Topic: cheating girls
Midhun704's photo
Thu 10/16/14 01:14 PM
all girls are cheaters

Datwasntme's photo
Thu 10/16/14 01:18 PM
is that what your imaginary friend told you ?

green407's photo
Thu 10/16/14 01:20 PM

all girls are cheaters

6 out of 8 dentists agree...

no photo
Thu 10/16/14 01:26 PM
Edited by larsonc on Thu 10/16/14 02:01 PM

all girls are cheaters

Hmmmmm ... Seriously? .... That makes me one frustrated

mrld_ii's photo
Thu 10/16/14 01:28 PM
Try "women" (i.e., 'girls' over 18), OP, and see what happens.


no photo
Thu 10/16/14 01:35 PM
That's why I don't play Parcheesi with them.

stan_147's photo
Thu 10/16/14 01:36 PM
Are you talking diets here, OP? Is this a 'fat thread' in disguise?

soufiehere's photo
Thu 10/16/14 01:41 PM

all girls are cheaters

Try switching teams.
You may learn something more about cheating.

cottonelle's photo
Thu 10/16/14 02:16 PM

all girls are cheaters

then find yourself a nice faithful man

Rozario77's photo
Thu 10/16/14 02:25 PM
My friend I understand ur situation,, but u have mentioned all girls are cheaters absolutely NO, I have many Gud and honest friend is there, Our mom also Women, because of few boys and girls spoils many honest people name,, I wish u ll get honest, friendly life partner,,, be happy!!! ;-)

Goofball73's photo
Thu 10/16/14 06:58 PM

all girls are cheaters

Yeah.....and all guys are saints. :tongue:

Rock's photo
Thu 10/16/14 07:04 PM

all girls are cheaters

If one or two cheat on you, the problem is them.

If "all girls" cheat on you, the problem is definitely you.

bastet126's photo
Thu 10/16/14 07:09 PM
epic first post fail.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 10/16/14 07:23 PM
This discussion thread calls for ...

no photo
Thu 10/16/14 07:26 PM
How did your sister and mom cheated you?

no photo
Thu 10/16/14 07:31 PM
Your brother(s) were better, huh?

dreamerana's photo
Thu 10/16/14 08:12 PM

all girls are cheaters

that would be like me saying all men are idiots

seahawks's photo
Thu 10/16/14 08:19 PM

all girls are cheaters
veddy veddy not true.!!