rogerhaynes123's photo
Thu 07/31/14 09:02 PM
Prefer Dog's-have 2 cat's-2 kitten's-LOVE ANY TYPE OF ANIMAL-REPTILES-MAMMALS or FISH

Wesjuh32's photo
Wed 01/07/15 10:38 PM
The better i learn and know people... the more I love dogs s (animal, s)

no photo
Thu 01/08/15 02:27 AM
How people take care of their animals or not, tells a great deal of character about someone.

dcastelmissy's photo
Thu 01/08/15 07:48 AM

How people take care of their animals or not, tells a great deal of character about someone.


no photo
Thu 01/08/15 09:11 AM

LUNG1954's photo
Thu 01/08/15 09:59 PM

How people take care of their animals or not, tells a great deal of character about someone.

Personality Differences between Dog and Cat Owners
Apparently cats appear to be much easier to hate. Fifteen percent of the adults questioned said they disliked cats a lot while the number who said they disliked dogs a lot was only two percent. 74 percent of the sample like dogs a lot and only 41 percent like cats a lot.
Recently, Sam Gosling, a psychologist at the University of Texas in Austin and his graduate student Carson Sandy conducted a web-based study in which 4,565 individuals were asked whether they were dog people, cat people, neither or both.
Gosling summarized his results saying, "There is a widely held cultural belief that the pet species -- dog or cat -- with which a person has the strongest affinity says something about the individual's personality, and this research suggests there are significant differences on major personality traits between dog people and cat people."
The results showed that dog people were generally about 15 percent more extroverted and 13 percent more agreeable, both of which dimensions are associated with social orientation. In addition dog people were 11 percent more conscientious than cat people. Conscientiousness involves is a tendency to show self-discipline, to complete tasks and aim for achievement. The trait shows a preference for planned rather than spontaneous behavior.
In comparison cat people were generally about 12 percent more neurotic, however they were also 11 percent more open than dog people. The openness trait involves a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. People high on openness are more likely to hold unconventional beliefs while people with low scores on openness (dog people) tend to have more conventional, traditional interests.
Source; Dog versus cat owners differ in personality. Published on February 17, 2010 by Stanley Coren. in Canine Corner.

Jinshim_GW's photo
Sat 01/10/15 10:23 AM

How people take care of their animals or not, tells a great deal of character about someone.

Exactly! Smart lady.

soufiehere's photo
Sat 01/10/15 04:59 PM
Edited for off-topic.

Site Moderator

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 01/17/15 12:58 AM
Small dogs
Little dogs enjoy getting out and being active with their owners just as much as any other dog. They are great at being family companions and snuggle buddies. They are easy to care for, easy to travel with, and tons
#1 – Affenpinscher ; German breed, weighs around 6-13lbs.
#2 – Brussels Griffon; lively dogs come from Belgium weigh an average of 8-10lbs.
#3 – Chihuahua; tiny Mexican dogs weigh an average of 4-6lbs.
#4 – Japanese Chin; a lap dog for Japanese royalty, weighs an average of 7-9lbs.
#5 – Maltese; Weigh 2-8lbs, these tiny dogs make wonderful family companions and lap dogs.
#6 – Papillon; are known for their large, butterfly-shaped ears, they weigh an average of 8-10lbs.
#7 – Pomeranian; Weigh around 4-8lbs, they rank as one of the most popular breeds in the United States. They are lively dogs that enjoy spending time with their families, and have enough energy to keep up with exercise routine.
#8 – Russian Toy; weighs an average of 3-6lbs. There are both a short coated and long coated varieties, but both are equally tiny, standing between 8-10 inches tall. Originally bred to fight rats, they are vocal little dogs that have a lot of personality!
#9 – Toy Fox Terrier; weigh around 3.5-9lbs, these little terriers are extremely athletic and are always ready to go. They were often used as circus dogs due to their lively nature and easy trainability.
#10 – Yorkshire Terrier; Weigh around 7lbs, they originated as a hunting dog, and has become one of the most popular companions in the United States.

Angeltripping17's photo
Sat 01/17/15 01:35 AM
What about those who own cats and dogs? We have a cat and am getting two puppies today. Plus have a bunny. All loved and taken care of very well.

Totage's photo
Sat 01/17/15 02:14 AM

How people take care of their animals or not, tells a great deal of character about someone.

I kidnapped my cat, saving his life, but he takes care of himself. lol He has a bit of a temper and acts like a spoiled brat, but that's not how I'm trying to raise him. I think he gets a lot of his wildness from his mother, but he has some house cat in him from his dad as well. For the most part I think he knows I'm his caretaker, but he let's me know he will be his own cat. lol I don't want to raise a ***** cat, as he does go outside and I want him to be able to defend himself, if needed. He does have some fight in him, which he gets from both his mom and dad. His mom was a feral cat and his dad was a stray, but his dad was a fighter. His mom, grandmother, and great grandmother were feral cats and he was born as a feral, but he's become a good housecat with a wild side. He's a happy and healthy cat though. He's made a lot of friends in the neighborhood and has kinda made a name for himself amongst the neighbors. lol

Kaustuv1's photo
Sun 01/18/15 08:28 AM
I see you in the morning,
When the sun glows through the haze

As the beauty of a thousand lights,
Bring forth a newborn day.

In the fragrance of a tender flower,
Touched and kissed by morning dew;

When its petals spread to seek the sun,
It is there that I see you.

As I look on the horizon,
See an eagle take to flight;

In all its strength and beauty,
I see you in the sky.

I can hear you in the silence,
Of a summer's afternoon;

As soft warm breeze sweeps over me,
Your quietness fills my room.

I can smell you in the distant rain,
As it falls to kiss the ground;

The clean and earthy smell of you,
Its fragrance does surround.

Then as the sun falls softly,
And night breeze fills the air;

As stars come twinkling from the sky,
I see your beauty there.

Though splendor does surround me,
It never will replace;

The beauty that my heart does see,
When I behold your face. :-)

[Allison Chambers Coxsey]

NB: Animals Are "Beautiful". They DON'T Betray. :-)

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 01/18/15 09:11 PM
Edited by LUNG1954 on Sun 01/18/15 09:13 PM
Tallest cat
Savannah cat is a hybrid domestic cat breed that's a cross between a domestic cat and a wild cat native to Africa. This cat is the world record for tallest domestic cat, measuring 19 inches long from shoulder to toe.

no1phD's photo
Sun 01/18/15 09:18 PM

What about those who own cats and dogs? We have a cat and am getting two puppies today. Plus have a bunny. All loved and taken care of very well.
.. all you need is a goat and a chicken.. and you can open up your own petting zoo...laugh :wink: drinker

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 01/18/15 09:21 PM
Edited by LUNG1954 on Sun 01/18/15 09:28 PM
The smallest cat
The Singapura is considered to be the smallest overall breed of cat in the world, with most cats of the breed being as much as half the size of the average cat. The Singapura has a petite, delicate body with long ears and big eyes. They are very active and playful, and love to climb!