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Topic: Teen shot by cop suspect in recent robbery
Lpdon's photo
Tue 08/19/14 01:04 AM

Muh bruvah da ambalance chaser sez stealing ain't burglary.

He be lerned good.:wink:

Just people on here saying you have to enter a business illegally for it to be Burglary. rofl

Lpdon's photo
Tue 08/19/14 01:08 AM
Hell, if this were the Middle East and he were still alive he would have his hand hacked off.

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/19/14 01:11 AM
its easy to research

for the experts on Mingle,, different states have different STATUTES (the way they define different crimes)

in Missouri and my home state of Ohio,, illegal entry is a requirement

in Nevada , it is not,,

since the case in Missouri happened in an open business during business hours, there was no trespass and no illegal entry,, there was a robbery due to force being involved,, but for the force, it would just be shoplifting

according to MISSOURI statutes, which is where the crime took place

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