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Topic: LADIES BEWARE!!!!!!
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Wed 09/26/07 02:35 PM

Women Beware
Please Inform all your Female Friends !!!!! A woman at a bar on a Saturday night was taken by 5 men, who, according to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before dumping her. Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed the repeat rapes, along with traces of Rohypnol in her blood and Progesterex, essentially a small sterilization pill. The drug is now being used by rapists at parties to rape AND sterilize their victims. Progesterex is available to vets to sterilize large animals. Progesterex is being used together with Rohypnol, the date rape drug. As with Rohypnol, all they have to do is drop it into the girl's drink. The girl can't remember a thing the next morning, of all that had taken place the night before. Progesterex, which dissolves in drinks just as easily, is such that the victim doesn't get pregnant; she won't conceive from the rape and the rapist needn't worry about having a paternity test identifying him months later. The drug's effects ARE NOT TEMPORARY - They are P*E*R*M*A*N* E*N*T!!! Progesterex was designed to sterilize horses.. Any female who takes it will NEVER BE ABLE TO CONCEIVE... The weasels can get this drug from anyone who is in the vet school or any university. It's that easy, and Progesterex is about to break out big on campuses everywhere. Believe it or not, there are even sites on the Internet telling people how to use it. Please forward this to everyone you know, especially girls... Be careful when you're out and don't leave your drink unattended. Please make the effort to forward this on to all you know... Guys, please inform all your female friends and relatives! REPOST THIS MSG AS MANY TIMES AS YOU CAN to HELP SAVE THE NEXT VICTIM.....
It never hurts to be careful. So why not repost!

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Wed 09/26/07 02:35 PM
this is why I stay at home.......ohwell

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:37 PM
I think it's scary...people gettin slipped **** around here all the time!!

xocrzychickox's photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:37 PM
OMG this is awful!!!!!!! peole r sooo sick out there.... it's soooo sad what this world is coming 2.......sad sad

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:38 PM
ya they have that here more free drinks for me!!!noway noway noway

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:39 PM
Heck, I'm a guy, and I stay out of the bars.

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:40 PM
I read an article about one of the distributing companies creating coasters that you can put a drop of your drink on to test if it has been drugged or not. I read that like a year ago and still have not seen any......WTF!! Where are they?

CATBW56's photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:42 PM
Glad I am not into the bar scene...I'll do my drinking at home (which usually consists of Diet Pepsi)drinker drinker

rozey2680's photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:47 PM
Ok Ladies I work at a vet and according to him there is no such drug that would render a female PERMANENTLY sterile, and that drug is just a high dose of progesterin and that actually makes you ovulate more! lol... so relax a bit!flowerforyou

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:49 PM
The world is truely sick...

I don't do the bar scene.

If you do- never leave your drink unattended- anyone!!!

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 02:54 PM
Thanks for the info. I'll pass it on...

pkh's photo
Wed 09/26/07 03:00 PM
Not into the bar scene,but thatnks for the info

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 03:01 PM
It's not true, sorry. is the best.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Wed 09/26/07 03:08 PM
this is why when someone offers to buy me a drink, i hold my hand out for the money and go get it myself and NEVER sit it down

bobdesigns4262's photo
Wed 09/26/07 03:27 PM
damn, no one offers me a drink and a gang rape when i am out(sighs, note to self, hanging out at the wrong bars)

no photo
Wed 09/26/07 03:32 PM
laugh laugh @ Bob
Come on over .....My posse will hook you up! LMAO

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 09/26/07 03:54 PM
yep!!! FALSE!! How come you can't copy a snopes page??

countrybelle6471's photo
Wed 09/26/07 04:01 PM
Its a dangreous & terribly world,Atleast the guy I went out with the other weekend was man enough to walk me to my car & see that I got in & locked the doors,so that I was ok.And that was a blessing cause I didn't won't to walk out there alone,(sad The lady)

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 09/26/07 04:05 PM
noway noway huh noway

glitterybee's photo
Wed 09/26/07 05:56 PM
Don't worry, this is totally false. laugh there's no such thing as a horse sterilization pill, they'd have to do surgery to make it work.

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