Topic: mental illness. | |
Anyone out there been out there been diagnosed or know someone who has been diagnosed with a mental illness such as schizo affective disorder??? If so please reach out to me I would greatly appreciate it
I have some background in the area
I was diagnosed with a mental illness fourteen years ago and put on lots of medication. I am now trying to get off of the medication because I think it makes me worse. I don't know your situation, but I would just like to tell you that God is a healer and he can work miracles. Some people may need medication, but it is not always the answer. Trust in Jesus and pray as much as you can. I find that talking to people helps, when I am sick, but it has to be someone who will not judge and make matters worse. The best one you can talk to is Jesus, because he will give you strength, guidance and direction. Be anxious of nothing my brother, remember that God loves you. Stay blessed. Free43respect.