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Topic: asking a girl from work out.
singingmyheartout's photo
Mon 09/24/07 08:12 PM
Dating coworkers can be disasterous. I speak from experience. Just be mindful that when all is said and done, professionalism at the workplace during work hours takes priority over whatever happens between the two of you.

If you can both seriously live up to that, go for it!

(Unfortunately, the guy I dated/worked with for 2 years had me fired on the spot as soon as I broke off the relationship. It was a bar... so they had the right to ban me from going there, too. For 5 years I was a regular patron, worked there the last 3... brought numerous new faces in and gave them tons of business... and all because the karaoke host dumped the alcoholic bartender who belittled her in front of everyone every chance he got... they canned the me. I am better off being out of there... but at the time I needed the job to pay the bills and have extras for my kids. They fired me right before Christmas... heartless jerks!)

Glass_eyes's photo
Tue 09/25/07 03:37 AM
Lizardking: Then she'd be afraid of herself if she were a homophobe.

Glass_eyes's photo
Tue 09/25/07 03:42 AM
I'll be ok. there's actually alot of people at my work that date eachother. There's always drama because people who like being immature like to make trouble and have people feel sorry for them. And most of it is over outside relationships that don't involve another person at work. You just have to deal with it with an open mind. I haven't seen anyone get fired over a relationship yet.

Nickinolosers's photo
Tue 09/25/07 04:26 AM
Don't fish off the company pier, baby

herewego's photo
Tue 09/25/07 04:50 AM
it is hard to date someone from work, i broke my own rules and did that and it didn't end so well. but after time we are now friends and can talk without the feelings getting in the way. just remember if it does go somewhere and then it ends, you have to deal with seeing her everyday or her starting to date someone else from work. don't know if either of you are the jealous type, but if either of you are, it will be hard to see the other with another person. think it through and follow your heart.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 09/25/07 05:05 AM
I must have misread this, because I could swear I thought at first this topic was about dating someone you met in a gym...

I see the subject right now... I have no advice here.

lizardking19's photo
Tue 09/25/07 12:28 PM
Lizardking: Then she'd be afraid of herself if she were a homophobe.

sorry i wasn't sure if it was mix n match

Glass_eyes's photo
Tue 09/25/07 02:25 PM
I already know it's going to be hard if something bad happens, and I'm ready to deal with that.

SouthernGentleman73's photo
Tue 09/25/07 03:34 PM
I have learned the hard way, like most people have, not to do this. I too, thought that there would not be any problems if things didn't work out, but boy was I wrong. She turned out to be a total nut case after I broke it off with her. She never displayed any nutty tendencies before this. It got quite difficult until she finally found another job.

Bottom line is:

Don't get your honey where you get you money!!!

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Tue 09/25/07 06:17 PM
Glass_eyes: I say if you're willing to take that risk for a chance at love, do what your heart tells you. Everyone's experience is going to be different. I've heard of alot of horrible break ups in a work place, but I've also heard of a lot of really great relationships starting off that way. Just do what is right for YOU and don't worry about anyone else.

Glass_eyes's photo
Tue 09/25/07 06:26 PM
JaymeStephens84a0lc: Thank you for saying something positive. I was begining to doubt myself, so thank you for your support.

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