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Topic: why there's always room for cheating?
Tryztan's photo
Sat 06/07/14 01:42 AM
I've never cheated.
I have been cheated on though. I was shipped out when I enlisted. I was miles away and while we had contact through phones, internet etc, the not being there took it's toll. She spilled that she was doing someone else and there wasn't much I could do about it.
Only good thing to come of it was I ran into her and her boyfriend almost a year later and the look of fear on his face of me seeing them together was almost worth it.

redzy's photo
Sat 06/07/14 11:14 AM

I've never cheated.
I have been cheated on though. I was shipped out when I enlisted. I was miles away and while we had contact through phones, internet etc, the not being there took it's toll. She spilled that she was doing someone else and there wasn't much I could do about it.
Only good thing to come of it was I ran into her and her boyfriend almost a year later and the look of fear on his face of me seeing them together was almost worth it.

Glad you didn't broke her man's leg...just kidding!!!

But actually, the most painful is seeing your partner on top of another one and the worst of it is, she/he is your bestfriend...bloody nightmare about my pastexplode : pitchfork

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sat 06/07/14 11:34 AM
This isn't the same thing, but bear with me. Children can be the abandoned one's, in a relationship. A parent can sometimes think they have everything all in place, but how do we know their children aren't secretly suffering in silence? Some parents never find out until they go to therapy with said child. And actually, not putting in enough time and effort in a lover, can have a similar effect. A kind of resentment. "If you didn't care that much back then, why are you suddenly caring NOW?". It's all well buying them Playstations and toy cars, but if you hardly show affection, it's only gonna look materialistic. What's a few hours to spare to spend more time with loved ones? Even if it's only once a week?

no photo
Sat 06/07/14 04:08 PM
I had a similar incident happen to me when I was young. never cheated since. Totally senseless and heartless some people.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 06/07/14 04:14 PM

I was 14, he was 15. I wouldn't let him go to third base. One day he and I are sitting on the couch hand in hand talking when another neighborhood girl and her boyfriend walk in and sit in the loveseat side by side showing PDA's.

I notice my boyfriend and the other girl eyeing each other intently. After we all went our separate ways that day another girlfriend came to me and said my boyfriend and the other girl were seeing each other behind my back and going all the way. I didn't believe it.

Until one day I went to my boyfriend's house looking for him and saw the two of them together kissing. I immediately broke up with him after realizing he was really her boyfriend, and the two of them would later marry.

The moral?

Why did he need me in his life to begin with while he led me on when he was already doing the wild thing with someone else? He had nothing to gain by spending time with me, so I assume he was just trying to make her jealous.

Needless to say I not only felt embarrassed and betrayed I felt used. And I swore to myself that I would never let another boy or future man compromise my reputation or my feelings in this way.

Since that first young love experience I have never cheated on any man I've ever been with, even though several have again cheated on me.

To me, if I don't like the person I'm with enough to stay faithful then we don't need to be together in the first place.

So, yes! I learned very early in life that cheating is not an activity I would condone or participate in. Because it can really hurt the other person's feelings you claim to care for, and that's being two-faced as far as I'm concerned.

Maybe you were his plan "B" if things didn't work out with the other girl???

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/07/14 04:20 PM
there have been two occasions when someone else kissed me and I didn't immediately push them away,,,other that that,,,

I have strong conscience against cheating, if its not good enough to be enough on its own, its time to just end it before moving on,,,,

Tryztan's photo
Sat 06/07/14 10:27 PM

I've never cheated.
I have been cheated on though. I was shipped out when I enlisted. I was miles away and while we had contact through phones, internet etc, the not being there took it's toll. She spilled that she was doing someone else and there wasn't much I could do about it.
Only good thing to come of it was I ran into her and her boyfriend almost a year later and the look of fear on his face of me seeing them together was almost worth it.

Glad you didn't broke her man's leg...just kidding!!!

But actually, the most painful is seeing your partner on top of another one and the worst of it is, she/he is your bestfriend...bloody nightmare about my pastexplode : pitchfork

Hurting the guy wouldn't really accomplish anything so I just left it alone. But if they are happy together more power to them.

omorhenry's photo
Thu 06/19/14 03:48 PM
You can erase the memory, stop looking at them, look past them. They are not the best for you that why they cheated. Someone that truly love you will never cheat on you. Delete all their pics, and anything that will make u to remember them. Focus on your future, just be a good person your right partner will come. Be patience, don't just rush into another relationship, study the person before falling in love again.

redzy's photo
Thu 06/19/14 03:50 PM
frustrated slaphead

I've never cheated.
I have been cheated on though. I was shipped out when I enlisted. I was miles away and while we had contact through phones, internet etc, the not being there took it's toll. She spilled that she was doing someone else and there wasn't much I could do about it.
Only good thing to come of it was I ran into her and her boyfriend almost a year later and the look of fear on his face of me seeing them together was almost worth it.

Glad you didn't broke her man's leg...just kidding!!!

But actually, the most painful is seeing your partner on top of another one and the worst of it is, she/he is your bestfriend...bloody nightmare about my pastexplode : pitchfork

Hurting the guy wouldn't really accomplish anything so I just left it alone. But if they are happy together more power to them.

Yeah, that's the very Best thing that we can do.:smile:
But actually, admit it or not it's really hard to move on especially when you still have everything in your memoryfrustrated

no photo
Thu 06/19/14 07:56 PM

Have u ever feel tired to be cheated?

It's never happened to me....but I know it's not cool at all....

omorhenry's photo
Thu 06/19/14 11:52 PM
You can erase the memory, stop looking at them, look past them. They are not the best for you that why they cheated. Someone that truly love you will never cheat on you. Delete all their pics, and anything that will make u to remember them. Focus on your future, just be a good person your right partner will come. Be patience, don't just rush into another relationship, study the person before falling in love again.

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