Topic: Ghost stories? | |
so what do you do??? are you skeeeeeeeeeeeered????
I guess its better than saying BOO
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no nothing to be scared of its just the folks
ive saw a few ghosts.
one thing that happened was very scary, well i was out of there in 2 seconds flat and as white as a ghost!! theres a few stories, but the one that remains in my mind is, being at my cousins flat, and seeing a figure walk across the room (i know who it was). i stood up, to run, from the sofa, and this figure pushed me right back on the sofa, and not gently. i also have pictures taken from in my bedroom of orbs, and other strange images, so ive even got proof!!! i dont look at them very often, to weird. |
Pele is well known as a volcano goddess living in the crater of Kilauea on the island of Hawaii, and for most people that's about it. So here is some background on this famous lady of the isles who is virtually unknown elsewhere in Polynesia.
There are a number of variations in the legends that tell of how Pele first came to the Hawaiian Islands. One of the most common tells that she was one of a family of six daughters and seven sons born to Haumea (a very ancient Earth goddess) and Moemoe (a name having to do with purposeful dreaming). She lived in Kahiki* and longed to travel, so she borrowed a canoe from a brother and came from the northwest with some of her siblings, landing first at Lehua, a small volcanic cone sticking up out of the water just north of Niihau. Another variation says she was chased from her homeland by her angry sister, Namakaokahai, an ocean goddess. Pele's essence is fire and she dug into the island to find a firepit to live in, but was unsuccessful and went on to western Kauai. Traveling along the Na Pali to the north shore she dug again but only found water (at the Wet Caves) and journeyed inland to the very ancient peak now called "Puu ka Pele" (Pele's Hill). Still having no luck she followed the Waimea Canyon to the south side, dug around Poipu for awhile, then went on to Oahu, Molokai, Maui and finally Hawaii where she found a place for her family to live at last in Kilauea. From a research point of view it is quite interesting that her route followed the progression of volcanic activity in geologic time. Now the tale varies again as to when she fell in love with the mortal Lohiau, a chief of Kauai. One version says she was sleeping in her home at Halemaumau crater on the Big Island and another that she was standing on the Rock of Kauai at the western end of Oahu when she heard the sounds of a hula festival. By astral travel she followed the sounds to Haena on Kauai, saw the handsome chief dancing at a festival, and fell in love (or was aroused by lust). Materializing the form of a beautiful young woman (Pele was a good shaman, able to change into many forms), she entered the dance, captured Lohiau's heart (his name means "retarded", if that has any significance) and lived with him for awhile. Finally she had to return home and promised that she would send for him. That story involves her sister Hiiaka and we will save that for another article. At any rate, the house site of Lohiau and the remains of the famous hula temple where Pele danced still exist near Haena at Kee Beach. We can also note that there is an ancient volcano on Kauai's north shore called Kilauea, the same name as Pele's home on Hawaii. That word can be translated as "energetically spreading vapor (like volcanic gas)" and there are some who think that Kauai's Kilauea was Pele's actual home in the exceedingly distant past. However, that does not correspond to Western geological or anthopological ideas, and it would not make the people of Kau on the Big Island very happy. There are many stories equating Pele's wrath, usually stimulated by jealousy or someone's arrogance, to volcanic eruptions or destructive lava flows. In fact, the Hawaiian word "pele" means molten lava. However, no human sacrifices were ever made to Pele, just red berries in ancient times and gin or brandy in later days. For Hawaiians, respect, if not worship, for Pele has lasted longer than that for any of the other old gods. Visibly active power has a strong influence on hearts and minds. There is a modern legend invented by a park ranger on the Big Island which says that Pele will curse people with bad luck if they take rocks home from the islands. The fact is that it is against Federal law to take anything out of a national park and the ranger decided to give the law a little more bite. This made-up myth has caused many hundreds of guilty people to mail many tons of rocks back to the islands every year. *"Kahiki" is commonly thought to be a Hawaiian variation of Tahiti, but the word actually means any place out of sight. That could be over the horizon, in outer space, or in the spirit world. Early Hawaiian authors used it in all of those ways |
Wow!!! We have a show on tv that talks about ghosts and the people who have experienced them. Im soooooooooooo fascinated with it.
I know..sorry guys..kinda long but i had to do the copy/past thing..sorry...
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I have heard that you have been touched by a ghost if you ever feel a cold chill past thru you...but there are times when i wake up( and its always the same time around 3:30am)I wake up soooooooo i feel frozen and it takes me ahwile to get warm again...
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well hg, it was a long timr ago, but i remember reading in a
ripley's "believe it or not" comic, many years ago, a story about some curse that Pele has put on someone...don't recall the specific's though, was a long time ago...but the info you provided was truly interesting..thx for passing it on ![]() |
Burgundy...yes there are a lot of different stories about Pele..thanks for taking the time to read that LOOOOONG version of it..LOL..
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it was pretty cool thanks
and if you need warming at 3:30 ![]() |
HawaiiGurl, I've heard of some really scary things that happened to people who took Pele's rocks. I've heard it's a really OLD legend, not just something someone made up.
wish i lived in hawaiii id love it
id go to Pearl every day too ![]() |
i heard about Peles rocks too
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| are very ture...its a true story that happened a long time agao..but different versions of the stories have surfaced...and yes..that is true about the rocks.....NEVER take rocks from the Hawaiian islands back home....very true..
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gypsy was it about an old haunted house with demons in it and they ran away and sold it?
I cant believe there are 152 views and NOBODY else has any ghost stories to does happen..we wanna hear it!!!!
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does that make me special?
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I lost a very beloved dog 15 years ago. Two nights after he was gone, I woke up, wide-awake from a dead sleep when I heard the jingle of puppy tags coming up the steps to the bedroom. I heard parump, parump, parump, of the little paws running across the hallway and into the bedroom. I thought it was my other pup, coming upstairs to snuggle with me, and when I felt something jump on the bed and walk across the blankets and settle down next to me, I scooped up....
nothing. There was nothing there. |
thats sweet bookworm, he was coming to see u again ![]() does it still happen? |