Topic: Ghost stories?
bookworm's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:32 PM
Nope. Never happened again. I think he was saying goodbye one last time.

Sylphie's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:33 PM
I live in a 250 yr old house. I have been told that for years there was what looked like a young boy in the upstairs window looking out. My own son passed away in the house a few years ago and at nite I feel as though someone sits on the end of my bed. This happens often.

bookworm's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:34 PM
Are you comforted by it, Sylphie, or scared?

no photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:35 PM
I have a similar story bookworm......I was babysitting my cousin at my aunts house one night. They had about 6 cats and 2 dogs. I went to sleep on my aunts bed because it was an overnighter....I wasnt on the bed 5 seconds when I felt a cat jump on the bed and curl up near my feet. I looked......nothing there!!! I thought....what??? so I went to my cousins room and she had every animal in her room sleeping with her with the door closed.......

I proceeded to walk down the hallway with the lights on and seen a very low dark shadow of a cat walking down.....but no cat!!!

I told my aunt this the next scared me to death and she at first didnt believe me but then I think she started to because she had a cat die there before.....

bookworm's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:36 PM

iRon's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:38 PM
No ghost stories but I have some witch stories I mean, was marriedlaugh laugh

no photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:39 PM
your dog is creeping me out with his human lips!!!noway laugh laugh laugh laugh

bookworm's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:39 PM
Isn't he a honey? That's my Barkley. He's more human than canine, but I'd never tell him. He's already too spoiled.

marky84's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:40 PM
awww :smile:

sumtimes i see shadows here, sumtimes cat shadows sumtimes not

im afraid of the dark so trying to sleep can make me a wittle scawed


1 of our kittys did die here tho, snuggled with mommy sad

another kitty last here, we took him to the vet. he didnt stop purring till the injection stopped his heart sad

but all animals and especially kittys go to heaven:smile:

but sumtimes i think theres a kitty making a visit here

bookworm's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:42 PM
Read "Dog Heaven" or "Cat Heaven" by Cynthia Rylant. They're kids books, but if you've lost a pet, you will LOVE them.

no photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:56 PM
I've had something like that happen to me too..Bookworm...but it was with my grandmas dad visited me the night before his funeral...and how we know is because the dog was barking and barking at something near me and wouldnt stop until my bro sprinkled holy water all over the house...:smile:

marky84's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:56 PM

i shall

now cmon people theres gotta be more ghost stories!!!

no photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:57 PM
Yes Carebear that means your special..drinker flowerforyou

marky84's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:57 PM
i dont think id get rid of a ghost if my house was haunted

i mean, if it was a demon or sumthin thennnn yeahhh id have a little problem with it and thered have to be a showdown :tongue:

id still be scared #$%#$%less even with a bible and a cross tho

marky84's photo
Fri 09/21/07 12:58 PM
id be scared yeah, but i fear NO evil :smile:

no photo
Fri 09/21/07 01:01 PM
Mark..sometimes the only thing to fear is PEOPLE...they are the ones I'm scared of...rapists..murderers...:smile:

marky84's photo
Fri 09/21/07 01:01 PM
and bookworm thats so sweet, i hope my kittumz would say goodbye and snuggle me 1 last time before they went to heaven :smile:

but ill see them again, i know heaven is real :smile:

my mom is allergic to penicillin, and of course hse got sum twice sumhow

and she was dead both times and she went to heaven

paramedics thought she was bonk bonk cuz she was yelling at them for bringing her back

so i know heaven is real :smile:

marky84's photo
Fri 09/21/07 01:03 PM
yes thats true

theres a riddle thingy it says

3 trails, 1 with bear tracks, 1 with wolf tracks and 1 with peoiple tracks, which are u safest on?

the answer of course is wolf tracks :smile:

id love to see a wolf

or a shark :smile:

sharks are more or less the same as wolves, cept they down howl and growl, unlike sharks in some movies laugh

id much rather swim a mile in shark water than walk through a dark alley

marky84's photo
Fri 09/21/07 01:03 PM
i also wanna see a real ghost

preferably not a demon laugh

of course now ive sent karma swirling so probly will now noway laugh

no photo
Fri 09/21/07 01:04 PM
Nah...i rather not swim with sharks..too many shark attacks happen here in Hawaii..laugh laugh