Topic: politics shmolitics!
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Tue 06/10/14 10:45 AM
This great country can't survive another puppet president!

**** Barack Hussien Obama! **** the Bushes! **** Bill & Hillary!

If you don't realize that Obama has done none of the **** that he promised...... And that he in fact has continued most of Bush's worst implementations.....If you are under the illusion that there is a difference between the two parties that we are given a choice between, other than the fact that one pretends to like homos more than the other....... If you think that Hillary Clinton doesn't piss standing up.... If you are a woman and you think that you can identify with that blue blooded hag with tree trunk calves, and a husband who will **** anything but her...... If you don't realize that Hillary is a Bull Dyke in disguise......barely...... and that the greedy, egotistical, liar, would sell you and your children into slavery for her own profit before she loses an hour of sleep pondering decisions on how to better the lives of regular American people. If you think that a Republican presidential candidate in this day and age isn't going to continue enlarging the size of the government and continue the trend of chipping away at the Constitution.........If you don't see how our system has been manipulated to the point that OUR say in OUR government amounts to nothing more fighting over one of two options for the cover that is displayed on front of the same ****ed up book of ******** fairy tales.

........Well then my fellow American's......
You Are Not Paying Close Enough Attention to What The **** Is Really Going On Here, and You Are Too Ill-Informed to Have a Valid Opinion On The Future of Our Children's Nation.

Unless Tupac returns before 2016..........or another Real Mother ****er rises From the People and Has a Heart For the People.........
Vote Ron Paul or don't vote at all!

Seriously..... The last President who wasn't a punk ***** for the **** banks was Kennedy. And the whole game's been a puppet show since. Well the curtain calls coming quick, and if we don't take back what so many have fought and died for to preserve, well then the way I see it...... We not only let down ourselves and our children.......but we as Americans let down every person in every oppressed nation on the planet who can't even speak out loud their desire to experience even a taste of the freedoms that our lazy ***** are losing a grip of.