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Topic: Philosophy
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Sat 05/17/14 03:21 PM

Excellent selection in literature, so enlightening. Sort of reminds me of Ellsworth Toohey in the Fountainhead where his tactics frequently evoke those of Joseph Stalin, the former Russian revolutionary who emerged as Russia’s dictator. Why have greatness when you can provoke the unwashed masses to believe mediocrity is better than the great.

Sort of leads to the unwashed masses electing some tyrannical dictator that promises hope and change. The hope that the masses will receive more of someone else's change. America needs to be diligent that doesn't happen.

actually Uncle Ellsworth would have been the "Intellectual" Enabler of someone like Stalin!
In other words,he is the "Witchdoctor",turning loose the "eternal Savage" (Attila)!
The "Intellectual" opening all the Doors for the Thugs by giving them a "Moral Sanction"!
He would have never been crude enough to get his own hands dirty!



BTW,what's with those strange Characters in your Post?pitchfork

True about Ellsworth but there are some works that are of the opinion that Stalin was the grand model that Ayn had in mind about the character. But of course, she wanted someone totally weak physically to drive home the point of control of the mind.

Of Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead, Fountainhead is my favorite but I love both, have read and reread both many times.

And that strange character is a "smart quote" punctuation mark that I missed and that I didn't go back and proof read.

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Sat 05/17/14 03:30 PM
Edited by alnewman on Sat 05/17/14 03:31 PM

laugh laugh laugh

If by explaining simply you mean to where even the lazy would understand it, then that would be injustice, not a lack of understanding of the subject matter. Your image would then be the banner of those that wish to remain ignorant of the subject matter unless it is in so simply a terms as to deem it's meaning unclear and ambiguous.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:01 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 05/21/14 01:02 AM

Excellent selection in literature, so enlightening. Sort of reminds me of Ellsworth Toohey in the Fountainhead where his tactics frequently evoke those of Joseph Stalin, the former Russian revolutionary who emerged as Russia’s dictator. Why have greatness when you can provoke the unwashed masses to believe mediocrity is better than the great.

Sort of leads to the unwashed masses electing some tyrannical dictator that promises hope and change. The hope that the masses will receive more of someone else's change. America needs to be diligent that doesn't happen.

actually Uncle Ellsworth would have been the "Intellectual" Enabler of someone like Stalin!
In other words,he is the "Witchdoctor",turning loose the "eternal Savage" (Attila)!
The "Intellectual" opening all the Doors for the Thugs by giving them a "Moral Sanction"!
He would have never been crude enough to get his own hands dirty!



BTW,what's with those strange Characters in your Post?pitchfork

True about Ellsworth but there are some works that are of the opinion that Stalin was the grand model that Ayn had in mind about the character. But of course, she wanted someone totally weak physically to drive home the point of control of the mind.

Of Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead, Fountainhead is my favorite but I love both, have read and reread both many times.

And that strange character is a "smart quote" punctuation mark that I missed and that I didn't go back and proof read.

"Rand used her memory of the British democratic socialist Harold Laski to help her imagine what he would do in a given situation. Lewis Mumford was also an initial inspiration. In the biography of Toohey, it is mentioned that in his younger age he aspired to become a clergyman, but abandoned religion after discovering Socialism and considering that it better served his purposes. (There is no explicit mention of what denomination the young Toohey belonged to, but a later reference by his niece Catherine to the time when she used to "go to confession in church" seems to indicate a Roman Catholic background).

In that, Toohey's early career parallels that of Stalin, who had also trained for the priesthood in his young age - though Toohey's methods are much more subtle than those of the Soviet dictator, and he builds up a formidable power structure without resorting to an outright seizure of power or establishing a secret police apparatus. Indeed, even when frankly describing the nightmare world which is his ultimate aim ("A world where the thought of each man will not be his own, but an attempt to guess the thought of his neighbor (...) Men will not work for money, but for prestige, the approval of their fellows - not judgment, but public polls")

from my 2nd link.

BTW,there is a lot more to Rand than the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged!

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:11 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 05/21/14 01:18 AM


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