Topic: Bush warned of Iraq Pullout
Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/20/14 04:52 AM

Like him or loath him, he would not have taken this crap from ISIS.

I believe we had one called Maggie Thatcher who took no crap either.

ISIS wouldn't have gained power if he was still in office, he wouldn't have given them a chance. He wasn't a coward like we have now. He had military experience, leadership experience, real world experience and was willing to do WHATEVER was necessary to protect this country.

ISIS wouldn't have gained power if we would have kept our noses out of the region in the 1st place!

yep,none of the Iranian Proxies would have happened?
Soviets would have gladly taken over the whole Region!
Who,besides Germany and France was Saddam's biggest single Weapons-Supplier?

Lpdon's photo
Sat 09/20/14 05:49 AM

I'm don't approve of everything the Bush administration did, but this was on the money. [link] [/link]

It's easy to predict the outcome of something you create

Fools will always rush in to take the blame..... enter Obozo

Haliburton will get a renewed contract to rebuild yet again....

And Black Water.

The banks will hit the taxpayers for the BILLIONS that ISIS stole, reimbursement for the billions lost from the dam and the oil field takeover. Ratheon gets new contracts for the ones discontinued with leaving Afghanistan, Boeing will get to rebuild and restock the airport, and the list goes on......

In the end, another $3T added to our national debt and big corporations get another bailout!

All in the name of democracy

Actually Blackwater doesn't exist anymore and even when they did before the company changed hands they were out of Iraq.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 09/20/14 05:52 AM

Like him or loath him, he would not have taken this crap from ISIS.

I believe we had one called Maggie Thatcher who took no crap either.

ISIS wouldn't have gained power if he was still in office, he wouldn't have given them a chance. He wasn't a coward like we have now. He had military experience, leadership experience, real world experience and was willing to do WHATEVER was necessary to protect this country.

ISIS wouldn't have gained power if we would have kept our noses out of the region in the 1st place!

But that is what you get when you elect media sponsored banker puppets and not Presidents!

That's not true. Al Qaeda was building up slowly waiting for their time in Iraq. Saddam was an old man with not much longer to go anyways, then what? It would have been a power struggle between his two sons and probably an all out war anyways. We just got out the brutal dictator and war criminals earlier.

If Obama would have had a PROPER exit strategy this wouldn't have had happened or of he hadn't been playing possum with his head in the sand while they got bigger and bigger.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 09/20/14 05:52 AM

Like him or loath him, he would not have taken this crap from ISIS.

I believe we had one called Maggie Thatcher who took no crap either.

ISIS wouldn't have gained power if he was still in office, he wouldn't have given them a chance. He wasn't a coward like we have now. He had military experience, leadership experience, real world experience and was willing to do WHATEVER was necessary to protect this country.

ISIS wouldn't have gained power if we would have kept our noses out of the region in the 1st place!

yep,none of the Iranian Proxies would have happened?
Soviets would have gladly taken over the whole Region!
Who,besides Germany and France was Saddam's biggest single Weapons-Supplier?

South Africa, N. Korea, Russia who it was believed to be selling their Diesel Submarines to.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 09/20/14 06:17 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 09/20/14 06:24 AM

I'm don't approve of everything the Bush administration did, but this was on the money. [link] [/link]

It's easy to predict the outcome of something you create

Fools will always rush in to take the blame..... enter Obozo

Haliburton will get a renewed contract to rebuild yet again....

And Black Water.

The banks will hit the taxpayers for the BILLIONS that ISIS stole, reimbursement for the billions lost from the dam and the oil field takeover. Ratheon gets new contracts for the ones discontinued with leaving Afghanistan, Boeing will get to rebuild and restock the airport, and the list goes on......

In the end, another $3T added to our national debt and big corporations get another bailout!

All in the name of democracy

Actually Blackwater doesn't exist anymore and even when they did before the company changed hands they were out of Iraq.

The same can be said for Al Qaeda.... now ISIS, ISIL, the FSA or whatever....

A rose by any other name.......

Our CIA arms so many any more it's hard to keep track.... but the drugs and oil still flow freely

Doesn't ANYBODY get it yet?

Meanwhile..... they also militarize our own police forces

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/20/14 06:29 AM

They were better allowing SAddam to manage that region, he did a much better job than we ever will,,,,,,,,

He would have fallen sooner or later!
Remember his Sons?
The Kurds?
And al-Quaida was eyeballing the place for some time as well!

everyone falls 'sooner or later', so will we, its the natural cycle

but under his leadership, it would have been more later than sooner,,,,,

michelake's photo
Sat 09/20/14 06:51 AM

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/20/14 06:54 AM


michelake's photo
Sat 09/20/14 07:02 AM
Edited by michelake on Sat 09/20/14 07:14 AM
The reason why the USA "wun" in Afghanistan in the time that they faced the Russians there. Was because they provided the Mujahedin with surface to air missiles. So they could shoot Russian helicopters from the sky. This was the turning point for the Russians to get out of Afghanistan.

It is like other people here have already said... If the USA did not intervene in the Middle East then it would not have to go there to continue fighting. Middle Eastern leaders had things under control there. Off course they where dictators.
But the people where better off then they are now.
There are many places on the world where people get oppressed. I don't see the USA there.. now why is that ?

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/20/14 07:13 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 09/20/14 07:13 AM

The reason why the USA "wun" in Afghanistan in the time that they faced the Russians there. Was because they provided the Mujahedin with surface to air missiles. So they could shoot Russian helicopters from the sky. This was the turning point for the Russians to get out of Afghanistan.

It is like other people here have already said... If the USA did not intervene in the Middle East then it would not have to go there to continue fighting. Middle Eastern leaders had things under control there. Off course they where dictators. But the people where better
off then they are now.
There are many places on the world where people get oppressed. I don't see the USA there.. now why is that ?

Really got a woody for the US,do you?:laughing: slaphead
.......and your knowledge of events are astounding...............NOT!

michelake's photo
Sat 09/20/14 07:14 AM
No idea what a "woody" is. But i know a USA sergeant that agreed with me that they armed the Mujahedin there.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/20/14 07:20 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 09/20/14 07:23 AM

No idea what a "woody" is. But i know a USA sergeant that agreed with me that they armed the Mujahedin there.
rofl rofl rofl slaphead
as usual you only have half the Story!

Mujahedin,Taliban and al-Queda are three different things!

michelake's photo
Sat 09/20/14 07:24 AM
You might want to tell me facts to convince me that i am wrong ?
Or do you prefer to stick to emoticons ?

InvictusV's photo
Sat 09/20/14 07:31 AM

The reason why the USA "wun" in Afghanistan in the time that they faced the Russians there. Was because they provided the Mujahedin with surface to air missiles. So they could shoot Russian helicopters from the sky. This was the turning point for the Russians to get out of Afghanistan.

It is like other people here have already said... If the USA did not intervene in the Middle East then it would not have to go there to continue fighting. Middle Eastern leaders had things under control there. Off course they where dictators.
But the people where better off then they are now.
There are many places on the world where people get oppressed. I don't see the USA there.. now why is that ?

It is easy to say that other people are better off living under a dictator when you have never walked in their shoes.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/20/14 07:35 AM

You might want to tell me facts to convince me that i am wrong ?
Or do you prefer to stick to emoticons ?

that would be an entirely useless and impossible undertaking,considering what I have seen so far,thus the Emos!

michelake's photo
Sat 09/20/14 08:33 AM
Edited by michelake on Sat 09/20/14 09:10 AM
@ InvictusV

There are so many dictators in the world. I don't see the USA there.

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

Isayas Afewerki

Kim Jong Un

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Saud

Islam Karimov

I don't see the "democracy" that USA brought in the Middle East
Most people in Iraq will agree with the fact that it was better before people started to kill each other now in sectarian violence, with Saddam.
If people want democracy in any country then it is the "will of the people" and not "the will of the USA".

@ Conrad_73

I am not surprised for that answer of yours. I knew that from the
first comment you gave me on the forum.
And we where talking about arming rebel groups that the USA has to go back to fight now, right ?
It could be on any name that you prefer to say or call.Mujahedin,Taliban and al-Queda are all "entwined"
Thats why so many thought going to Afghanistan and pick out the
Al-Queda members would be impossible. Because how can you spot one
in a village ? You might be talking to a Al-Queda without even knowing this. I am sure that many Mujahedin went to join the Taliban or Al-Queda.
The fact is that your country now wants to go back to fight them. After arming them.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 09/20/14 02:42 PM

No idea what a "woody" is. But i know a USA sergeant that agreed with me that they armed the Mujahedin there.

who gives a crap. I personally know a two Star General, a Col. (Who used to be the man who was in charge of the White House Military Office under President Clinton, a Navy Commander who commanded the USS Cole when it was hit by Al Qaeda (he has a house up the street from me) who tend do disagree. I think they know a little bit more then a SGT.

Just sayin'

michelake's photo
Sat 09/20/14 03:17 PM
Edited by michelake on Sat 09/20/14 03:30 PM
Well i do give a crap about his opinion.
And i am not the only one that share's his opinion about this.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 09/20/14 04:29 PM

Most people in Iraq will agree with the fact that it was better before people started to kill each other now in sectarian violence, with Saddam.

I know many Iraqi's who would disagree. At least a few years ago when America was still present. I hope you realize that the reason that region was a bit more settled was because of Saddam's brutality. Public executions, murdering the families of those who stand against him, etc. I've heard many horror stories from people who used to work for his sons.

You should also have a look at how women of that country were commonly treated. Since 2004 these women have been slowly gaining civil rights, to include the right to vote.

What you speak of is a misconception started to raise contempt against Bush and the republican party.

Our actions may have destabilized that region, but saying that the people were much better off is pure b.s.

Besides, there is a fast and easy way to regain stability, but we wouldn't win popularity contests.

michelake's photo
Sat 09/20/14 05:05 PM
Edited by michelake on Sat 09/20/14 05:50 PM
There is bombings, obductions, torture. intimidation.

Infrastructure is still damaged. The oil ministry was the only thing that
was protected by the Americans during the invasion of Iraq.

Area's are radioactively poluted from the shellings the USA used with depleted uranium.

Women's rights ?

Almost every day i hear something bad happened there. I did not hear
those things before when Saddam was in power. Well at least not on
the same scale that i hear nowadays.

If the US wants to be the judge of the world then why not go to
Africa ? There is cruel dictators there also. Or Uzbekistan ?