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Topic: what is something about you that might surprise the rest of
dreamerana's photo
Wed 05/07/14 12:33 AM
Got tear gassed at a concert

pkh's photo
Wed 05/07/14 12:35 AM
Oh wow, must of been scary.

About me guess it would be my height pretty t as ll for a woman 6'

no1phD's photo
Wed 05/07/14 12:44 AM

pkh's photo
Wed 05/07/14 12:54 AM

hmm lol you forgot to tell us something

dreamerana's photo
Wed 05/07/14 01:01 AM

Oh wow, must of been scary.

About me guess it would be my height pretty t as ll for a woman 6'

Yes it was scary. The reason for it even more so. But it turned out ok.
You're almost a foot taller than me. You have model stature.

pkh's photo
Wed 05/07/14 01:26 AM

Oh wow, must of been scary.

About me guess it would be my height pretty t as ll for a woman 6'

Yes it was scary. The reason for it even more so. But it turned out ok.
You're almost a foot taller than me. You have model stature.
four girls in my family, I'm the only one that turned out tall, all legs lol

Argo's photo
Wed 05/07/14 02:15 AM

I can read no.1s mind ... No need for words :-) .. What nobody knew I had this talent .. Grinning

lol...mind-reading, really ?..... i thought everyone already knew that...*snicker...

4evababy's photo
Wed 05/07/14 03:35 AM
I fart a lot lol

no photo
Wed 05/07/14 04:19 AM
I have a tiny strawberry birthmark on my.......................

gibbs1602's photo
Wed 05/07/14 07:54 AM
Got interrogated for a couple of hours while a short term observer during an election in Belarus and the more honest I was the less they believed me ......

BellaV's photo
Wed 05/07/14 02:05 PM

Got interrogated for a couple of hours while a short term observer during an election in Belarus and the more honest I was the less they believed me ......

That's crazy! Would love to hear the story.

no1phD's photo
Wed 05/07/14 02:10 PM
..ok. here it is the dirt on PhD. now you might want to be sitting down for this. even pour yourself a stiff drink it might help..
. the one thing you all don't know about me is.. hang on a minute!! was that my doorbell ringing......

no photo
Wed 05/07/14 03:00 PM
Two of the three horses I had, I rescued.

no photo
Wed 05/07/14 03:02 PM
I am related to Robert The Bruce, of Braveheart fame.

dcastelmissy's photo
Wed 05/07/14 03:24 PM
I am into studying about ancient archaeology

no1phD's photo
Wed 05/07/14 04:23 PM
.. okay I'm back now.. it turns out it was just her..
she's always coming over looking to borrow a cup of sugar..
. oh there you go.
. something you didn't know about me.. she lives next door.
..ok.. maybe not her exactly.. but she does look like my neighbor..laugh .
. one thing about me.. when I was young. I once put a piece of candy in my pocket.. and left the store without paying for it..
. I know I'm such a bad boy.. a rebel without a cause.laugh .

no photo
Wed 05/07/14 04:37 PM
I find the odd guy attractive - oops
I mean brains and humour attract me, kinda

no1phD's photo
Wed 05/07/14 04:50 PM
. this might surprise you.. I'm not all that confident.. when it comes to approaching women.. I know I know.phD.. how can this be..laugh .
. but I am. very naive.. A lady basically has to.
.. pretty much spell it out for me. if she's interested or not.. I take flirtation..
. as if they were just being polite.
. you know nice that's all.
. my friends are always laughing at me.
. and slapping me upside the head..
. saying stupid she likes you..
. and I always say! no she's just being nice..
. they just look at me.. and laugh..laugh

pkh's photo
Wed 05/07/14 05:57 PM

. this might surprise you.. I'm not all that confident.. when it comes to approaching women.. I know I know.phD.. how can this be..laugh .
. but I am. very naive.. A lady basically has to.
.. pretty much spell it out for me. if she's interested or not.. I take flirtation..
. as if they were just being polite.
. you know nice that's all.
. my friends are always laughing at me.
. and slapping me upside the head..
. saying stupid she likes you..
. and I always say! no she's just being nice..
. they just look at me.. and laugh..laugh
awww not this is a shocker. But your honesty is wonderful. Now be confident you got it all going in..make some sweet talk next time your neighbor wants ti borrow sugar

pkh's photo
Wed 05/07/14 06:46 PM

. this might surprise you.. I'm not all that confident.. when it comes to approaching women.. I know I know.phD.. how can this be..laugh .
. but I am. very naive.. A lady basically has to.
.. pretty much spell it out for me. if she's interested or not.. I take flirtation..
. as if they were just being polite.
. you know nice that's all.
. my friends are always laughing at me.
. and slapping me upside the head..
. saying stupid she likes you..
. and I always say! no she's just being nice..
. they just look at me.. and laugh..laugh
awww not this is a shocker. But your honesty is wonderful. Now be confident you got it all going in..make some sweet talk next time your neighbor wants ti borrow sugar
I know it looks like i can't spell with all the mistakes, but I type to fast on my new phone

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