learned from them, just trying to help others from the usual pitfalls. That and music, that's me.
Plus I do have extensive knowledge in psycology ![]() |
What you see is what you get. I think I am the same online as off. As far as I know, there's not much difference in my life offline as online. It's just ME!!! ![]() ![]() |
If my posts reflect the Me of me...(which they do)...heaven forbid any who have to deal with me...they need a psychologist
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