Topic: Evil has many faces....
davinci1952's photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:04 PM
Assistant U.S. attorney charged in child sex sting
He flew from Florida for a 5-year-old girl, court records show

An assistant U.S. attorney from northern Florida appeared today in federal court in Detroit on charges he flew to metro Detroit to have sex with someone he thought was a 5-year-old girl.
John David Roy Atchison, 53, of Gulf Breeze, Fla., was charged with enticement of a minor using the Internet and knowingly traveling interstate to engage in illicit sex.
With eyes cast downward and fiddling with papers, Atchison asked for a court attorney before he obtains one on his own.
His arrest Sunday was part of an undercover sex crime sting on behalf of the Macomb Area Computer Enforcement Team, also known as M.A.C.E.
According to court records, Atchison, who described himself as “very much a family man,” initiated an online chat Aug. 29 with an undercover officer posing as a mother interested in letting men have sex with her children.
During continuous conversations, he expressed a desire to engage in oral, vaginal and anal sex with her fictitious daughter, records show.
At one point, he wrote: “I’m always gentle and loving; not to worry; no damage ever; no rough stuff ever ever.”
He assured the undercover officer that the girl would not need medical attention, saying, “I can be absolutely sure; just gotta go slow and very easy is how; I’ve done it plenty.”
Prosecutors say the transcripts could lead to further investigations.
Days before catching the flight for his Macomb County destination, records show, he told the woman to tell the girl she “found her a sweet boyfriend who will bring her presents.”
Atchison is due back Tuesday in U.S. District Court for a detention hearing. If convicted of the charges, he could face a maximum of 60 years in prison.
His employer did not return multiple calls seeking comment.

more indications of the our society going down the rathole.......where do we lay the blame for these monsters?...lack of religion?....movies?....TV?....breakdown of the american family?...what the hell is goin on?....

no photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:42 PM
Ughhhhhhhhhhh makes me sick that these perverts are alive!!!! Don't waste any jail time on these sick ****s!!!! There is no rehabilitation for these nutcases!!!! Just set them on fire!!!!explode :angry: mad

HillFolk's photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:43 PM
Mark 10:14 Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. 16 And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.

Mt 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mt 18:10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

Mt 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

Mr 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Lu 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

But then you read of the problem of priests with children. Lots of violent movies but not all children become violent. Tv the same. Breakdown of the family - can not always blame there, either. Hell is going on. The question is the answer from my point of view.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:49 PM
That is the sickest thing I have ever heard. I am sure that when he is convicted and sentenced his cellmates will teach him a whole new meaning of the word gentle. The horible part is there are many more just like him still loose out there.

no photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:53 PM
Up to 60 yrs. in prison? Kill the sick bastard...he doesn't deserve the chance to get out ever! JMO....I think the death sentence should prevail on cases that involve molesting small children! It is just sick and wrong on any level!

oldsage's photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:55 PM
Think all sex crimes should end at the end of a rope.
Hang em high & set an example, this will NOT be stood for.

Belushi's photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:57 PM
No ... his life will be one long round of fear when he is inside.

But it has to be for the rest of his natural life.

Alternatively, send him to fight on the front line in Afghanistan ... that will scare the doobies out of him too!!

oldsage's photo
Tue 09/18/07 01:11 PM
Sorry, but anymore the sex criminals are there own gang "inside" & protect eachother. Just HANG EM

no photo
Tue 09/18/07 01:14 PM
This is sick, but the people that auction these little ones off on the net are much sicker.sick sick

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Tue 09/18/07 05:11 PM
This scumbag needs to ROT under the cross bar hotel!!:angry:
My youngin is begging me to allow him a profile on my space. YEAH RIGHT!!! When PIGS FLY!!!!grumble