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Topic: World economics
no1phD's photo
Thu 09/11/14 10:26 PM
that's all I can say from what I've heard recently... buy silver and gold..

mrld_ii's photo
Thu 09/11/14 11:27 PM
@ msharmony:

I know; I told you pretty much the same thing, yesterday in your "Myth" thread.

Ironically, while you *chastised* me for not being sympathetic enough to social influences and holding people TOO responsible for their choices,

over here, I'm being accused of eschewing people's individual responsibility and coddling illegal immigrants, welfare mothers, and well...truth be told...just being too damned liberal and progressive, all the way around.

I guess I'm one of those conservative-liberals/liberal-conservatives we've all grown to fear might actually exist in this world. Yanno, since labels are so important (to know if you're one of 'us' or one of 'them') and it's impossible to simply base one's opinions on what feels good and right as a fellow human being, as opposed to checking to see if it's been packaged up with red or blue wrapping paper.


InvictusV's photo
Fri 09/12/14 02:00 AM

This is a constitutional republic that was set up in a way that the 'people' have the ability to make changes to it's government via the ballot box...

Since this part was skewed, it tainted the veracity of the rest of it.

In addition to being a Constitutional Republic (which simply refers to the 3 branches of power and how that power is distributed), we are run NOT as a democracy (popular vote) nor as a republic (representatives making the decisions for the citizens); we are a democratic republic.

We vote individually and democratically, but our votes do not count 1:1; our individual votes are funneled into our representatives in the Electoral College. Those representatives cast their votes and are supposed to vote in accordance with the majority, popular vote they are charged with.

Our founding fathers did this on purpose; they did not want votes from parts of the country that "didn't matter" to carry the same weight as votes coming from the "important places", where *real* business was conducted. The number of people living in each state, updated with each 10-year census, determines how many Senators and Representatives they send to Washington; that number represents how many electoral votes each state gets. Our votes were never intended to count 1:1; votes from more-populous states carry more weight than those from less-populous states. Thus, the majority majority rules.

For the record - since at least one person completely misread, misinterpreted and then mis-put-words-in-my-mouth, I have no problem with Capitalism. I think, allowed to run purely and completely unfettered, it's probably just about the best system out there. I have a problem with tampered-with, tip-the-scales-in-one-segment's-favor, let-'em-all-fight-for-their-fair-share of 15% of the American Pie and slapping a bow on it and calling it "Capitalism".

I also agreed with Reagan's trickle-down theory. The problem was the people pouring it out at the top grew tired of the trickling TOO far down and decided they'd rather siphon it off at about (and I'm being generous, here) 1/3 of the way down on its trickling-down journey.

In addition to stacking the deck from our inception to ensure we'd never be operating with true capitalism, we ensured we were anything BUT a capitalist society when the idea of government bailouts became popular as a way to *help* during the Great Depression.



Since the formation of the RFC, rich Capitalists who made their billions by selling widgets at $5.00/unit who suddenly can't give them away anymore because people aren't buying widgets anymore, because of a nifty new gizmo that's replaced it, get bailouts from the government to stay in business so people will have *jobs* and not be on unemployment and later, when that runs out, end up on welfare.

And it all translates into votes. The guy whose job got saved goes and casts a vote for that nifty President who saved his job and his vote only counts if the company he works for is in a big enough state where enough business is generated TO decide the fate of the country.

It's rare that a company in Alaska, or South Dakota, or North Dakota is deemed "too big to fail". Go figure.

A tad oversimplified, but the reality of it all, in a nutshell.

If people are going to champion a system as the greatest thing since sliced bread, at least know how it works. More importantly, you might want to pay attention to how much that which you're championing works against you, before putting on your cheerleading skirts and picking up your pom-poms.


In addition to being a Constitutional Republic (which simply refers to the 3 branches of power and how that power is distributed), we are run NOT as a democracy (popular vote) nor as a republic (representatives making the decisions for the citizens); we are a democratic republic.

This is profound..

Your addition by subtraction equaling the wrong answer is quite astounding.

We are not a democratic republic.

You stated yourself 'we are run NOT as a democracy'.

Well... if 'we are NOT run as a democracy' then we sure as hell aren't a democratic republic.

I'll break down the difference for you..

A republic provides sovereignty to the individual.

A democracy provides sovereignty to the group.

Clearly they are not the same..

Since this is a representative government that derives it's authority from a constitution we are a Constitutional Republic.

You can twist it.. spin it.. do whatever you want..

But you can't evade the basic facts..

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/12/14 02:14 AM

So well said I havent heard our situation described so succinctly.

We can eat Cake (crumbs). You got that right. Since you appear sensible and I am new, Here is what I believe. Tell me what you think.

The Federal Reserve was established against the will of the majority to gain control over this country by the Cabal of the Rothchilds in 1913 through the Rockefellers and the Morgans.
Using the federal Reserve they caused the great depression According to Milton Friedman and admitted by Ben Bernanke.

This was done to prepare the way for Socialism to make en roads into our Capitalistic society (then). Now we are more socialist than Capitalist. QE is socialism Obamacare is socialism and so are all the other subsidies that artificially create bubbles that are unsustainable.

Religion was moved out of mainstream America because socialism cannot survive in a religious society.

How am I doing so far?

WHAT Capitalism?

willing2's photo
Fri 09/12/14 07:17 AM

This is a constitutional republic that was set up in a way that the 'people' have the ability to make changes to it's government via the ballot box...

Since this part was skewed, it tainted the veracity of the rest of it.

In addition to being a Constitutional Republic (which simply refers to the 3 branches of power and how that power is distributed), we are run NOT as a democracy (popular vote) nor as a republic (representatives making the decisions for the citizens); we are a democratic republic.

We vote individually and democratically, but our votes do not count 1:1; our individual votes are funneled into our representatives in the Electoral College. Those representatives cast their votes and are supposed to vote in accordance with the majority, popular vote they are charged with.

Our founding fathers did this on purpose; they did not want votes from parts of the country that "didn't matter" to carry the same weight as votes coming from the "important places", where *real* business was conducted. The number of people living in each state, updated with each 10-year census, determines how many Senators and Representatives they send to Washington; that number represents how many electoral votes each state gets. Our votes were never intended to count 1:1; votes from more-populous states carry more weight than those from less-populous states. Thus, the majority majority rules.

For the record - since at least one person completely misread, misinterpreted and then mis-put-words-in-my-mouth, I have no problem with Capitalism. I think, allowed to run purely and completely unfettered, it's probably just about the best system out there. I have a problem with tampered-with, tip-the-scales-in-one-segment's-favor, let-'em-all-fight-for-their-fair-share of 15% of the American Pie and slapping a bow on it and calling it "Capitalism".

I also agreed with Reagan's trickle-down theory. The problem was the people pouring it out at the top grew tired of the trickling TOO far down and decided they'd rather siphon it off at about (and I'm being generous, here) 1/3 of the way down on its trickling-down journey.

In addition to stacking the deck from our inception to ensure we'd never be operating with true capitalism, we ensured we were anything BUT a capitalist society when the idea of government bailouts became popular as a way to *help* during the Great Depression.



Since the formation of the RFC, rich Capitalists who made their billions by selling widgets at $5.00/unit who suddenly can't give them away anymore because people aren't buying widgets anymore, because of a nifty new gizmo that's replaced it, get bailouts from the government to stay in business so people will have *jobs* and not be on unemployment and later, when that runs out, end up on welfare.

And it all translates into votes. The guy whose job got saved goes and casts a vote for that nifty President who saved his job and his vote only counts if the company he works for is in a big enough state where enough business is generated TO decide the fate of the country.

It's rare that a company in Alaska, or South Dakota, or North Dakota is deemed "too big to fail". Go figure.

A tad oversimplified, but the reality of it all, in a nutshell.

If people are going to champion a system as the greatest thing since sliced bread, at least know how it works. More importantly, you might want to pay attention to how much that which you're championing works against you, before putting on your cheerleading skirts and picking up your pom-poms.


In addition to being a Constitutional Republic (which simply refers to the 3 branches of power and how that power is distributed), we are run NOT as a democracy (popular vote) nor as a republic (representatives making the decisions for the citizens); we are a democratic republic.

This is profound..

Your addition by subtraction equaling the wrong answer is quite astounding.

We are not a democratic republic.

You stated yourself 'we are run NOT as a democracy'.

Well... if 'we are NOT run as a democracy' then we sure as hell aren't a democratic republic.

I'll break down the difference for you..

A republic provides sovereignty to the individual.

A democracy provides sovereignty to the group.

Clearly they are not the same..

Since this is a representative government that derives it's authority from a constitution we are a Constitutional Republic.

You can twist it.. spin it.. do whatever you want..

But you can't evade the basic facts..

Yeah, what he said.^^^^

Liberal Logic 101

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/12/14 07:41 AM

@ msharmony:

I know; I told you pretty much the same thing, yesterday in your "Myth" thread.

Ironically, while you *chastised* me for not being sympathetic enough to social influences and holding people TOO responsible for their choices,

over here, I'm being accused of eschewing people's individual responsibility and coddling illegal immigrants, welfare mothers, and well...truth be told...just being too damned liberal and progressive, all the way around.

I guess I'm one of those conservative-liberals/liberal-conservatives we've all grown to fear might actually exist in this world. Yanno, since labels are so important (to know if you're one of 'us' or one of 'them') and it's impossible to simply base one's opinions on what feels good and right as a fellow human being, as opposed to checking to see if it's been packaged up with red or blue wrapping paper.


I totally relate

as a Christian who has pretty clear ideas of 'right' and 'wrong', I am considered conservative

but as a human who has extreme empathy for the desperate and poverty stricken, I am considered liberal(although sympathy and compassion may be considered something Christian 'conservatives' SHOULD have,,,)

I don't let such labels stress me AT ALL, and apparently neither do you

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/12/14 07:48 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 09/12/14 07:49 AM
basic CIA WORLDBOOK definitions: (though IM sure many individual experts would disagree)


types of government

Constitutional: Constitutional - a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government.

Constitutional democracy - a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution.

Democracy - a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

Democratic republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them

so, for government purposes, it seems we fall under more than one category

constitutional democracy AND democratic republic

willing2's photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:04 AM
I also feel for those who can't do.

I have no sympathy for those who can and won't contribute.

Those moochers need cut from the herd.

But, they won't be. Corporations would lose money from all the FREE chit given away. Oh, didn't know? Nothing is free.

The contributing tax payer is to carry the dead weight. All the way from the dishwasher up.

mrld_ii's photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:07 AM

I totally relate

as a Christian who has pretty clear ideas of 'right' and 'wrong', I am considered conservative

but as a human who has extreme empathy for the desperate and poverty stricken, I am considered liberal(although sympathy and compassion may be considered something Christian 'conservatives' SHOULD have,,,)

I don't let such labels stress me AT ALL, and apparently neither do you

Well, now, this is just REALLY going to set this board on its collective ear.

You and I feel very similarly and I am NOT a Christian; I can't be, as it's in The Rules that to BE a "Christian" one 'must accept Jesus Christ as one's Lord and Savior, Who died for one's sins'. While I've been baptized and confirmed and even studied to be a minister (so I'm VERY familiar with the story of Christianity), I am now excluded from being "a Christian".

Because I DO believe someone like Jesus DID exist OR that the story of Jesus (and the whole Bible) is the BEST Aesop's Fables-type book ever written, ironically, I am a better "Christian" than a lot of *true* Christians who believe they can say, do, and be anything they want, simply because they've been guaranteed eternal life because they once said "Yes" when asked if they accept Jesus.

It seems like - if one truly believes The Good Book they cleave to and hide behind - it should involve a little bit MORE than that. Operating from a place of "F*** 'em if they ain't just like me" seems a tad un-Christian-*like*, in my book.

But, what the hell do I know? I'm just a liberal-conservative/conservative-liberal, AND a woman, to boot...easily dismissed.


no photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:07 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Fri 09/12/14 08:09 AM
The United States relies on representative democracy, but that does not change the fact that it is a constitutional republic in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights...It is important to mention these minority rights are protected by law...Head of state and other officials are elected by the people...Just to be clear, democracies and republics are NOT opposites which means they can overlap...Actually the correct "label" would be: Constitutional Federal Republic...

A democratic republic would be one that is both a republic and a democracy...For a list of the current countries self-described as democratic republics see...

Wait!...Since there's only nine, I'll just go ahead and list them...

Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Democratic Republic of Nepal
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Democratic Republic of S�o Tom� and Pr�ncipe
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

willing2's photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:08 AM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 09/12/14 08:14 AM

The United States relies on representative democracy, but that does not change the fact that it is a constitutional republic in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights...It is important to mention these minority rights are protected by law...Head of state and other officials are elected by the people...Just to be clear, democracies and republics are NOT opposites which means they can overlap...Actually the correct "label" would be: Constitutional Federal Republic...

A democratic republic would be one that is both a republic and a democracy...For a list of the current countries self-described as democratic republics see...

Wait!...Since there's only nine, I'll just go ahead and list them...

Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Democratic Republic of Nepal
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Democratic Republic of S�o Tom� and Pr�ncipe
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

BRRRRRRAVO, my lady V.

Now, let the offtopic chatting continue.smokin

mrld_ii's photo
Fri 09/12/14 08:29 AM
Just to be clear, because once again some are not bothering to read what I wrote but are instead ascribing to me what it is I said,

I stated clearly that I agree we are a Constitutional Republic and that we operate as a "democratic republic". I never stated we are a "Democratic Republic".

Notice the subtle - yet oh-so-important - difference?

Good. Now, let's argue about whether or not I said "poe-tay-toe" or "pah-tah-toe",

and really get this place a-jumpin', 'kay?


msharmony's photo
Fri 09/12/14 09:06 AM

I totally relate

as a Christian who has pretty clear ideas of 'right' and 'wrong', I am considered conservative

but as a human who has extreme empathy for the desperate and poverty stricken, I am considered liberal(although sympathy and compassion may be considered something Christian 'conservatives' SHOULD have,,,)

I don't let such labels stress me AT ALL, and apparently neither do you

Well, now, this is just REALLY going to set this board on its collective ear.

You and I feel very similarly and I am NOT a Christian; I can't be, as it's in The Rules that to BE a "Christian" one 'must accept Jesus Christ as one's Lord and Savior, Who died for one's sins'. While I've been baptized and confirmed and even studied to be a minister (so I'm VERY familiar with the story of Christianity), I am now excluded from being "a Christian".

Because I DO believe someone like Jesus DID exist OR that the story of Jesus (and the whole Bible) is the BEST Aesop's Fables-type book ever written, ironically, I am a better "Christian" than a lot of *true* Christians who believe they can say, do, and be anything they want, simply because they've been guaranteed eternal life because they once said "Yes" when asked if they accept Jesus.

It seems like - if one truly believes The Good Book they cleave to and hide behind - it should involve a little bit MORE than that. Operating from a place of "F*** 'em if they ain't just like me" seems a tad un-Christian-*like*, in my book.

But, what the hell do I know? I'm just a liberal-conservative/conservative-liberal, AND a woman, to boot...easily dismissed.


well, I agree

just saying you accept Jesus is empty

kind of like just saying you love someone is empty

its MORE than that,, much more than the words

I also agree that a belief that people have to be 'just like us' is not very Christian,,,

my teaching of the Bible is that we are all born 'sinners',, and only equal in our 'sin',,,,so that none of us is better or worse than the other in our nature,, but can BECOME closer to God by bcoming closer to his Son, by following his example and loving God as he did,,,,which he did by doing much more than SAYING the words


msharmony's photo
Fri 09/12/14 09:07 AM

Just to be clear, because once again some are not bothering to read what I wrote but are instead ascribing to me what it is I said,

I stated clearly that I agree we are a Constitutional Republic and that we operate as a "democratic republic". I never stated we are a "Democratic Republic".

Notice the subtle - yet oh-so-important - difference?

Good. Now, let's argue about whether or not I said "poe-tay-toe" or "pah-tah-toe",

and really get this place a-jumpin', 'kay?



no photo
Fri 09/12/14 09:47 AM

Just to be clear, because once again some are not bothering to read what I wrote but are instead ascribing to me what it is I said,

I stated clearly that I agree we are a Constitutional Republic and that we operate as a "democratic republic". I never stated we are a "Democratic Republic".

Notice the subtle - yet oh-so-important - difference?

Good. Now, let's argue about whether or not I said "poe-tay-toe" or "pah-tah-toe",

and really get this place a-jumpin', 'kay?



In spite of your opinion(s), the fact remains....The United States is a federal constitutional republic....:smile:


InvictusV's photo
Fri 09/12/14 11:05 AM

basic CIA WORLDBOOK definitions: (though IM sure many individual experts would disagree)


types of government

Constitutional: Constitutional - a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government.

Constitutional democracy - a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution.

Democracy - a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

Democratic republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them

so, for government purposes, it seems we fall under more than one category

constitutional democracy AND democratic republic

This really amazes me. .

We are not a democracy. We do not directly elect a president by majority popular vote. That is what a democracy does. Since we don't do that we are not a phucking democracy..

How is this so difficult to comprehend?

mrld_ii's photo
Fri 09/12/14 11:22 AM
Edited by mrld_ii on Fri 09/12/14 11:22 AM
I see some are still having difficulty differentiating between "Democracy" as a (proper) noun and "democracy" as an (ad)verb and will gladly continue chasing their own - and others' - tail(s) so as to avoid addressing the other uncomfortably radical thoughts and concepts introduced into the thread

*like* that it IS possible to believe in (pure) "Capitalism" AND still have empathy for others who aren't doing so well within a (purely) capitalistic society withOUT the wheels falling off the whole little mechanized wagon.


ETA: Warren Buffett's managed to do it; hell, he's even proud, happy, and feels privileged to pay the huge amount of taxes he does.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/12/14 01:16 PM

basic CIA WORLDBOOK definitions: (though IM sure many individual experts would disagree)


types of government

Constitutional: Constitutional - a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government.

Constitutional democracy - a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution.

Democracy - a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

Democratic republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them

so, for government purposes, it seems we fall under more than one category

constitutional democracy AND democratic republic

This really amazes me. .

We are not a democracy. We do not directly elect a president by majority popular vote. That is what a democracy does. Since we don't do that we are not a phucking democracy..

How is this so difficult to comprehend?

true, we 'operate' as a democratic republic,, which is slightly different than just a democracy

something like an apple is slightly different than just a fruit,, but a specific TYPE of fruit

democratic republic, is a specific type of republic,,

but that's just semantics,, potato , potato

moving on though,,,,

where in the definition of democracy was there mention of a 'majority popular vote'?

its not difficult to comprehend at all, based upon the worldbook definitions given as refrerence,,,

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