Topic: Single dads? | |
Hi. I am part time dad!
I have been separated from the mother of my children since not long after my youngest was born. She was angry when i left and tried to dis allow me from seeing the children. I persisted and now have had regular contact with my children for years which is set out around work as I work full time. There are some interesting points about why guys don't want to be with a single mother. Personally I have Fantasized about meeting a nice woman who has a child. This is because i became a father, i have these parenting skill which are going to waste. My ex sadly struggled very much with becoming a mother. She suffered from prenatal and postnatal depression meaning I became main carer fror the children, and my partner. I tried to be her rock throughout the years i was with her. Anyway. Good luck to you all. continue bettering yourself and following your dreams and the right one will find you! X Nick X Happy New Year to all |
That@s nice. you should be proud. made you the decent person you are today
Hello all! I raised the 3 children from my first wife from very young on my own. When the three were teens I had 2 more babies to raise from a very nice, publicly well known woman. Being a leader in her field and due to her work load, she last saw them 4 years ago. Interestingly, her and I spoke today as we walked down the hallway. Dad's government help groups-Zero Women's government help groups- Thousands maybe tens of thousands. Dads have a coffee and smile. Our hearts and kids are special. Dads of Earth :) England 1, Scotland 1, Canada 1, U.S.A. ?, Others ? I have not finished going through the responses yet, but you can chalk me up as one of the extremely rare American single dads (through divorce). I won't put her history up here (that's just plain rude and degrading but the basics are that when I applied for divorce, I was granted immediate emergency custody (physical and legal). I filed in August of 2005, on my own without use of a lawyer and 6 months later the gavel came down awarding me every single thing I asked for, including sole physical and legal custody and her having supervised visitation only. The court even awarded me child support from her though it took another 5 years to get it above $69 a month and another five years to get it up to a reasonable 25% of her total income (which has been close to $80k per year for the past five years). I was forced for many years to accept welfare and food stamps. This will be my first full year with NO assistance whatsoever and she STILL only has supervised visitation at my discretion. With all of that said, I have absolutely no qualms with dating a single mother; however, one of the things I insist on being understood from the beginning, is that we move forward with the understanding that I am looking for marriage and I expect her to be just as active with my kids as I will be with hers. There will be none of the "these are my kids, you butt out". If we are to make it work and work well for everyone involved then we BOTH have to be a full parent to all the kids in the house, regardless of who "donated" towards their existence and who didn't. This includes supporting each other 100% in regards to discipline as well as with rewards; sharing taxi duty when they have extra activities. One of us staying home while the other works (if at all possible), DEFINITELY one of us staying home if one of them is sick. I think you get the idea :D I believe in 100% total family, not divisions or "his and hers" ;-) |
Hello all! I raised the 3 children from my first wife from very young on my own. When the three were teens I had 2 more babies to raise from a very nice, publicly well known woman. Being a leader in her field and due to her work load, she last saw them 4 years ago. Interestingly, her and I spoke today as we walked down the hallway. Dad's government help groups-Zero Women's government help groups- Thousands maybe tens of thousands. Dads have a coffee and smile. Our hearts and kids are special. Dads of Earth :) England 1, Scotland 1, Canada 1, U.S.A. ?, Others ? This is so sexist...the government doesn't have the right to discriminate anyone based on gender...single dad's get the same government support as single moms.. And nobody can understand your point about your first wife or the other woman, but it sounds like you are putting the other woman down when we don't know the context. it's time for you to wake up Estelle and open your eyes to reality. I am a single (American) father by divorce. I have 100% sole physical and legal custody. Even though child support was granted to me from the court at the divorce and even though she had signed a notary to agree to $300 child support per month, with a $1350 a month income, the court lowered her child support to only $67. If it had been the normal events and she received sole custody, I would have been paying almost $600 per month out of that $1350. It took me five years to get the courts to agree to an increase in her child support. It took another five years after that to get her to pay 25% of her total income which by that point was pushing $80k per year. She STILL does not have htem on her work insurance even though it has been available for four years and the courts STILL have not brought her in and charged her with contempt or negligence (which they would have after one month if it had been me). Plain and simple, men do NOT receive 50% of ANYTHING in America when it comes to divorce or children. |
I if you have a relationship with a single mother, you could be legally responsible for child support payments. If she is on Public Support, the Government could force YOU to pay. This is the Government "seeing you" as a father figure. So guys be educated ![]() Thankfully that has been abolished here in the United States (in regards to dating a woman who has kids). Now, if you are in a relationship with a lady here and she becomes pregnant with another mans child, depending on where you are at, you wills till be held liable as the father, even with dna testing showing you are no relation, but only if you were with the woman when she concepted. This is being fought in courts as we speak, but it is a very slow process and certain political figures do not want to change things which would put fathers on a more equal footing in regards to rights and treatment. |
Edited by
Fri 01/15/16 09:27 PM
As the courts / Judges mold our new society. It is easy to understand the
saying "follow the money trail". A very efficient system, not for the plebs. Courts have made it clear by action "women own the children". With the harsh "deal with it". Daniel74126 Unusual way to become a single dad. There is a forum on single parents dating. (I do not remember the exact name) I read it myself and found it to be a real eye opener. Dan you have been very-very lucky! ![]() *Personally have found my best support to be older women 60+. Maybe they were raised by "dad" when it was more common. *I feel single moms may (deeply) emotionally relate only to the female view from a women's support group. * Guys of any age do not relate to us! at all haha! * Single dads are rare and soon to be extinct. * On Mingle2 forums we are treated all equal. Strange but true ![]() |
Because they don't want to take up the child responsibility. And they want the mum not the child.
I am a 22 years single mom too but i cant find the real guy |
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I am little woman.. I want to single dad.. I love single parent
I think this sums it up. Might be disagreeable to some, but most of whats written here is observable fact. |
That's not true I'm single cuz my ex put me in the hospital cuz I wanted to fix our marriage and he didn't so he started to hit on me. I always had the house clean food cooked clothes washed I'm very picky about all that and I don't believe in divorce but I had to go thru it.
Why are dads always have to b in the backround not front n center like the mother why does life treat dads like that's how it's suppose to b the homer n the family that's bs
my previous bf cant accept my son :( life is unfair