Topic: NIghtmares! | |
i have 2 lil dreamers...
I used to have alot of nightmare because of things I would see or hear while I would be awake in reality - this was solved simply by living happy occurances - Take her to a theme park, or to the movies to see a funny kids movie, I guess what im trying to say is, expose her to the most happy things and as often as you can possibly do... Hope this helps! ;) -Rico
i love the spray and milk ideas!
lil dreamers that dream BIG and warm milk is soporific!
sounds like she has been watching scary movies with friends and they all pinky swore not to tell their parents.......Just to be safe, you might want to talk to a councilor. Occasionally thing happen at day care, on the way from school etc. I just recently found out from my son that he had a near drowning experience at a day care outing when he was around 7 and we never heard about it.
Thanks guys..i will let u know if any of these ideas work tonight....u guys are great!! I knew there was a reason for joining these forums...LOL...
"She says its about haunted houses and evil babies...and ppl dying...its freaking me out"
ok, first I'd chew off my arm as any good parent would to save their kids from any pain... ok, houses- for grown ups, its life and jobs and relationships. for kids its also relationships, and "the world". I'd say a divorce could cause this. reassure that you love her, and tomorrow the SAME thing will happen, nothing will change in that she will wake up, go to school, do this do that. evilbabies, evil kids, evil toys, possibly she is feeling at fault for something, or feels to blame for some grownup problems. grownups get separated/divorced kids always "take the blame". make sure she knows NOTHING is her fault. finally do NOT no no no, get "freaked" out or visibly upset about the dreams, in front of her- go off elsewhere, but you are strength to the kid. Parents are the house- get it? good luck, this too shall pass |
Medinaman....thanks for the advice.....dont worry..i dont show her that im "freaked out"..i usually try to stay as calm as can be...and her father and i have been broken up for i dont know whats goin on..thanks tho..
my son was "ok' with the BS for months,then it showed up.
Just the basics, reaffirm, reassure, and uh...repeat LOL |
My son has had nightmares and really vivid dreams as long as I can remember. There've been many nights where he's come in to sleep with me (I do not recommend this, btw). I encourage him to talk about the dreams and reassure him that dreams aren't real. The mind works in very weird ways to process things that have gone on in our lives. Kids lives are pretty stressful anymore, with school and tests and trying to fit in and, and, and . . . Dreams are just a way of processing all the information the brain takes in that it can't always process right away. It works for him. Of course, he also has special "friends" in his room, mostly in the form of pillows (that way his friends don't think he still has stuffed animals ). That seems to help.
Little people absorb way more than we give them credit for...and some of it is beyond their understanding....shifting into a more lateral thought process, can utilise the night time/sleep time for processing...and sometimes manifest as nightmares.
I am trying to remember when with my little guys was their 'peak' time for night mares, and I do think it was around 7 or 8 years old.. It's a big busy world out there...a lot to absorb and figure out..when you are just a little person. Re-assure her, bring her into your bed, and allow her, her dreams, validate her...and perhaps teach her to write them down, or ask her if it is alright if she 'dictates' what she remembers of them to you to write down, no judgement, no adult spin on it. They will pass Hawaii, if she is a normally well adjusted and happy little person, they will pass. |
Well guys...I treid the "special" (choc milk) drink last nite and i also gave her a "special" bracelet to wear to far...soo good...she didn't wake up with nightmares last we will see how it goes this week...
Just wanted to thank eveyone for all their help and advice..MAHALO!!!! |
We are all born Clarvoyent, some more than others,bush has opted to nuke Iran,Big Time...
Your doughter could be haviing premenitions of what it to come... But weather you know The Lord or not,if you ask him to deal with this,HE WILL... But all Prayers, should be twards all those in Harms way,you just can't even imagen The Hell that the american President has unleashed upon the whole world... Find out all you can about The Dreams,and post it on here because she could very well be having a preminition and others of us can interpret what this is. |