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Fearnot87's photo
Sat 06/28/14 11:07 AM
If God is all knowing God why would He make such a mistake and is there any redemption or corrective measures He provided?,Honestly we can't be talking about redemption or corrective measures without first of all getting the full knowledge of the so called mistake and understanding its implications

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 06/28/14 11:37 AM

If God is all knowing God why would He make such a mistake and is there any redemption or corrective measures He provided?,Honestly we can't be talking about redemption or corrective measures without first of all getting the full knowledge of the so called mistake and understanding its implications

now,come to the point,and let us in on the Secret!

sybariticguy's photo
Sat 06/28/14 12:12 PM
Edited by sybariticguy on Sat 06/28/14 12:12 PM

sybariticguy's photo
Sat 06/28/14 12:12 PM
Edited by sybariticguy on Sat 06/28/14 12:12 PM
i thought god was replaced by the tooth fairy... childish notions to explain nothing...

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/28/14 12:15 PM

If God is all knowing God why would He make such a mistake and is there any redemption or corrective measures He provided?,Honestly we can't be talking about redemption or corrective measures without first of all getting the full knowledge of the so called mistake and understanding its implications

but what is the mistake?,,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/28/14 12:15 PM

i thought god was replaced by the tooth fairy... childish notions to explain nothing...

Im unaware of any collection of accounts about the tooth fairy's life that has withstood thousands of years and printings,,,,

I also can PROVE That I took the tooth from under my childs pillow and my parents can admit they took ours

not sure anyone can PROVE God is not real or did not create life, or that anyone can take credit for doing it in Dogs stead

children believe the world should and does revolve around them,, sounds like the belief of many who refuse to believe in a Higher Power called GOD,,,,

TBRich's photo
Sat 06/28/14 04:10 PM

i thought god was replaced by the tooth fairy... childish notions to explain nothing...

Im unaware of any collection of accounts about the tooth fairy's life that has withstood thousands of years and printings,,,,

This, of course, is a completely untrue statement in the scientific sense. Hey, it just struck me- is this why you dislike science? Anyhow, for a brief review of the changes made to the Bible, along with accompanying theology changes see the works of Bart Erhlman (sp?), esp. How Jesus Become G-d; he is the foremost New Testament scholar around today. His rule of thumb- how many words in the Bible equals the minimal amount of changes and edits and additions made to the text. For example: the "Let he among who is without sin, cast the first stone" is not in the earliest versions of John, only added much much later.

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/28/14 04:22 PM

i thought god was replaced by the tooth fairy... childish notions to explain nothing...

Im unaware of any collection of accounts about the tooth fairy's life that has withstood thousands of years and printings,,,,

This, of course, is a completely untrue statement in the scientific sense. Hey, it just struck me- is this why you dislike science? Anyhow, for a brief review of the changes made to the Bible, along with accompanying theology changes see the works of Bart Erhlman (sp?), esp. How Jesus Become G-d; he is the foremost New Testament scholar around today. His rule of thumb- how many words in the Bible equals the minimal amount of changes and edits and additions made to the text. For example: the "Let he among who is without sin, cast the first stone" is not in the earliest versions of John, only added much much later.

I have never said I don't like science, where do you get that idea?

I believe what man calls 'science' and claims as their own intelligence is just more of man trying to explain the very REAL things God has created and the way they work,,,,

TBRich's photo
Sat 06/28/14 04:25 PM

i thought god was replaced by the tooth fairy... childish notions to explain nothing...

Im unaware of any collection of accounts about the tooth fairy's life that has withstood thousands of years and printings,,,,

This, of course, is a completely untrue statement in the scientific sense. Hey, it just struck me- is this why you dislike science? Anyhow, for a brief review of the changes made to the Bible, along with accompanying theology changes see the works of Bart Erhlman (sp?), esp. How Jesus Become G-d; he is the foremost New Testament scholar around today. His rule of thumb- how many words in the Bible equals the minimal amount of changes and edits and additions made to the text. For example: the "Let he among who is without sin, cast the first stone" is not in the earliest versions of John, only added much much later.

I have never said I don't like science, where do you get that idea?

I believe what man calls 'science' and claims as their own intelligence is just more of man trying to explain the very REAL things God has created and the way they work,,,,

I have always believed that the things g-d has created are those things that man cannot explain

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/28/14 04:31 PM
I believe HE gave man capacity to understand many things, and that many other things aren't meant to be understood but taken in faith

TBRich's photo
Sat 06/28/14 04:34 PM

I believe HE gave man capacity to understand many things, and that many other things aren't meant to be understood but taken in faith

You have skillful avoided actually answering mine classical criticism of your premise you anti-science-mite!! LOL! I thinkg I am getting tired and goofy

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/28/14 04:36 PM

I believe HE gave man capacity to understand many things, and that many other things aren't meant to be understood but taken in faith

You have skillful avoided actually answering mine classical criticism of your premise you anti-science-mite!! LOL! I thinkg I am getting tired and goofy

I think you are too...

TBRich's photo
Sat 06/28/14 04:41 PM
And my feet hurt too

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/28/14 04:42 PM

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 06/28/14 06:53 PM
Science doesn't do away with God, despite what atheists claim.

Anyway, back to the OP ...

TBRich's photo
Sat 06/28/14 07:35 PM

Science doesn't do away with God, despite what atheists claim.

Anyway, back to the OP ...

That was not my point, the point was it was stated that the Bible has withstood thousands of years and printings; this statement is untrue as any scientific study of the Bible will demonstrate

dreamerana's photo
Sat 06/28/14 07:38 PM
God doesn't make mistakes

0ldhag's photo
Sat 06/28/14 07:54 PM
Wait..what was the mistake?

TBRich's photo
Sat 06/28/14 08:02 PM
Edited by TBRich on Sat 06/28/14 08:05 PM

Wait..what was the mistake?

Pay no attention to the man who doesn't know how to work this Mac.

Anyhow, basic philosophical question, see below

TBRich's photo
Sat 06/28/14 08:03 PM
Was God's greatest mistake creating Man or was Man's greatest mistake creating God?

Best AnswerAsker's Choice

Sophist answered 4 years ago
Creating God was not necessarily a mistake. The mistake was when man chose to stubbornly defend his creation. Man has a bad habit of not giving credit where credit is due but rather preoccupying himself with his own aggrandizement through taking credit for his creation by asserting his creations perfection. i.e. "by the grace of God."
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Other Answers (14)Rated Highest

? answered 4 years ago
i don't necessarily believe that man's greatest mistake was creating god. some people need something to believe in. there are much dire stuff out there. though there are some god-believers who totally piss me off with their all-knowing ways, if you know what i mean.
40 Comment

? answered 4 years ago
mans greatest mistake was creating god. with god came multiple religions and with multiple religions came multiple enemies
51 Comment

memoi answered 4 years ago
none is a mistake.

if GOD does exist, or if you at least believe in his existence, than he must be a super perfect figure than can never make a mistake. if he's not a perfect figure, what would make him God?
and as for man's creating God, it's only natural that when one believes (or wants to believe) in God one would look for the figure that would fit to be called God. i believe that there's only one God, but everyone (monotheist) has their own definition and understanding about God, which might not be right, but still refers to the same God. afterall God, if he really exists, never sleeps and he lives, he interacts with people in his own way, which might be hard to understand, but again he can never be wrong.
10 Comment

mousan ali answered 9 months ago
Man has created God and its the great mistake. Man believe in God and do not like to follow God rule. God for man and man not for God. God love mankind but unfortunately God is widely abuse by man.So man can not get good from God. It seems that God has created most of the problems. Where is God and religion there are problems. No God no problem.Forget God , be honest be kind love and love humanity.
00 Comment

Subcomandante Insurgente Steve answered 4 years ago
If God exists, then his biggest mistake was creating Men who would do so many horrific things in His name.

If God doesn't exist, then Man's biggest mistake was creating a terrible, self-resembling God in whose name he could do so many horrific things.
00 Comment

glenn123 answered 4 years ago
Why must they be mistakes? If there is a god, his/her greatest creation was giving us the ability to choose how we look at things. That's what distinguishes us as sentient beings. And those who forget that...solidify their role as a lesser creature. And if there isn't a god, then mankind's greatest creation is our imagination...which leads to all creation.

Is that the same thing?
00 Comment

Jaspah answered 4 years ago
The latter - we aren't completely sure who or what God really is to have so many judgments, thoughts, and opinions which we pass as objective truths about it.
00 Comment

Tomodachi answered 4 years ago
Mankind's greatest mistake as making God in man own image, thereby establishing a limited god, doomed to failure as it faced an impossible task of being just and compassionate, bound by human prejudice.

00 Comment

rodwrnr answered 4 years ago
when god created man ! he was not sure what would happen, ! it was a dream , and when the dream came true. he had to deal with , what he had made , no body is perfect , and no body will be ! when man gave god a choice in his life , that's when he made a choice to listen to god and what he wanted in his or her life !
just me !
01 Comment

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SnakeBoss answered 4 years ago
Neither its a false dilemma
01 Comment

Tony D answered 4 years ago
Neither. Man's greatest mistake was, and still is, wanting to be like God.
02 Comment

Jesere answered 4 years ago
03 Comment

e9601: answered 4 years ago
God is incapable of making a mistake.
05 Comment

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