Topic: This is in the bible ...
CowboyGH's photo
Wed 07/30/14 11:53 AM

Do I come off as obnoxious? And who is gonna answer my battery question?

TBRich said

Speaking of myths: should I store my batteries in the refrigerator?

Depends on where you live, if it's in a warmer climate or not. The cooler environment helps the charge in the battery.

TBRich's photo
Wed 07/30/14 12:17 PM

Do I come off as obnoxious? And who is gonna answer my battery question?

TBRich said

Speaking of myths: should I store my batteries in the refrigerator?

Depends on where you live, if it's in a warmer climate or not. The cooler environment helps the charge in the battery.

Thanks it is pretty hot and another heat wave at the end of the week

TBRich's photo
Wed 07/30/14 12:14 PM

Do I come off as obnoxious? And who is gonna answer my battery question?

TBRich said

Speaking of myths: should I store my batteries in the refrigerator?

Depends on where you live, if it's in a warmer climate or not. The cooler environment helps the charge in the battery.

Thanks it is pretty hot and another heat wave at the end of the week

TBRich's photo
Wed 07/30/14 12:17 PM

Do I come off as obnoxious? And who is gonna answer my battery question?

TBRich said

Speaking of myths: should I store my batteries in the refrigerator?

Depends on where you live, if it's in a warmer climate or not. The cooler environment helps the charge in the battery.

Thanks it is pretty hot and another heat wave at the end of the week

no1phD's photo
Wed 07/30/14 12:25 PM
Nooo.. can't hide in here either..
they're too honest in here..
they will point out my hiding spot for sure..laugh :thumbsup: waving slaphead offtopic oops waving

mysticalview21's photo
Thu 07/31/14 07:20 AM
Now for the skeptics ...I thought I heard some time ago ...they found Noah's ark but have heard nothing since ... and they said it is not a given any more for those to believe in Noah Ark story from the bible becouse of their ages that some have said was imposable becouse of their ages ... and god does not hold you responsible if you don't believe it anymore ... People still do believe and that is their right ...just like those ...that still believe the world is flat ...:smile:

TBRich's photo
Thu 07/31/14 01:22 PM

Now for the skeptics ...I thought I heard some time ago ...they found Noah's ark but have heard nothing since ... and they said it is not a given any more for those to believe in Noah Ark story from the bible becouse of their ages that some have said was imposable becouse of their ages ... and god does not hold you responsible if you don't believe it anymore ... People still do believe and that is their right ...just like those ...that still believe the world is flat ...:smile:

Maybe you haven't heard anything on it because they have all been hoax's. Pagan philosophers knew the earth was round, only the literal Xians believe the earth is flat

no photo
Fri 08/01/14 07:38 AM

And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story?
everyone lived longer back then, presumably because we were closer to God back then. Do you know that doctors cant explain why we grow old? The way the body rejuvinates itself, we should threoetically (sp) live forever.

no photo
Fri 08/01/14 07:45 AM

Now for the skeptics ...I thought I heard some time ago ...they found Noah's ark but have heard nothing since ... and they said it is not a given any more for those to believe in Noah Ark story from the bible becouse of their ages that some have said was imposable becouse of their ages ... and god does not hold you responsible if you don't believe it anymore ... People still do believe and that is their right ...just like those ...that still believe the world is flat ...:smile:

Maybe you haven't heard anything on it because they have all been hoax's. Pagan philosophers knew the earth was round, only the literal Xians believe the earth is flat
DID YOUMKNOW THAT THE BIBLE STATES THE WORLD IS ROUND, and suspended in the heavens,,, This was written at a time when prevaling wisdom was that you could sail off the end of the earth if went too far out to sea. Fact is that no one has ever disproven one word of the bible. it tales more faith to not believe that the bible is literal truth in my opinion. There was once an expedidion that set out to prove the bible wrong , by showing that a city that the bible said existed, did not in fact exist. the expedition leader went to the site spoken of in the bible, and with camers rooling and shovel in hand said, "see? Nothing here!, then he sticks his shovel in the ground. Tink. he hits the top of the tallest building in the city, which as buried inches below the sand. There are in fact countless examples like this throughout history. sorryaboutit.

TBRich's photo
Fri 08/01/14 07:49 AM

And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story?
everyone lived longer back then, presumably because we were closer to God back then. Do you know that doctors cant explain why we grow old? The way the body rejuvinates itself, we should threoetically (sp) live forever.

Human cells have the capacity to divide to a point where 120 years appears to be the maximum life span

no photo
Fri 08/01/14 07:53 AM
here is another free one for you scientist types who think the rest of us are ignorant fools: referring to the infallable carbon 14 dating techniques... a live oyster shell was carbon dated by MIT I believe, thet were not told it was just pulled out of chesapeke bay, They dated it at 600 million years old. It was alive the day before. hmmm ( speaking of blind faith in our technology)

no photo
Fri 08/01/14 07:55 AM

And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story?
everyone lived longer back then, presumably because we were closer to God back then. Do you know that doctors cant explain why we grow old? The way the body rejuvinates itself, we should threoetically (sp) live forever.

Human cells have the capacity to divide to a point where 120 years appears to be the maximum life span
[/quote YES THAT IS WHAT THEY tell us ignorant types , most of which will not dig any further once we find an answer which fits our beliefs. The fact is we dont know why the body ages.

no photo
Fri 08/01/14 08:01 AM

And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story?
everyone lived longer back then, presumably because we were closer to God back then. Do you know that doctors cant explain why we grow old? The way the body rejuvinates itself, we should threoetically (sp) live forever.

Human cells have the capacity to divide to a point where 120 years appears to be the maximum life span
[/quote YES THAT IS WHAT THEY tell us ignorant types , most of which will not dig any further once we find an answer which fits our beliefs. The fact is we dont know why the body ages.
the concluusion i, and many others have come to, is the reason we age is because of sin. The farther we get away from God the worse everything gets.

no photo
Fri 08/01/14 08:56 AM

And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story?

I believe that Noah built the Ark as God instructed. I am in no way sure of what the ages of his family were and its not really relevant to the rest of my belief.

Interesting how the average pew-sitter (lol) has not actually read the text. I suppose you believe he took two of every animal on the Ark as well?

The important thing about Noah is the Noahide code, which James tells Paul (in Acts) that non-Jewish converts should follow or perhaps the average pew-sitter has once again not read the text

no i dont believe there was two of every animal on the ark, because that is not what the bible says. two of every UNCLEAN ANIMAL, SEVEN OF EVERY CLEAN ANIMAL. NOT A PEW SITTER HERE, IN FACT I STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM CHURCHES AS POSSIBLE. When we confuse bible teacings with religious trachings,we are prone to grave errors. The TWO are the same, just like apples and road signs are the same. ( which meand they are completly different.) as an example, i can say with complete confidence that saturday is the sabbath day. The bible says that the penalty for not observing the sabbath is death.., yet the churches out there, with rare exception, practice sunday worship. If they cant even get the worhip day correct, i am very skeptical about thier other "doctrine". Doctrines are theory, whereas the bible is factual./

no photo
Fri 08/01/14 09:01 AM
another example of the churches total confusion: Pull out a copy of strongs bible concordance... which has every word in the bible, and where it is at.. , and show me where the word "Rapture" appears .Doesent happen. Not there. This whole pre trib rapture stuff is not repeat not in the bible, yet the churches preach it as gospel.

mysticalview21's photo
Tue 08/12/14 02:46 PM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Tue 08/12/14 02:57 PM
they say if we look at the world map all of where the water is was becouse of the flooding and one day land will reach across oceans and be all land again and water will have dried up ... ok that was the history channel talking or Cosmo's can't remember ... Noak may have built a ark but I do not believe he had the power to get each animal by twos in that ark... I believe in miracles but that one is a little hard to believe ...

TBRich's photo
Tue 08/12/14 07:02 PM

they say if we look at the world map all of where the water is was becouse of the flooding and one day land will reach across oceans and be all land again and water will have dried up ... ok that was the history channel talking or Cosmo's can't remember ... Noak may have built a ark but I do not believe he had the power to get each animal by twos in that ark... I believe in miracles but that one is a little hard to believe ...

Don't forget, the bible clearly states that he took them by sevens not twos

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 08/12/14 10:33 PM
science has but r reluctant to say. is this.

They have found off of the African coast, Austrailian coast and elsewhere that their seems to of at one time been a collapse of the ocean floor. This is why they keep finding antient cities they believe on the ocean floor close to land.

They have said that it is possible their used to be a lot more land than their is now. that if their was a lot of water under this land in huge cavities and as the Bible says the Fountains of the earth Sprang forth emptying these cavises under the ground that a world wide flood would probally cause these empty caverans to collapse. hence this would cause whole cities to disappear and sink to where they are now. This they have said would explain where all the water of the earth went. right back to where it was, except the land now would be under the water and our oceans much larger. Science does not want to believe in a world wide flood. But they will admit that their was a large collapse of land for some reason in times past. Science is funny how it is wrong constantly and then they say oh well we know more now. Yet the scriptures have to be right all the time or it is of no use. What if Science had to live up to that same standard? would it be useless, a fairly tale?

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/13/14 02:39 AM

And a 600 year old man and his 100year old children? Or because, most of the story is taken word for word from an older Sumerian story?

I believe that Noah built the Ark as God instructed. I am in no way sure of what the ages of his family were and its not really relevant to the rest of my belief.

Interesting how the average pew-sitter (lol) has not actually read the text. I suppose you believe he took two of every animal on the Ark as well?

The important thing about Noah is the Noahide code, which James tells Paul (in Acts) that non-Jewish converts should follow or perhaps the average pew-sitter has once again not read the text

what I have read and what I remember are two different things, I also cant tell ya the measurments of the ark,,cause,, kind of irrelevant to the message ,,,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/13/14 02:38 AM
also in the bible:

Isiah 5:19 19Who say, "Let Him make speed, let Him hasten His work, that we may see it; And let the purpose of the Holy One of Israel draw near And come to pass, that we may know it!"

20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight!…