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Thu 09/20/07 01:33 PM

What does it feel like to be pregnant??

and is childbirth, really painful??

and, any tips, how to get pregnant quicker??

i sooooooooo want a baby, but i do have endometroisis frown

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Thu 09/20/07 01:39 PM
A lot of women really love being pregnant. I didn't I was sooooo hormonal ....almost borderline phsyco w/ both of mine! Although it is super cool to feel that baby moving around inside you....poking their little foot out through your belly!

Child Birth is REALLY painful if you go all natural....not like anything you will ever experience any other time!

As for recommendations, after a man ejaculates in you stick a pillow under your hips and lay with them elivated for a while.

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Thu 09/20/07 01:40 PM
Oh and I forgot to mention.......when they put that beautiful baby in your will feel a love rush through you that you never even knew was possible!

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Thu 09/20/07 01:43 PM
hi feshmountainair

thanks for your reply.

I would love being pregnant, if my partner was really involved.

it must feel amazing to have a baby growing inside you.

because ive got endometriosis, it could take me longer to get pregnant, and it will be harder. really scares me, because i want a baby so much.

id like to deliver naturally wiht just gas and air, but if its that painful, then urm maybe not.

joe1973's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:44 PM
laugh for me it was AWESOME to see my youngest son being born.i blurted out "AWE COOL! WET SAINT BERNARD THROUGH THE KITTY DOOR!"laugh got a dirty look from the 3 nurses AND the doctor.laugh

purplecat's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:44 PM
well you only ovulate once a month , read up on it figure out when that super fertile time is an fukc like bunniez for a few days around that time ...
I really enjoyed pregnancy , ya it hurts to deliver but you'll black some of that out eventually ...theres always some night mare story to go along with the process , but its all natural an ment to be the way it is ...
good luck !!flowerforyou I have had many experiences related on this topic , from eptopic pregnancy , and i ovulated twice that month so the one in the tubes killed the one in the womb ..and surgery soon followed to remove the child that was going to burst my tube and kill me rather quickly ..
um I was allergic to my daughter...noway
my first born was premature
allergic to meds so I can only do natural birth , no meds ...
and the list go es on ...

purplecat's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:46 PM
when my youngest was born the doctor sang happy birthday as I was in the hard push push part , it was helpful and so sweet and funny ...a good coach would be helpful it is VERY helpful to have a cheering section of sorts...flowerforyou

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Thu 09/20/07 01:47 PM is very painful but the natural birthing classes that the hospitals offer are REALLY helpful!

I know women w/ endometriosis who were able to get pregnant and have healthy babies.....if it comes down to that alone there are procedures they can do.

It is amazing...and no matter how prepared you are it is scary too...especially the first time because your body is changing so rapidly and the changes are so extreme!

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:47 PM
you have been through it purplecat, im so sorry

yes, i know when im ovalutaing to have sex as much as possible happy

Puffins1958's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:48 PM

I LOVED being pregnant. From the very first visit to the doctor's office and getting the vitamins that you need. To getting your first sonargram and seeing the baby moving. To the lamaze classes...everything. It was the BEST time in my life. right, childbirth is HARD and the pain CAN be terrible. BUT, once your baby is in your arms...all the pain is gone, and that is when the memories begin.

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Thu 09/20/07 01:48 PM
what procedures??? for freshmountainair

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Thu 09/20/07 01:48 PM
Don't want it sooo much...believe me...then it WILL HAPPEN FOR SURE!!! It hardly happens for the ones who REALLY want jsut try not to think about it too much and then it will happen..and PLEASE make sure your partner will be there to SUPPORT
:heart: you because it is not easy ALONE....good luck to you! flowerforyou I loved being preganant with my kids and EVERYONE has different experiences with good luck too!!flowerforyou flowerforyou :smile:

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:49 PM
laugh laugh @purple:
read up on it figure out when that super fertile time is an fukc like bunniez for a few days around that time ...

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:50 PM
awwww thanks puffins

i just hope i get pregnant:cry: :cry:

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:52 PM
I'll help! laugh

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:53 PM
thanks allen. i need a man firstlaugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:53 PM
laugh what fun it is
um ya !
OH THE KIDS ARE WORTH EVERY SECOND EVERY OUCH EVERY GET YOUR FOOT OUTTA MY BLADDER !! EVERY TEAR !! :heart: nothin in life more rewarding then holding that little life in your hands..:heart:

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Thu 09/20/07 01:53 PM
Well if scar tissue is the issue then they can do in vitro fertilization which is where they harvest your eggs and fertilize them outside of the womb and then place them back sister actually had this procedure done.

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:55 PM
You know .....I will never forget the first time the doc put either one of my girls in my arms for the first time! Child birth is truely a miracle.....and I don't think I will ever feel love in that pure of a form for anyone.

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:55 PM
thanks hawiwigirl happy

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