honu's photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:45 PM
ok i hated being pregnant....then again i was 19 and terrified...

it for me was uncomfortable for the last couple months and i had horrible back labor. and b/c i was young and stupid i decided against. For the love of god and all that you believe in.....take the damn drugss!!!! that's all the advice i have for ya! good luck!!

welshboy's photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:45 PM
surly it shows i fancy here by everything that i post, near enough everything is about her.
i cant explian the feelings i was having and still am when she was saying that to me and i admit i should have just said what i was thinking but this being my first time i was trying to be a gentfrown

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:45 PM
OK just be patient and everything will work out....congratulations to you guys both!!! And have fun!!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:49 PM
Back to babies, if it's alright Debs...laugh

Do you have a regular physician, a GP?

Perhaps go and have a chat to him, and explain that you are considering pregnancy soon, (assumption on my part, soon,as in the next 12 months?)...he may choose to do some blood tests, and check your hormone levels, iron levels, and a few other bits and pieces, to make sure you are in tip top health.

I think you have the same programmes running in the UK as we do here in Aus...your doctor may recommend you start a course of folic acid, and multi-vitamins, specifically designed for women wishing to concieve...folic acid is proven to prevent some congenital diseases..

Anyways, have a chat to your GP, he can then reassure you that you are in tip top health to conceive...(it take anxieties away).

welshboy's photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:50 PM
the most ive ever done is kiss somone and ill admit that, the thought of having the woman i love being there in my arms like that just made me nervous, excited, extreamly happy cos everything ive ever dreamt of doing was with her finally happening. ive known her for just over a year and after everything weve been thru we finally had a date set and it was all too much, all iw ant is her with me here now more than anything else in the world!!

eileena9's photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:51 PM
Hello Debbie

First thing, being pregnant was a fantastic experience for me. I have never felt anything more amazing than a child growing inside me. I had natural childbirth with both of my daughters and my first was painful, baack labor (like someone is standing on your spine during a contraction) and my second I was in the hospital for 45 minutes before she came out (no problems). But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

And second, from the post that Welshboy has made about you in other threads I think he really does care and fancy you. Just give him another try, you seem to want the same things in life. Just take your time and make sure things are right before you get pregnant.


no photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:51 PM
ok, thanks jess for the advice

yes, i would need to folic acid as soon as we started trying

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:53 PM
thanks eilenna

so how would have you took that then?? is it me being over sensitive???

welshboy's photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:59 PM
weve been talking about having kids for a long time and all ive ever dreamt about since ive known my angel is getting settled and having a little baby:smile: i literally sit here and daydream about lying there with my hand on the bump and my other wrapped around my beautifull partner. im looking forward to doing everything from holding her hair when she is ill in the mornings to giving her fett rubs when they are aching.
i just want to be with her so much and i wish she could see that i in no way meant what i said in a hurtfull way.

i cant begin to describe how sorry i am for saying it cos the last thing id ever want to do is hurt her. she's my girlfriend and i love her with all my heart and soul!!:heart: :heart:

eileena9's photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:01 PM
I have to admit that yes, I do think you took it the wrong way... He seems to really love you and since it was more or less his first time, he wasn't sure how to come acrossed with what he meant to say. Remember back to the first time you were with a guy and were you so self-assured that you didn't say something that could have been taken another way? I know I did, but we got past it. Try sitting down and talking this over with him while looking at things from his point of view. Just because he is a guy doesn't mean he will know what to say or do in this situation (making love, not just having sex, he sounds to nice to say that about).

Just my opinion though.flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:06 PM
thanks eileena

ive been really poorly laately, and maybe i was being over sensitive

Jess642's photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:10 PM
Debs, pregnancy is different for everyone, and it can be a time of insecurity, as you adjust to your body's changes, and the knowledge that you have made a lifetime commitment to a new little person....

All sorts of fears and doubts come up, and most you have no choice in, Mother Nature is a clever thing, she floods your body full of crazy hormones, and demands all sorts of strange foods for your growing baby..she drags you out of bed at night three or four times a night to use the bathroom, your sleep is lighter in the last month, your body can get uncomfortable.....very clever Mother Nature...preparing you for night feeds, for waking up to the little one, to accepting your body is not your own for the first few years, and your heart will never be again..

Little people do change your life, forever, it is the most rewarding carrer, and the most fulfilling 'job' saitisfaction you can have...however it is a 24/7 20 plus years committment, with no sickleave, holidays, or just a RDO..(rostered day off).

welshboy's photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:10 PM
babe i am very sorry i said, i really didnt mean to hurt you.flowerforyou flowerforyou smooched

i do love you with all my heart and i would never, ever do anything like that to hurt yousmooched smooched

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:15 PM
hi jess

im 100 percent , i would need a lot of support during pregnancy, i would want him to be really involved.

Jess642's photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:23 PM
I hope you and Jason are chatting on the sidelines here...

This is agonising to watch...laugh

Debs...forgive the poor lad, he will be your everything....and more, and would devote his life to you and your do I know this?

I have been watching you guys for almost a year now...and I know it's getting tougher and maybe scarier, as you head towards living together, and having a family and maybe a marriage...

Have faith, you both know what it is that draws you to each other, and the rest is just nerves.flowerforyou

eileena9's photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:29 PM
Whatever you do decide, I wish you both all the best.... but maybe just give it another try and see how things go.... He does sound like he is crazy about you....


no photo
Thu 09/20/07 03:30 PM
thanks jess flowerforyou flowerforyou

tallandtttanned's photo
Thu 09/20/07 04:29 PM

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 04:32 PM
I want a baby. I would be a great mommy. :smile:

tallandtttanned's photo
Thu 09/20/07 04:36 PM