Topic: Myths , Urban Legends & Ghost Stories
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Thu 09/27/07 04:03 PM
Every small town has its ghosts stories and local legends . Since Halloween will be here before we know it lets share some stories .

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Thu 09/27/07 04:09 PM
My Grandmother always told this story and it scared me to death when I was young but now it seems so comical .

Once long ago there lived a poor family, in this family was a daughter and son. One day the mother asked the two to go to the garden to see if they could find any potatoes left in the garden. Now winter had come and what food they had stored away was gone and the mother hoped they might find a few potatoes so she could fix potato soup. Well, the two went to the garden and begin to dig the earth looking for potatoes.

As they searched the wind grew cold and beat against their threadbare coats. Just as they were ready to give up the young boy hit something with his hoe. He dug hurriedly hoping to find another potato to put in the pot for the night's meal. Suddenly, there on the end of the hoe was a toe. The young boy rejoiced at the meat he had uncovered and thought how good this would make as a flavoring for the potatoes. Taking the few potatoes and the big toe they headed on home. The young boy showed his mother the treasure he had uncovered in the garden. The mother, thinking it to be part of a wild animal, cleaned the toe and potatoes and put them on to cook. After the meal was prepared the mother told her young son he could have the bone and the meat remaining on it, since he was the one who had found it. That night everyone went to bed satisfied and fell asleep.

Late in the night the father was awakened by moaning outside the house, saying, "I WANT MY BIG TOE. I WANT MY BIG TOE." The father got up and went to look, but found nothing. He went back to bed and the moaning started again, this time closer to the house, saying; "I WANT MY BIG TOE. I WANT MY BIG TOE." The mother got up and went outside to see if she could find the source of the noise. She searched in the barn, around the house, and on top of the hay and found nothing. The mother went back to bed and the moaning started again, even closer to the house saying; "I WANT MY BIG TOE. I WANT MY BIG TOE." This time the girl got up and searched. She looked out the window, around the house, in the barn, and, behind the barn, but could find nothing. The young girl went back to bed and the moaning started again, even closer to the house, saying ; "I WANT MY BIG TOE. I WANT MY BIG TOE." The father called to the boy and asked him to go see, if he could, where the sound was coming from. The young boy looked in the kitchen, under the table, around the house, in the barn, and then he thought; I’ve looked every where but under the steps. Just as he bent to look, something said: "NOW I'VE GOT YOU!"

redhead_indy81's photo
Thu 09/27/07 04:14 PM
I remember that story too... Haha, yeah it used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid.

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 09/27/07 04:22 PM
Well, I live in a real small town (pop 200) and while I have no scary stories, I've got one just weird one.

We were in high school, and had gotten some beers and needed a place to go drink them. Well, there are plenty of old abandoned houses in town, so we went to the old Jacobsen place. Now this place has been empty since before I was born, so it was a fairly dusty old house. I don't think anyone had even stepped into the place for at least 10 years when we went, judging from the dust and cobwebs. But we chose this particular house, because it did have furniture in it.

Okay, so like typical teenagers with alcohol, we drank, made messes, left trash about, crushed our cigarettes on the floor, that sort of thing. A few of us got brave, and went to "use" the bedrooms upstairs. Some for fun, others (like myself) to pass out in one of the old beds. So as I say we trashed the place, and then left as the sun rose.

That afternoon, I was looking all over for my wallet. I couldn't find it anywhere. So it finally hit me, I must of dropped it when I was at the Jacobsen place. So back I went, with a couple of friends in tow for good measure. (Lookouts in case someone spotted us breaking in again) Well, Beaver and I went in. Now here comes the strange part...

It was all cleaned up. No trash, no cigarette butts, even the bed I had slept on was made. My wallet was sitting by the bed on the nightstand, which I know is not where I dropped it. But that wallet, was the only thing in that house that didn't have a fresh layer of dust, or a fresh cobweb hanging from it. The place looked exactly the same as when we walked in the night previous. There wasn't even a lingering smell of smoke or stale beer. It was like no one was even there. Beaver and I freaked, I can still hear the fear in his voice "Let's get the hell out of here, man!" Which is just what we did. Do this day I have not set another foot in that old house on the hill.

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Fri 09/28/07 06:15 PM
I can't believe noone here has a scary story to share . noway

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Fri 09/28/07 06:23 PM

Urban Legend: Chanting "Bloody Mary!" thirteen times in front of a candlelit mirror in an otherwise dark room will summon her vengeful spirit.

The Story: Go into a room with a mirror and turn all the lights off. Bathrooms seem to be perfect for this since they almost always have a mirror and are usually dark at night with the lights off and the door closed. Light a candle, look into the mirror, start chanting "Bloody Mary" . You have to do this 13 times, of course. You should see Bloody Mary behind your left shoulder after the thirteenth time.

Beware, she has been reported to 1.) Kill the person calling her, 2.) Scratch their eyes out, 3.) Drive the person mad or 4.) pull the person into the mirror with her. This is an old legend, it has been around for ages. A folklorist, Janet Langlois, published an essay on the legend back in 1978. At that time, the legend was wide spread across the USA and a popular slumber party ritual done by girls as well as boys. No one knows the true origins of the Bloody Mary tale, she's been known to be anything from a witch that was killed for practicing witchcraft to a modern day woman killed in a car crash, depending on what part of the country you live in. It was made popular again in the film Urban Legends in 1999.

My 10 year old sister shared this story with my 7 year old cousin and he is now afraid to look in any mirrors and refuses to go into the bathroom alone . I always thought you said it 7 times but I guess it varies .

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 09/28/07 06:32 PM
Sheesh Brandy, you just scaring everyone off in your own scary stories thread =P

Anyway, this happened to me when I was a senior in high school after a Halloween choir concert ( I was 3rd Tenor woo!) Anyway, the choir and production crew were cleaning up things, taking down the little haunted house we made, folding chairs, etc. And for some reason me and my sister (who was also in the choir) decided to go up stairs and see if the school was really haunted by a ghost.

We wander around and find nothing interesting but was we were about to go down stairs, a single light turned on at the other end of the hallway. At first I was thought it was motion sensor and a fly turned it on, but then it went out and a light down from it came on, and then went off. The lights kept coming on and off one at a time, creeping closer to me. My sister had already gone downstairs, but my dumb ass was too curious to see what was going on. Then the lights started turning on and off faster, and coming towards me faster too. Thats when I got the hell out of dodge.

I have more stories too! drinker

coco56's photo
Fri 09/28/07 06:39 PM
ok i have a couple . a women at work died suddenly and im not one to go to funerals as the really bother me ,so i wrote a peom and read it at her memorial at work, and sometime later , i heard her call my name in my apartment i think she was thanking me for writing that poem

another one is i hear voices , in the hospital where i work it is an old hospital. i work in housekeeping there and work alot of afternoon shifts, one night i heard footsteps coming down the hall and i looked thinking my supervisor was coming down the hall and it was no one there , the next night it was the same thing . i do tend to be sensitive to these things

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Fri 09/28/07 10:20 PM
Those are great coco and cloudy ..... more ... more ... more ! :tongue: